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Everything posted by CoombeTown

  1. 5, Thanks for running these Brian, please do continue. I think they will be a great opportunity for discussion and hopefully highlight some market gaps.
  2. Thanks John, as Brian pointed out I'd actually got my bodies and underframe confused for a moment. But if both are wrong it obviously furthers the cause for an all GWR van range!
  3. Thanks for yet another thought-provoking poll Brian. My votes would be 1, 6, 7, 11 & 12. Although a Crocodile would be an interesting variety I couldn't commit to a definite purchase. On the otherhand a Hydra or Loriot with a load for the local farm or maintenance works, definitely a possibility. It would be nice to have a Damo to add some variety to the normal van train, but for a Mogo would be a good opportunity for a new underframe.
  4. Goods shed is nearly there, feels like a long slog at this point but the end is in sight. Roof is now on and tiled, just needs the trusses on the roof to be white-washed. The brass framework for the crane has been assembled, now to assemble the crane onto the tube.
  5. Well that's bad news for the wallet... Has anyone seen any images of the BR Lined Green model? They didn't appear with the other livery samples.
  6. Once again, thanks for putting these together Brian. I would vote for: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 AA21 is definitely the missing link in brake vans, although Bachmann do a vacuum braked livery AA23 I don't believe it matches the standard of the Hornby AA15. 4 would give some needed Western flavour to those currently on the market, again an open goal. 7,8,9 these got everywhere, and are a big feature of mixed goods. I would love Rapido to follow on with them after, what are currently looking like superb SECR opens.
  7. For those considering alternatives to LokSound/LokPilot. The YouChoos install guide for the 0-gauge version does some explaining towards the type of decoder required to access all the lighting functions. https://www.youchoos.co.uk/Index-Resource.php?L1=Guides&Item=OHeljanRailcar
  8. Thanks for the praise @slow8dirty, welcome to the thread. This evening has seen the first two aluminium strips mounted in the fiddle yard to allow me to run trains properly again. Which led to this nice shot of 1470 appearing past the Goods Shed. I feel like this may become one of my favourite angles when the scenics progress further...
  9. Goods shed progress, stonework painted, roof constructed and painted. I still need to whitewash the trusses so that will happen tomorrow evening, tiling later in the week if I get a chance...
  10. Speak of the devil and he shall appear... the railcar arrived today and I am most impressed, lovely paintwork, smooth on the rolling road. The detailing is just superb. A couple of posed shots on the layout below, she'll now be out of service until I can afford the sound decoder... Pictures of Copenhagen Fields to follow over the weekend as well
  11. Mine arrived from Kernow today. On first impressions it's a stunning model, good weight, impressive detail and a good livery application. Currently running in on DC on a rolling road it seems pretty smooth, top headlight seems a bit dim but arguably that is more prototypical! Pictures posed on the layout and with lights on the rolling road below.
  12. After a lot of research, wow these polls are starting to make me dig now! I will vote for 6 & 8, Focus of 8. However, I would only purchase 6 should it be available in an ENPARTS livery to make it applicable to my late-50s period. That being said, the livery would definitely provide a nice opportunity for some variation from the classic freight grey and brown.
  13. Funny you should mention railcars Robert, although an AC is very tempting to my locoholic self, I do have one of the new AEC railcars from Heljan en route as I type! Payment was taking and shipping notified this afternoon, with a following wind should arrive before the week is out
  14. It was wonderful to meet yourself and the team at Copenhagen Fields @justin1985. It was great to get up close to the layout in a different environment, I'll add some pictures here when I get a chance to retrieve them off the camera. Your suspicions are correct with the buidlings, each is designed to a reasonable degree in CAD, in the case of the Goods Shed, different bodies were used to design the laser-cut ply core and then the plasticard and 3D printed layers around that. I find it easier to get the 3D sizing correct in this way first, and then use 2D drawings to create the mockups in the pictures. I can put together some images of the CAD if people are interested in seeing the interaction of the bodies?
  15. I can confirm that my example had been dispatched from Camborne today. Hopefully it will arrive in the next day or two and then I will be able to provide pictures.
  16. 2 weeks of heavy engineering works on Coombe Town has seen the traverser fiddle yard partially replaced by cassettes. The aluminum strips are still to be drilled and attached, along with another, but it's good enough to run whilst waiting for some improved weather. Revised handles and end stops have also arrived from the printers to complete 3 cassettes. Another 2 are running without for the time being. Whilst I had the board out I also took the opportunity to re-wire the signal switches, the original connections to the control panel was causing significant twitching, so these are now mounted in the facia. The picture above shows 1668 with the right of way for the first departure to the new fiddle yard and beyond.
  17. My choices are 3,8,9,10. The Fruit C for variety in the world of short vans. 8,9 & 10 as would be ideal for a short milk train with plenty of variety. Although I think 10 is more likely from Oxford than one of the others. I would agree with Trevor, a Mica would be nice but isn't a must.
  18. I would go for at least the L22, but additionally if available, would go for an L21, L23, L25 & L26. The L22 because of that Bristol-Plymouth formation, who wouldn't. L21 & L23 starting to imitate the West of England TPO with some accuracy, the L23 as mentioned could come from the L22 so makes commercial sense. The L21 to provide some variety of coach length. The L25 I think would provide some nice variety from the nets and I like the overall look of them. As mentioned, they got around a bit in later life as well. L26 I think would be an opportunistic add on to the K40 I voted for previously, these vehicles also migrated in later life so have use to more than just us Western modellers.
  19. Kernow have posted that it's expected in July on their Facebook page so it does look that way.
  20. Two pronged progress. The Goods Shed exterior is now being painted and I've started constructing the roof. So far just the framework which will be painted separately to the planks under the tiles. Prototype cassette handle also arrived, although I got the height a little wrong. This has been revised significantly for the final set.
  21. I've used Rizzla paper attached with some slaters solvent before. The solvent makes it very easy to push into the corner and get a good finish. Should probably add, I'm a double Reed player not a smoker!
  22. My choices would be 2,3,4,5,7,10 & 12. Focused PBV: 2,4 & 7 I only voted for one monster, so focused choice would be 10. Reasoning: 2 lasted a long time and is something a bit different to the others so would add some more variety. 3 & 4 seem to be very common so would be useful for a WR parcels train and appear in my research a fair amount. 7 for its conversion opportunities. 10 for similar reasoning to 2. 12 as mentioned in my response to the previous poll, is a key feature of WR parcels workings so is a must have.
  23. The walls are now structurally finished! Countless cuts my fingers and a few run ins with super glue has led to the finished final wall below. Now it's time to move onto some filler and some external colour. I'm really happy with how this is coming together. I think it's not too bad for a first large scale scratchbuild!
  24. The photos I have of Washford show the track side as being rather dirty around the doorways but the loading area rather cleaner. I've tried to replicate this with the weathering before I complete the outside and glue it all together. Pretty happy with this but may add some more "smoke" to the back to give it a bit more of a grubby feel.
  25. I have to say Chris, I prefer this one, leaves room for the siding to be used other traffic as well.
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