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Ian Abel

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Everything posted by Ian Abel

  1. Ahh, deliveries and the "don't bother to return..." option. I get my McVities DARK Chocolate Digestives from Amazon - about the only option since the local shop stopped carrying them a couple of years back. Latest delivery was an error and mistakenly MILK Chocolate was sent to me. Given it's "food" apparently there is no "return, wrong item delivered" option available. Only recourse appeared to be a direct "complaint" about the item. They, right away, refunded my money, so I'm up 4 packs of bikkies - that's how they're sold, 4 packs per order. I'm not a great fan of the Milk Chocolate variety, but I'll see if I can't force them down with my tea!!!
  2. Moaning <sigh> Weekend woes; Friday after a very successful and rewarding couple of rides on my spin-bike, taking my total mileage now over the 500 mile mark, I went off to the store to get some orange juice "for the morning" and SOMEHOW managed to pull a calf muscle while in the store! Really, REALLY s0dding painful and barely managed to stagger back to the car and into the house. Late evening spent icing the leg and laying around more annoyed than in any pain - THAT only occurred if I got up. Saturday, painful, but continued icing and some light stretching, as fortune would have it I'd planned to be sitting on my "dead arse" doing the taxes anyway, so no loss. Sunday, leg feeling someone better, thankfully, and managed to stand through the Palm Sunday service the choir sang as. It was also good enough to allow me to go to the baseball game with the Mrs, Trevor and Meagan. Good news was we won 10-4, AND we got free wind-breakers as part of some promotion. Fairly cool in the shade where we were as the temp was only around 12 with a fairly decent breeze blowing. Yesterday, continuing to improve, though still a bit gimpy. Evening get-together with our friends who are now back from Arizona. They may regret not waiting another week as we're supposed to get a cold spell with some rain and SNOW! 3 first thing, overcast and headed for 12 with 85% chance of rain. Carry on.
  3. POETS, let's do that ! Yesterday, little of note - schola rehearsal we're all there at 7 as requested by the choir director - then waited until 7:30 to start as the musicians had TOLD HER they couldn't make it till 7:30 <sigh>. Oh well, another half-hour I'll never get back. Today - "not much" although the Mrs and I are off for lunch somewhere, seems like a good idea. NO other plans today. The weekend is another matter - large to-do list at the rental property, I think our renters decided to hoard the items until they had a huge list, so that's Saturday shot. Sunday the choir sing for Palm Sunday services, then a hasty retreat back home to change, pickup Trevor and Meagan and go to the baseball game. ZERO first thing (after a dusting of snow overnight!!), and bright sun. 5 the expected high later. Weekend looks quite nice with highs around 13 and little chance of precip. Enjoy the start of the weekend.
  4. Good job they switched the baseball game - right now it's +1 with a wind chill of -4 and light blowing snow. Not sure how the players would feel, but I'm buqqered if I'd be daft enough to be out there WATCHING and freezing in that mess In other news, my lunchtime exercise/fitness/riding program had me pass the 500 mile mark riding around 7 miles in Jamaica - woo hoo... plenty of "incentive" following Ashley, above, all the way
  5. BINs... <arrgghhh> forgot last evening that it was BIN-eve. Frantic rushing around first thing to get BINs topped off and out to the curb. THEN, in a complete departure from the NORM, our BIN men have yet to show up, placing them, as of now, about 2 hours at least later than usual <sigh>... Little of note yesterday, and today looks remarkably similar, though I DO now have another schola rehearsal tonight. Weather ZERO and overcast putting BINs out and expected to be a high of 3 with 85% chance of precip - seems the correct decision to move the baseball to tomorrow! Tally ho.
  6. Depends which day you are referring to <emoji laugh> The weather tomorrow was determined to be so shite, that the opening day game has now been moved to Friday at 3:10PM (originally a day off) Frankly, the weather doesn't look a lot better/better on Friday, Thursday supposed +4 high and 60-70% chance of precip, Friday +6 and 40% chance of precip! We're supposed to go to the Sunday game - Trevor and Meagan invited us, so I'm hoping the forecast holds -> +15 and 6% chance of precip
  7. For the most part over "here" that's correct, even though in the stores you can buy items labelled as "jelly", "jam" and "preserves". 90+% of the population refer to pretty much ANY jam-like substances as jelly.
