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  1. This is my first post on the forum which I follow and find to be very informative and helpful. as such I thought I'd offer my view on the new Bachmann class 40. I usually have Digitrains install zimo decoders and their sounds into my dcc locos. I purchased class 40 " mauratania" from them as I want to convert it to d299 as that was the only loco my father never saw in his train spotting days!! My review of it is that it runs ok with the sound tending to cut out for a split second occasionally, mostly over points, although the loco doesn't stop running. Master sound is very high and has been changed to a much lower number via CV63. Out of the box it runs ridiculously fast and so CV53 has been changed to 85. It now runs at a better speed but the notching up and down is delayed at higher speeds. Finally I am getting no random sounds (compressor and fan) at all, has anyone else noticed this? I am running a NCE power pro 5amp system with 4 procabs and think a trip to Lincoln for a "reblow" of the decoder may be required. David
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