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Status Updates posted by srihaggis

  1. The thought of 4 days off was very inspiring at first, but it's causing me to use my debit card on model trains more than ever :rolleyes:

  2. There are too many models being released, the wallet can't handle it!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kylestrome


      Less is more. Easier said than done.

    3. Horsetan


      Saving is clearly a thing of the past.

    4. tractionman


      Spend it. Enjoy it. Interest rates for saving are rubbish.

  3. Rogue traders. Who'd have em? Purpose built railway room now has structual issues. £17k to repair. Bye bye railway lol

    1. manna


      Nasty blighters.

    2. KalKat


      Bastids! No chance of claiming against them?

    3. srihaggis


      Trying to sort something via trading standards, but seems theres not a lot I can do. Currently taking legal advice which is adding to costs. I have cancelled all preorders except those which i've paid fully, but I think a long spell of no purchasing is now on the cards, whilst I think about what to do with the collection. I may look at setting something up in the loft at some point.

  4. Can anyone remember the kit maker who supplies in 4mm, most varients of MK2 coach?

    1. muddys-blues


      Southern Pride modelshttp://www.southernpridemodels.co.uk/

    2. srihaggis


      Thank you, thats great!

  5. Wish someone would make a detailed MK2 coach!

  6. Just cataloging my collection for insurance purposes & totting up amout spent... yikes!

    1. srihaggis


      Joys of being single brings advantages!

  7. Right thats it, no rmweb for me until Sunday evening... normally do Warley Saturday for the announcements but still want to be a big kid at xmas so to speak, so no internet for tomorrow then off to the show Sunday :)

  8. Just experimenting in point motors. Never had one before would you believe!

  9. Discovered the posibilities of a hot-wire cutter... instant embankments :)

    1. sharris


      I love the smell of burning polystyrene in the morning.

  10. Just bought 600 metres of cable for the layout.... will it be enough?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Brit70053


      6' x 4' oval, might just about stretch to it.

    3. DonB


      If it's DCC, it only needs two wires, but no-one has decreed how long those need to be. You need expert advice... could be arranged at £140/ hour .. in line with latest loco pricing inflation.

    4. srihaggis


      i'm building a 7x17feet layout; so probably need 1000 more metres haha

  11. That feeling when you are all set for the weekend then get told you are working tomorrow.... Bahhhh!

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