  8. Moaning <embedded "standard" emoji still not recognized it seems) Yesterday, choir rehearsal as a replacement for the usual Thursday do, accommodating musicians that have gigs Thursday and can't make the regular schedule... Was long and rather tiring <yawn> Also, tending the drainage system in the basement as yesterday was raining most all day and the ground here STILL isn't frost free, allowing large puddles of water to accumulate and therefore make a bee-line for my s00ding basement! May make it a half-day today, and get a nap in this afternoon <yawn> Weather here still, STILL, way too preoccupied with precipitation, ZERO first thing 90% chance of rain todady and a high of 6 - overcast and blah outside! Onward...
  9. Morning... Brain fart and didn't think to post on RMWeb yesterday somehow thinking it was still down! Not much to report anyway, busy weekend with who-knows-what including plenty of to-do list items. Today I get to sit in on a Zoom with the Mrs at noon, she's having knee-replacement on the 21st. and there's a Zoom for patients and their "coaches" to attend prior to the surgery. Not sure how I "coach" but I'll find out I'm sure <wink - as the emoticons seem broken!> Weather moving slowly towards spring here, had some snow/slush past few days that's now disappeared. First thing today ZERO and overcast, expecting rain later and a high of 8. Carry on... hopefully Andy can sort the "images" problems soon...
  10. Quick update - did a lurgy test and I was found "fit for purpose" i.e. NEGATIVE 😀 Jemma dropped off Whitney as she heads out on another 4-day trip. As with most airlines at present, they crews are being maxed out as they are all short-staffed, if she wasn't already on a scheduled 4-day trip she could bid for the extra flights they're looking to get crews for. Can't be bad, that they pay 200% for those flights!!!!! She already picked up one Wednesday MSP-LAS-MSP <KaChing> Given I'm negative for the plague we can plan a few things to do (or be handed a TO-DO!) this weekend - Tally ho.
  11. Moaning 😒 Yesterday, late, one of the schola reported she'd tested positive for the lurgy! Pity that I was sitting just 2 feet away from her in the bar after we sang Wednesday evening!! Will wait until later today to "test", as that's what's recommended by various folks in the know, given I'd not seen her for more than a week until Wednesday. We had a full choir rehearsal last evening, ran really, REALLY long, so was/am tired anyway <yawn> This AM feeling congested and a little dizzy, so I'm betting I may well test the "wrong way" later. JUST what I need with the weekend fast approaching - it'll probably be an "avoid everyone and everything" sort of weekend with the current circumstances. We're supposed to go out tomorrow with Trevor and Meagan, but that may well not happen, especially as she has a very new (6 weeks) niece she visits regularly. "Other than THAT Mrs Lincoln, how was the play..." Will check back later and over the weekend. At least RMWeb is up and rolling Weather here improving, -4 first thing and sunny, expecting a high of 8, then PLUS ONE overnight (miracles!!) and 10 for the high the next 4 days - is that SPRING I see on the horizon! Have a good start to the weekend.
  12. Afternoon all, great big thanks to @AY Modand team for the hard work involved... Chilly here in Minnesota still, supposed to warm up tomorrow - yeah RIGHT!!! Another BIN day in the books, and a return to RM Web makes everything looks rosy 🤩👍
  13. Quick check-in, just received a package in time for my afternoon cuppa LUVVLY JUBBY
  14. POETS...let's take a crack at that Yesterday, sorted the in-line pump connected to our basement drainage system so it runs on auto with the help of a few Alexa routines. Having done that it now seems all the water is probably done presenting itself in our basement - as of this morning the pump is running every hour for 5 minutes but no water seen since 7AM! The back yard is also quite dry with just a few patches of snow cover remaining. Full choir rehearsal last evening was "interesting". A LOT of folks showed up, encouraging, BUT they all wanted to chat with each other having been absent on parade for two years <sigh> rather a challenge to actually rehearse! The choir director managed to get some order after a while and we're back to a full compliment again. Later today Whitney will appear again, as Jemma and Brendan are off again on 4-day trips. Spring break and generally half the US-centric planet seemingly wanting to travel again is placing a large strain on available flight crews... Alos, my specs are ready to be picked up - so will manage that later, not that they're a desperate change, but will be an improvement, and have sun glasses also - the last pair were quite out-of-date as I don't bother with them that much, but seeing double with the old pair isn't "optimal" A few items to-do over the weekend but fairly quiet. 0 first thing and sunny, a high of 8 expected. The weekend expecting highs of 13 and 15 with little chance (2%) of precipitation, should help the back yard/drainage recover... Hope the weekend starts well for everyone.
