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Mister Spoons

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Posts posted by Mister Spoons

  1. 715qp2.jpg


    Have made some progress with the trolley;


    lower deck floor cut, along with front and rear bulkheads; I'm quite pleased with the rear panel too.


    If you look closely at the offside side I've added the drivers door lock and drivers step.


    As I have a couple of days off this week I'm hoping to have something three dimensional to show for it!





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  2. 7FYdSPE.jpg


    As I currently don't have space for a layout I'm building more compact items; the alternatives would be modelling in a smaller scale which with my eyesight would not be too satisfying, or sacrificing originality for display space, and the Idea of building a 1SUB or a 1HAL has lilited appeal; I did consider building a G23 stock car, as used on the old South Acton shuttle, but although it ran only about 2 miles from where I lived as a kid I have no recollections of it - I do however remember the London trolleys on routes 657 and 667, and chose to model the K class (as used on the 657) as the treatment around the front windows was simpler; if this model is a success perhaps my next model will be the L3 a la 667.....


    The sides have been cut from 30 thou plastikard using modified drawings I bought maybe 20 years ago and recently came across, the nearside platform area has not been cut out yet to protect a very fragile piece between the real wheelarch and platform....


    I'll post more images as work progresses





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