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Posts posted by blanman27

  1. I am in the process of wiring all my loco's to have independently switchable & directional lighting (cab lights, tail lights) and have a strange problem with my Bachmann class 66's. When I connect the tail lights to a separate F0 (Aux3, Aux 4 etc) it works, but switches the front white lights off! I use Zimo sound decoders, in this case MX644D, but I have not had this with other loco's I've converted so far (class 37's, class 47's, class 57's). I have tried different decoders including non sound (6 function TCS) and it's just the same result. This leads me to think the issue is with the PCB. Anyone got any ideas what might be causing this? Suggestions greatly appreciated. Cheers, Paul

  2. Hi all


    I have been looking in vain for books, websites etc that cater for advanced DCC topics. I recently modified all my Bachmann class 37's so the rear lights and cab lights are independently controlled, following an excellent article in BRM mag (I think) which gave a step by step guide. I have since been trying to find out how do do this in other loco's but the information just does not seem to be out there.  It would help if detailed wiring diagrams were available for each loco's PCB but they don't seem to be.


    If anyone can point me to where to find DCC info above the basic level I would greatly appreciate it..


    Paul B

  3. Hi


    I have just purchased an MXULFA and am having the same problem. I have successfully loaded a sound file so communication with the decoder obviously works, yet I get a 'Decoder not found' with the decoder update. Given that this post was from 2017 and I am having the same problem, I would have though somebody out there would have an answer by now?


    Any help appreciated. I will post an answer if I find one..



  4. I have the plastic height gauge and the special pliers for bending the trip pin. Essential tools for Kadee. 


    The glue method as suggested by Phil above is as he says 'crude but effective' for solving the NEM height problem. 


    Cheers for all your replies to this thread, some valuable info gleaned from it.



  5. Hi all


    I have been trying to fit all my stock with Kadee couplings as I  think they look better and they also are great for uncoupling with the magnet system they use. The problem is the differences in height with RTR stock, even with items from the same manufacturer. For instance A Bachmann class 47 and Bachmann MK1 coaches. The NEM pocket on the coach is set higher than the locomotive which results in the coaches becoming uncoupled frequently. It would be good if Kadee supplied a step up/down coupling like tension lock couplings do. Its about time the industry sorted this out and standardised the height of the NEM pocket. 


    If anyone has any suggestions how to fix this problem I would greatly appreciate them.




    Cheers, Paul

  6. Hi Everyone,


    I got my sound decoder for the 68 at Glasgow thanks to Charlie/Bif and went for the bass reflex speaker to fit. Following a couple of tips from Charlie I have unscrewed the PCB so it can be slid along. I opted to snip a couple of notches where the screws went at the left hand end so it would fit along and secured with a couple of blobs of white tac. This allows the decoder to sit flat once plugged in. I added a bit of electrical tape underneath as normal just for extra protection. The small middle switch is slid across for DCC operation and the bass speaker soldered to the tabs on the PCB. Just thought to share in case it's of use to others. The loco is smooth, quiet and powerful and sounds great with Bifs sounds.


    (not quite as great as Steves installation mentioned above which is outstanding in 4mm)






    Hi all


    Just thought I'd post what I feel is an improvement to this setup in both terms of the fitting and the sound. I have the exact same configuration of decoder and speaker as this but while I am happy with the sound files by Bif I was not happy with the speaker sound, I think it's rather harsh compared to other loco's I have fitted with Zimo speakers. So I decided to take the Zimo speaker from my Bachmann class 55 and try it in the class 68. The result is not only a much improved sound (deeper and more rounded)  but it fits without having to relocate the PCB!


    I am now super impressed by Bif's sound as I can hear much more detail than before. As a retired musician (ok I mean drummer  :derisive:) I am all too aware of how important speakers are when it comes to getting the best sound. I have another class 68 on pre-order which I had ordered pre-loaded with sound. I am now going to change my order and fit the sound myself along this this speaker.




    Hope this is useful to you all.




    • Like 2
  7. Hi Izzy


    Thing is the functions are all pre-programmed by Paul Chetter at Digitrains and the chip comes with a full list of functions, cv's etc. The PCB in the locomotive simply provides an interface between the decoder and the locomotive motor, lights and speaker. The fact that the decoder also misbehaves in two other loco's does seem to point to the decoder but the original decoder is misbehaving also now which just further confuses me. I have other loco's with the same decoder that behave perfectly, including another class 37 so I just don't know what's happening at this point in time.





    Ok I have determined the chip is ok. I tried it in a fourth loco, my Bachmann Deltic and everything worked as it should. As the Digitrains engineer suggested it seems to be the wiring in the class 37's and the class 57 which is the problem.


    I hope this post will be of help to anyone in the future who has similar problems,


    Cheers for your comments guys  :good:

  8. I am just wondering if there is a conflict here between what the function keys control? I am sure someone more familiar with this will comment but it might be that with the 36-557 functions that were used to control the lights with the MX644D are used for sound effects. Certainly with my Heljan W&M railbus which has a 36-557 F0 controls the lights as normal with F1 the interior ones. With the first sound chip I am playing with - a Hornby TTS one - apart from on/off via F0 any other lighting needs hooking up via aux function 3 (F25) as function No's F1-24 are used for the sound.



    Hi Izzy


    Thing is the functions are all pre-programmed by Paul Chetter at Digitrains and the chip comes with a full list of functions, cv's etc. The PCB in the locomotive simply provides an interface between the decoder and the locomotive motor, lights and speaker. The fact that the decoder also misbehaves in two other loco's does seem to point to the decoder but the original decoder is misbehaving also now which just further confuses me. I have other loco's with the same decoder that behave perfectly, including another class 37 so I just don't know what's happening at this point in time.





