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Posts posted by townend91

  1. Well.....


    It's August and...



    I've not touch it since the open day in May.. but I seem to have had the misfortune of not updating since, mainly because of work and other behind the scenes "stuff" but enough of that before I start blabbing on..


    During May and June I think I got some work done on the new section with painting the track work and the eventual point work before ballasting commences.. when I get free time that is however I did decide that with a brief session after Derby show I restarted Electrification work, but with simple methods this time... Hopefully

    Back to the future


  2. Hi there,

    This is looking most interesting!

    You have a nice collection of stock and a good looking track plan.

    Keep up the good work.



    Thanks for that )


    I've since started wiring up the track, With any luck I may be up and operational for the Open day in May (Seem's though Halifax Club has decided to host a 2nd date instead of the on in October)

    But while i've been away i've been investigating hope best to Operate Signals (Semaphores) Either by rodding as I do with the points (Switchers) of Power by flicking a switch or DCC...



  3. Had alittle bit of work on Monday night, some help realigning the plan with some tweaks, an up to date diagram will be made in time..


    While I was Exhibiting Acton Parkway at Model Rail Scotland I decided to spend money replenishing my tool kit and new paint, I thought I'd better get some paint among other things...


    Started painting the replacement sections, ready for reballasting.


    Jiggling about with the plan while still keeping the double slip.



    Loading dock in position with a possible relocation of the Engine shed


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  4. Well since the last post I've finished all the point work underneath the first board, I've finally received the second baseboard which makes the whole layout a total length, including the fiddle yard to 16ft in length.


    Obviously it's in need of a paint job but it's getting there, track plan has changed abit due to the extension and due to the amount of stock available for it, Operating should be a giggle


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  5. Well its been a couple months since I last updated this, mainly because i've been working and focused the progress updated to mainly facebook (or farceache to the few...)..

    The open day was a success plenty of people came to visit and some progress was made with the layout.

    I've managed to get the first ever service to run from the fiddle yard to the station...



    Soon after the open day I decided that Digitizing the point controls would be a farce to play with, plus with time not being avalible to work on the layout even club night to swear at the controller....

    i've gone back in time alittle bit.... Manual Operation.

    This was temporary, using Piano wire so that the next time i appeard at the club, I wouldn't forget why I bought Brass Rodding :)



    About couople weeks later I started work.. In one night I'd mange to complete 5/7 (so far Not including the extension) of the switches.

    I did this by placing and soldering a 1.5mm piece of rod from the switch to a 30mm rod of 2mm which itself is slotted in Either 2.5/3mm Brass tube, which two pieces are seperated with one embedded in the Layout Framework and the other as seen in the Image below in the white block.


    5 of the 7 on the Phase one board are complete and fully working.



    Now i'm just awaitng the Phase two board, but with Christmas coming spending has stopped.....Sort of xD


    If I forget to update this thread again before Christmas, then...




    ...p.s while its nearly xmas... lets go back to Hammerhaven (The early days)




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  6. ........After plugging in my new control system since wiring up the new Extension (Z21 Lite) I encounted a problem - Nothing would move (Tested before new board) maybe a case of track needed cleaning... who knows...


    During Testing:

    1. Sytem is fine.

    2. No issue's with wiring, everythings connected.

    3. No Short's - Tested with a piece of metal across the rail's

    4. Loco works on another system.


    ....Before I Jump to conclusions, I will test another Loco when I'm next down, I hope to be up and sorta running for the Halifax Open Day on Sunday 22nd October.


    Which remind's me:


    Halifax Model Railway Club

    Open Day

    Sunday 22nd October

    10pm - 4pm

    Deal Street - Across from the Railway Station.


    In other news....


    With the exspansion of the layout, I've made the decision to scrap the Lever Controls for the points to a more digital Control either by Z21 itself or a seperate Controller.... who know's... :)


    No pictures this time, I forgot when i was figuing out the Root of the Electric Problem...



  7. Well as we are now in September, myself another year older at 26..


    Busy with work, did get abit of progress done in preparation for fitting the points and fitting track feeds which will start next week.