  15. BIN day, and buggrit!! I may have to refrain from posting pictures on ERs - yesterday afternoon, the back yard water pool decided to turn my basement into a paddling pool Fortunately, Brendan had just showed up to pick up Whitney, so he held us with some furniture movement and using a shopvac to get some of the water sucked up. Sent Julie off to get a pump so I could get a positive flow from the basement floor mitigation system to the sump pump. <sigh> That also meant singing at the Celtic service went out the wind, or down the drain, whichever seems mor appropriate... Today, had the first thing "wellness" appointment at the Dr. All seems good, just awaiting the blood work report. I DID have issue with their scales - at home here I'm showing I've lost 5lbs in the past couple of weeks, their stupid machine insisted I was 1lgb HEAVIER than I was at home 4 weeks ago - I complained for what that'll be worth Hoping I'm able to get to the choir rehearsal tonight, unless the afternoon brings more melting that finds its way to my basement! <grrr> +1 first thing, if it was below zero overnight it may have slowed the melting, no such luck. Expected to be +8 today and partly sunny. Tally ho <yawn> <sigh>
  16. HUMP day. Yesterday little to report <yawn> Today we sing at a Celtic Service at 7PM, nothing much else - how could there be, that pretty much finishes off the evening Spring suddenly in full swing here - barring any set-backs, which are quite common this time of year - so, for now +3 first thing mostly sunny and a high of 12 expected. Snow cover rapidly diminishing though leaving huge puddles in most places since the ground isn't thawed out yet. The "mirror" look under the pine trees at the fence line is a small lake now created by the snow from the embankment melting and having nowhere to go!! We also currently have a new "water feature" in front of our tree, courtesy of thawing snow and frozen ground Carry on.
  17. Chewsday. Yesterday, quiet and dull save the two following items that hopefully will serve to amuse some, if not all; 1) Jemma, out on a 5 day trip, was informed EARLY, around 8AM as she was preparing for her flight New York - Puerto Rico - New York, that they'd decided to switch out her aircraft for a 767 due to a much larger than expected demand. She basically gets paid her REGULAR FLIGHT PAY and had the day to herself in Manhattan, enjoying the Metropolitan Museum and a few other niceties can't be bad... 2) Having received a voicemail message STATING my March 28th. Dr appointment (semi-annual - are you dead yet check/approve renewal of prescriptions thingie) had to be rescheduled for some <incomprehensible blah blah noise> reason. I dutifully logged on to the appropriate web site, and attempted a reschedule it. Earliest stated option was JUNE 24th!! What the HELL!!! OK, let's CALL the office... After a 25 minute hold/passing to three different hold/musak connections I finally got through. Me: Re-scheduling needed and JUNE 24th seems ludicrous... Person: Yes it does, let me check... don't know why you got the voicemail in the first place... Me: That's not exactly re-assuring... Person: I know, how's this Thursday at 9:30AM? Me: Sure, I thought the Dr wasn't available, that's why the re-schedule requirement? Person: No she's here, see you Thursday. <click> WHAT THE !@$!@$!@$ - and we pay STUPID MONEY for this level of incompetence Oh well, another day... The snow let up after a brief attempt to scare us yesterday and then it turned nice and sunny. Today, -5 first thing, blinding sun, and a high of 9 expected (already +2 at 10AM) with the overnight staying above zero (at 2C) for the first time in months... Carry on
