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LNWR lives on

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Status Replies posted by LNWR lives on

  1. Bad luck Iceland, but well done for getting so far. Now we just need to see how much further Wales can get...

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      I think there is a fair chance of beating Pourtugal, France or Germany will be a step too far, but they are already a nations heroes


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Some of my friends have sent me pivate message asking if I'm ok due to a lack of modeling updates. At the moment my wife is very ill, I wont dwell on what it could be as were not sure and are just keeping our fingers crossed that its not the worst case scenario. She is due an operation next Tueday which we hope might be the start to clearing it up but as you can all imagine all my time has been focused on looking after her at the moment. Thanks again for all the good wishes. Steve

  3. Just found a Youtube channel that is complete F1 Grand Prix from the 1980s and 1990s - no work will be done for the rest of the day!

  4. Waiting for the buyer's remorse - just bought several Hornby locomotives from Liverpool.

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Are you sure they still have wheels? I'll get me coat :)


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. oooh, my trip to the seaside is with 37116 today, llandudno here i come

  6. Liverpool, how are you 3-0 up against City and yet you couldn't beat them on Sunday at Wembley?

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Much swifter pace of game and a narrower pitch


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Happy with the cheap Lego substitute I've just obtained from Lidl.

  8. Happy with the cheap Lego substitute I've just obtained from Lidl.

  9. This is Boris, Boris likes trying to cadge beer, Boris is nuts, Be less like Boris

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      The world needs a few more Boris's in it, not less


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. A short rant: I really get tired of almost every day hearing my stepmother complain about (pardon my language but) my "Train Crap" I am really tired of this and she supports the fact that my sister like 50+ dollar model horses just fine! RAHHH! Ok I am done now.

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      If you are prepared for a little sufferance yourself: Instead of playing with your 'train crap' in an evening go and sit next to her and twiddle your thumbs. if she asks why are you sat next to her tell her you have stopped playing with your train stuff and as you now have no hobby though you would spend your time with her.......


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. After Barney had a Barney...what next? Storm Christine? ;)

  12. Okay if you could have any thunderbirds which would it be,

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Original series TB2. The film was a disgrace, new animated not so bad.....

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Google just changed how their mobile site works. It now doesnt...

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Twas a disaster on my work pc yesterday, thank you google

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Buys Ratio kits online. Next day Ehattons has some for cheaper. Well, now I have two on the way.

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Sounds good :) Dependant on the age might come with plastic wheels which id advise binning and get some metal ones and metal bearings in there, runs so much better that way

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Buys Ratio kits online. Next day Ehattons has some for cheaper. Well, now I have two on the way.

  16. BBC Weather hasnt a clue. woke up to overcast and it been crap all day...

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      BBC is never right for N Wales, totally deoends on how it comes over the Conwy Valley


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Just worked out its going to cost me over

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      That would be a pile of LNWR locos from GEM mainly with a Keyser Coal Tank and a Special DX chucked in for good measure

  18. Visit from the local Firearms Officer today. "Ok Mr Boris, why isn't this weapon in your gun cabinet? Well officer, its in the shed because it won't fit in the gun cabinet. Right, let me see it, it should be secured in your cabinet at all times to stop someone stealing it. But if you read the paperwork its a 9lb cannon and the barrel weights the best part of a quarter ton" Cue red faced silence from Mr Plod......

  19. I haven't managed to injure myself yet this week. Thats an achievement as of recently.

  20. After a SWMBO obeyed making me vacuum the lawn to remove all traces of Celotex foam, I decided to buy a dust sheet to put down, only for a gust of wind to lift it and spread said foam all over the decorative gravel, SWMBO is away for a week, ... hoping for a gale to blow it all away !

    1. LNWR lives on

      LNWR lives on

      Just get her to shout at the foam and not you?


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Went to wales this weekend, the welsh midges are savage!

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