    Playing around with the loading bays and track positioning.



    The overall plan (so far)


    Only a draft.. I'm really looking forward to having it up and running for the open day in October (22nd).

    • Like 3
  8. It's August...


    It's been busy at work, do not much to update as I've not been down the club much, However in the odd nights I was able to get down, I decided to... Well...


    Extend the layout!!!


    Instead of being 5'6" being an odd length, I decided to go for 10' scenic.


    But it did come as a cost..


    In the process of removing the buffer stops, I accidentally ripped up some of the track..ooops

    And with no spare Code 75 track available at the time, I did have some Code 100 with Translation sections (code75/100).


    So far it looks like this...


    Till the next time..



    • Like 1
  9. Hi all, another update.


    Hammerhaven is really coming on now, slot more progress with the vegitation and complete finish of ballasting.


    Couple of DR Interlopers


    Both Interlopers being inspected by the BAOR.


    First passenger service hauled by an 03.


    03 awaiting next duty.


    Overview as of April 2017.



    Note: Hammerhaven will be up and running at the Halifax Open day in October, but will not be at Halifax Show as mentioned previously, this is due to other commitments. I will however be investigating another layout idea in due course, while planning the future of Hammerhaven.


    Until next time..

    • Like 5
  10. Well a Quick update;


    After attending the Annual Group Meeting at Halifax, I got a brief look at what currently needs doing to HammerHaven Which i've taken note of.


    I did manage to do abit of ballasting before leaving and hopefully complete that by the coming Wednesday..


  11. Well its February...


    Got very little done on the Monday past... because the layout has been moved about... in the clubrooms


    However Cobblestones have been placed about ready to be painted and "cemented" in place, Ballasting still hasnt recommenced as of yet.

    As seen here.



    More Tuffs have been added to give the sense of less care.... and off course Leopards.



    Leopards have been joined by BAOR Saladins for the upcoming NATO Excercises.



    Remember this Bridge?


    Well i've managed to find another to give it a more "out the way urban" feel to it.


    I'll be next down to the clubroom on the 13th so maybe abit more progress?



  12. Hello followers.


    Since I last updated many things have happened to HammerHaven;


    1. The layout has moved from my home and has now been Relocated to the Clubrooms (Halifax Model Railway Club) where there is abit more space to "Play about".

    2.The Question of Electrification?, Well i've had a long hard thought and decided to cut down the wires, But retain the pylons (because they're glued in) to give spectators the imagination that its about to change...

    3.Rolling stock, I had planned to have few Steam and more Diesels, However this has not been the case, Quite the opposite really...


    Overall View of HammerHaven During the Open day at the club, When it was moved.



    The view of the Mill and Yard, Cobbles still being placed, awaiting painting/weathering - Bridge moved back to original position, to make way for another.



    Two Work Horses Posing under the bridge, BR 50 and 57.



    PANIC PURCHASE!!! (Liliput BR18) Posing at home.



    Kof 333 Resting on shed. Military Awating their Consignment.



    Note: Hammerhaven has been Provisionally Listed to Attend Halifax's 45th Annual Exihibition in 2017 - (edit, Well not offically in pokes from Command)


    best get work done then :)



    • Like 1
  13. I decided to Start a new Thread due to not being able to change the topic name of the Original Topic, But the Original Thread can be seen here : http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/101652-west-german-un-named-layout-formerly-project-calderfoot/


    Right, I decided to name the layout HammerHaven as the layout is based in North-West Germany close to the border with Holland and the North Sea, so it fits in for now.


    The layout has Changed since I last updated, I've had a few more Pylons added and taken delivery of a factory..


    Having a Shunt around While a 140 Idles in the platform. - Ballasting is Half way done, Only because I ran out :P


    BR57 simmering in the bay platform. - Grass has been planted to give colour.


    57 and 94 awaiting next duties.


    94 shunting vans, while 140 sits in loop.



    Ordered more Overhead assets - plus guide.



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