  18. Happy Monday?!?! Weekend completed; Saturday afternoon, retrieved the newly purchased storm/screen door and toilet from two separate "big-box" stores. The Mrs. hadn't noticed, when she was looking for what she wanted, that she'd done that! No real problem as they're about 1/2 mile apart - surprised HER though when she started looking for her acknowledgements/pickup-receipts Trevor and Meagan provided the heavy-lifting as the kids have decided I"m generally too old to do stuff without help - rubbish I say. In their enthusiasm, they carried the toilet directly into the bathroom to same me the bother of moving it from the porch when I install it - then off they went Problem was, I wasn't about to install it until next week - oh well, there's enough room to get around it and use all the facilities, and it gives the Mrs an opportunity to visualize (box is almost the same high and width as a smaller/newer vanity would be) what her NEXT planned bathroom modification may look like. Zoomed with friends in the evening and THEN... drum-roll, adjusted all the clock appropriately so they'd be correct in the morning. Set an alarm - something I almost NEVER DO, relying on my body clock which is very good/accurate - so I was up in time to avoid the wrath of our choir director if I was late in AM. THAT resulted in me barely sleeping as I was concerned the alarm wouldn't go off Sunday - awoke (if you could call it that, see above) on time and was one of the earliest on the risers for the morning services. All went splendidly. Weather Sunday was delightfully above zero and sunny. I ended up napping for about 2-hours, according to the Mrs, in the afternoon to recover from the sleepless night. Today - much improved, EXCEPT THE WEATHER! We had an important REMINDER that this is MinneSNOWTA, so, ZERO and snowing first thing. High of 4 later, then expected to be a high of 10 tomorrow and TWELVE on Wednesday... Onward...
  19. Meant to add something regarding gas/petrol prices. I've LONG opined here that folks should quit the complaining given gas is so cheap relatively here. If they actually paid a SENSIBLE price for gas, there'd be fewer stupidly low mileage s00ding great pickup trucks and SUVs being driven around without them being used for anywhere NEAR their intended purpose... That, of course, presumes the intended purpose of said SUVs ISN'T for soccer moms to ferry their poor weaklings to school then clog EVERY coffee shop drive-thru as they ride ALONE on the way back so they can pick up there double-shot-flavoured-halfcaf-mocha-whatever-latte-stupid-drink!
  20. Great to hear from @Natalie and @Kelly with what sounds like, at last, a move in the right direction, hope you continue with a speedy recovery. Happy Anniversary to @New Haven Neil and the Mrs, look forward to many more - though how the Mrs puts up with you... Afternoon Saturday. Yesterday a trek around looking for the "toilet" the Mrs wants as well as having her along for the choosing of my new specs! The guy helping us was a great help and also a laugh, I said I MIGHT be in the mood for something daring, and he laughed and promptly brought out a limited edition frame, VERY Elton John - I've not got anywhere NEAR the ba!!s to wear anything like that Suitable, but "edgy" frames were chosen, all I have to do is wait for them to get their lenses... given the insurance I ahve for vision, a company called VSP, ALL lenses are made at their facility in Texas, so instead of a simple day maybe tow to wait (which is the case for the sunglass lenses, not covered by insurance <ahem>) it's a likely 2 weeks as they have to ship the frames to Texas for the VSP blighters to do the lenses - another EXCELLENT example of why anything medically related costs so blqqdy much here This morning, as with all weekend mornings now, a ride on the "bike". I've had it 26 days now, and just passed the 200 mile mark - yay for me Later we're off to get the toilet and storm door, once Trevor comes over and we have a suitable vehicle to do the collections. Nothing much planned this evening, although the clocks go forward (thought they were inanimate, oh well ) and I'll need to get a decent sleep as I'm up o'crack sparrow to head off to sing at two services, needing to be there to warm up at 8AM Carry on all...
