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Everything posted by Module00

  1. Thank you for your positive comments.
  2. Realy a very attractive layout !
  3. Here are some photos of my new class 40 locomotive (40141). The model was weathered by Lee's Loco. Good evening.
  4. Here I am back from holidays! As they are not completely ended, I still have a few days to dedicate myself to my favorite hobby. I start again slowly with the putting into service of my last acquisition received just before my departure. It is about my first class 20 ( 20124 ) weathered and sonorised. Having made the running without load in each direction, I do not have more than to install headcode discs on faces fronts. As the locomotive will dedicate itself essentially to the trains of freight and mineral, I opted for the configuration " Freight, mineral and ballast". Here is the result, as I make numerous operations, I cannot detailed more crossbars. I need both couplings for shunting.
  5. It's always a pleasure to open this type of parcel !
  6. The new layout begins very well ! Good job !
  7. The road layout and the yard are joined or it's possible to separate the two part ?
  8. interesting project ! Why do not add a accessible track, since a point situated on the track most behind ? I would add interesting element to exploitation. Alain
  9. Realy excellent work !
  10. Hello, Several weeks ago I did not have to add of photos. Here are my last works of patina on my class locomotives 37034 and 40141. You can find other photos on my blog. http://voie-de-debord.blogspot.fr/ Good Sunday to all.
  11. Small technical break for the class 40169... Bye for now !
  12. Hello, Some pictures of the class 40169 on siding. Good evening.
  13. Good evening, Thank you for the explanations on the OBA wagon. Here are some photos of my new locomotive and my OBA wagon. I have just ended the weathered work; Good evening.
  14. Good evening, Can you tell me which types of load can transport this type of OBA wagon as this one?
  15. Thank you very much ! I try to understand why the you tube link is this of my website and not you tube...
  16. I tried all the functions... I badly have to make an action. I do not understand. for exemple one of my video : http://youtu.be/DDYuKzZ3DQo?list=UUjOWnywp_okyd8_ogDS7VTQ Ok i go to try one more. I would have wanted to present videos of my 00 gauge layout on my thread but otherwise, it doesn't matter.
  17. I tried I do not arrive there... The link appears but under written form.
  18. I dont understand very well... There is an explanation to post videos at the beginning of the forum?
  19. Very beautiful video ! It is in my favorites section now. I left a comment on YouTube. How make you to integrate or join a video into your message ?
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