  9. Hi. Yes I have tried reset using both 8 and 0. 


    A further problem happened when my system tripped out completely with this loco just sitting on the track. I got some warning buzzes then everything went off causing me to panic a bit as I thought my system had blown up! As it turned out everything was fine after powering off and leaving it a couple of minutes thankfully. Also, since i fitted this decoder, the cab lights now do not work at all with my original decoder in where as everything was fine before.


    Next step will be resetting the original decoder to try and resolve this. I'll post the results soon...



    Ok so now I have no cab lights with any decoder where all was working fine before I fitted the Zimo!? Time to call Bachmann and Digitrains Tuesday I guess?

  10. So the chip will not work properly in 3 different locos, all of which are ok with other chips?

    I am puzzled by the fact that you see different faults in different locos, but it does sound like the chip is not functioning correctly.

    Have you tried a factory reset? This will not remove the sound project.

    Hi. Yes I have tried reset using both 8 and 0. 


    A further problem happened when my system tripped out completely with this loco just sitting on the track. I got some warning buzzes then everything went off causing me to panic a bit as I thought my system had blown up! As it turned out everything was fine after powering off and leaving it a couple of minutes thankfully. Also, since i fitted this decoder, the cab lights now do not work at all with my original decoder in where as everything was fine before.


    Next step will be resetting the original decoder to try and resolve this. I'll post the results soon...



  11. I have just purchased a Zimo MX644D sound decoder from Digitrains and have a problem with the lighting. The locomotive is a Bachmann class 37/7 37706.


    When set to the forward position I get headlights and tail lights as normal but cab lights blink on every second or so rather than coming on properly. When I put it into reverse I get headlights AND tail lights on both ends of the locomotive and the cab lights come on. I can't switch the cab lights on using F8, as is normal, in either direction.


    I have spoken to the engineer at Digitrains who said this is an issue with the locomotive wiring and I need to contact Bachmann for a solution. However with my original decoder fitted (Bachmann 36-557) all the lighting functions correctly. 


    So I tried fitting the decoder to another class 37 and the head and tail lights work correctly but the cab lights only come on when the engine is started, again no F8. Same results when fitted to a class 57.


    I do not dispute what the engineer at Digitrains has told me but I am wondering if anyone has come across this problem before and knows how to resolve it? As it is bank holiday weekend I can't speak to Bachmann until Tuesday so any help meantime would be greatly appreciated.





  12. Thanks Richard that's the one.


    Can I just ask what glue you used? Some say just regular superglue and some recommend Rocket glue (of which there are various types). I will try a little experiment with superglue anyway but am interested to know...


    Cheers again



    I should look at who is replying... sorry beejack...  :mosking:

  13. I think this is what you are looking for

    Update 01/11/2014  the bit you're after starts around 14:30



    Thanks Richard that's the one.


    Can I just ask what glue you used? Some say just regular superglue and some recommend Rocket glue (of which there are various types). I will try a little experiment with superglue anyway but am interested to know...


    Cheers again



  14. Hi Richard


    Just a quick couple of questions. I notice you use Seep point motors with the built in polarity switch. I have read a lot of negative stuff on different forums etc about them with some saying Tortoise etc are the way to go.


    So my questions are:


    How have you found them regarding reliability?

    Have you ever used the likes of Tortoise/Cobalt etc? If so, how do they compare?


    Cheers Richard and keep up the good work



  15. Thanks Paul


    For keeping up with whats stored where the current system to try and remember or get down and have a look (low tech but it works).  The way I've staggered the tracks does allow for quite easy viewing from across the layout, but there are a few spots that are difficult to monitor.  At some point I'm going to put a light under there with a webcam linked up to a monitor.


    When I finish running the trains I park the everything back in the fiddle yard and try to leave a clear track for each line.  Then when I come back the chance of a crash is reduced, but I usually do a quick check before I get things going.


    The current wiring setup involves two pairs of bus wires.  One is for DCC power only and runs the full length of the layout powering all the tracks.  The other pair is 12v DC used for lighting and point motors.


    Hope that helps.

    Hi Richard


    As I suspected then since you have never mentioned power districts or circuit breakers in your videos. That is pretty much the same as what I have done so far so if it works for you that's good enough for me. One more question: How do you protect against shorts or do you simply have 100% faith in your wiring?


    Thanks again



  16. Hi Richard


    Like most folk here I have been following your channel for a couple of years or more but I just recently discovered this thread, which is excellent as well! After a few previous layout attempts and much scouring YT etc for inspiration I finally settled on your double helix idea for the basis of my layout. The main reason is because it allows me access without having to crawl underneath ( which was starting to get to me big time!) as I am not getting any younger... :no: and it also allows me to use the full length of my garage while leaving space for a workbench. Also, your idea for the fiddle yard means that the upper level can change as many times as necessary with the FY remaining in place. So, on to my question(s).....


    I wondered how you keep track (no pun intended) of what is stored where underneath? I am discovering that you can use block detection for instance, which I am currently looking at, or CCTV camera's maybe. Also, is your layout all linked to the same bus or do you have power districts and do you employ any kind of circuit protection in case of shorts?


    I am just awaiting delivery of my DCC system (Digitrax Super Chief 5A) so want to make sure I get the lower level wired correctly first time to avoid having to go in again at a later date. 


    Keep up the excellent work and keep them video's flowing (please  :) ).





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