  21. POETS, will be taking it so we can visit a relative in a care facility. It's a bit of a drive so the Mrs prefers if I'm with her. Yesterday VERY LONG rehearsal as we're singing at the two services Sunday and a Celtic Prayer Service next Wednesday evening. Also, we're now allowed to rehearse without our masks <phew>, and starting nexct week the entire choir are allowed back. It'll be interesting to see how many return. This is to prep for Palm Sunday and Easter when we're expecting to have the entire choir singing again, unless anything goes t!ts up, of course! Weekend will be "busy". The Mrs ordered a new storm/screen door for the porch/patio, with delivery expected around April 10th. GUESS WHAT, it was delivered to the store YESTERDAY, so we have to pick it up Saturday also we're getting a much needed new toilet for the main floor bathroom, so the Mrs decided we can get it ALL in one go!! That entails borrowing a large SUV from neighbors and enlisting the help of Trevor and any other folks as I'm declared "too old to be doing that stuff on my own"... Singing of course Sunday, that means I'll have no time to myself before about 1PM at the earliest - no rest for the <insert derogatory term here> Just went and got gas (petrol!). With the steadily rising prices here, ALL the gas stations around town have now, apparently, gone to a PAY INSIDE BEFORE SERVICE, even if you want to pay with a bloody card What a huge pain in the backside THAT IS!. So, 10 US Gallons cost me $40.00. Cheap compared to 90% of the rest of the world but everyone here going ballistic about the high prices. I usually remind the whiners that it's not as bad as having your s0dding HOMES BOMBED and country INVADED! Damn, first world problems... Damned cold here today too, -16 first thing, still -14 at the gas pump just now, and hopes for a -5 high look less promising than earlier Carry on, enjoy the start of your weekend.
  22. BIN day. Done. Yesterday very busy and limited time to even review ERs Mrs. appointment with knee surgeon went well, ideal candidate, ready to "go", waiting now for the schedul for pre-op physical and we'll see when the surgery can be scheduled. Otherwise a busy day and not much chance to take a breath, so here we are today attempting a report. Working - quelle surprise - other than that, schola rehearsal tonight, that's all folks Weather here trending cold again, -14 first thing though again bright sun, -4 the high for the next two days. With "LUCK" we're supposed to see a high of 9 by next Tuesday - yay! Tally ho.
  23. Chewsday... Not much to report from yesterday. Oh well. Today, very early Jemma had her annual flight physical (something all pilots dread, for obvious reasons), passed, so another headache gone -6 and another bright day with clear skies and reflections off the snow pack. Headed for a +2 day, hopefully some of the snow will start to disappear. Carry on.
  24. Morning all...just barely! Busy weekend, given Friday evening was the second of the birthday celebrations - the Mrs invited some good friends over as well as Trevor and Meagan, unbeknownst to me, so was even better than originally planned <hic> Saturday, a ton of errands, including a necessary trip for bird seed, they're going through it at quite a pace now as Spring is getting closer. The evening saw us at Trevor and Meagans to celebrate her mums birthday, busy, busy, busy. Sunday we pretty much stayed in as we got 5 inches more snow overnight, started a new puzzle and also worked through the last episode of our murder mystery as a pre-cursor to the evening Zoom with our Arizona snowbirds. All made the same conclusions as to who the murderer was, and found we were CORRECT when submitting our evidence/final decision. Another success, maybe we should start a detective agency Today, work, but quiet so far... also, first thing an eye appointment. Minor change to the prescription from a year ago, but cataract in left eye becoming more noticeable. Dr basically said it's time to get it done when you come in complaining that we can't get your vision the way you want it. She was actually surprised it wasn't bothering me any. So, expecting next time, or sooner, it'll be time for me to get that done <sigh> Jemma back from her trip and just came over to get Whitney and chat with the Mrs for a while. Other than the 5 inches of snow Saturday night, remains chilly but sunny. -10 first thing and bright sun reflecting off the fresh snow, -1 the expected high. Onward...
  25. Afternoon... late POETS day report. Great evening with Jemma, Brendan and Whitney for my first birthday celebration, plenty of interesting details from their UK trip. Too much wine consumed, by me Today, Jemma dropped Whitney off first thing as she's off on a 4-day trip. Later we have Trevor, Meagan and the other two grand-dogs coming over for celebration part 2. Work calm with chance of storms Nothing special planned for the weekend which will result in a to-do list emerging from the early morning Saturday, I'm sure! -7 first thing, mostly cloudy, with a high of 3 expected. Tomorrow forecast for 89% chance of rain/sleet/snow, depending on the temperature. Hope the weekend starts well for everyone.
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