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  • Location
    Mid Wales
  • Interests
    I am semi retired so still do some engineering consultancy work, which takes me away from home. I also run a 6 acre smallholding. In what spare time I have I am interested in the following;
    Railway modelling obviously. Industrial history. Cycling, reading, do all my own DIY type tasks and do much tele watching in the evenings!

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  1. John, Many thanks for the advice. But it does prompt a further question that's been on my mind since I started following this topic. As an engineer, I appreciate that a static system requires some sort of 'electrical potential field' to be set up. I also understand how one can generate static from friction, with jumpers etc, indeed any movement or activity of the body has the potential to create a static build up, but how does this occur with just a puffer bottle?? Is it just friction through the nozzle? I cannot imagine this to be very effective?? Shep
  2. Having recently returned to the hobby after a very long break, I discovered and joined this most valuable site. Unfortunately, like most activities on the web I tend to find there is so much information that it can be a case of the 'woods for trees syndrome' - sorry no pun intended. So I apologise in advance for any laziness on my part in not mining the wealth of information already posted. I realise modelling has moved on in the last 20 or so years, especially in the area of landscape construction and the materials and techniques now available. This topic on static ground cover I find particularly fascinating and the various examples on the site are indeed impressive. So much so it has kick started me into actually doing something rather than reading about it. Thank you all. To that end and noting Alan Downes post, and here's the laziness kicking in, with all the options that seem to be available, can anyone out there advise on the most sensible option in terms of the actual static applicator and materials available on the market now, or is it you pays your money and takes your choice? Only problem I suspect with sites like this, is that one can spend all ones time surfing not actually doing. But as they say in the forces, "time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted". Sorry for the rambling post, all have a great Xmas and keep up the great work. Shep
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