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Status Replies posted by srihaggis

  1. Redundancy beckons. :sorry:

    1. srihaggis


      Sorry to hear it, I arrived into work yesterday to receive the same news :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Rogue traders. Who'd have em? Purpose built railway room now has structual issues. £17k to repair. Bye bye railway lol

    1. srihaggis


      Trying to sort something via trading standards, but seems theres not a lot I can do. Currently taking legal advice which is adding to costs. I have cancelled all preorders except those which i've paid fully, but I think a long spell of no purchasing is now on the cards, whilst I think about what to do with the collection. I may look at setting something up in the loft at some point.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Can anyone remember the kit maker who supplies in 4mm, most varients of MK2 coach?

  4. why is everyone getting all the thunder and lighting and up north we only get a few rumbles,

    1. srihaggis


      Nothing here in South Derbys. Can't say i'm complaining though!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just cataloging my collection for insurance purposes & totting up amout spent... yikes!

    1. srihaggis


      Joys of being single brings advantages!

  6. Just bought 600 metres of cable for the layout.... will it be enough?

    1. srihaggis


      i'm building a 7x17feet layout; so probably need 1000 more metres haha

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just bought 600 metres of cable for the layout.... will it be enough?

  8. Just bought 600 metres of cable for the layout.... will it be enough?

    1. srihaggis


      Damn knew I should have ordered the reels in 500metres rather than 100 metres ;)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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