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richard w

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Everything posted by richard w

  1. That would be my Man Kat1 8x8 Its an rc kit I built about 6 months ago made by cross-rc. So far I've scratch built an interior and canvas roof for the bed. Other than that its the standard kit. Quite a challenge to build the bodyshell and bed, but good fun to. I airbrushed the paint job with tamiya paints.
  2. Thanks guys, more to come on the suburb scene at the weekend. I've spent a few days repainting some of the new oxford diecast ford fiestas. I enjoy painting cars, makes a nice change from working on the layout or rolling stock.
  3. I've been busy off the layout working on the new suburb scene for the back corner. Plenty still left to do on it. I've also made some street lights.
  4. Very nice R35 Terry. I was lucky enough to drive one on a track this year, fantastic car. TMD is coming along well, that hard standing will look excellent when painted up. Cheers
  5. I've managed to get the canal scene pretty much complete. Some extra detail will be added in future, but it will do for now. Very happy with how this has turned out.
  6. Off the top of my head its about 7 inches. You need to allow enough room to sort derailments and do maintenance. I wouldn't go any lower than that.
  7. Hi Jonathan I have used woodland scenics trees on my layout. They are the ones you twist to shape and then add fine leaf foliage to.
  8. Looking down its very clear. From the side not so much. At the moment I can see perhaps an inch through it. That may improve as it continues to dry.
  9. Ah yes those signals. Or should I say that video I keep putting off!!.. I do have a circuit diagram somewhere. I'll have a look for it later. I also intend to start the how to video properly this weekend.
  10. Nice work Terry. Love the signal gantry, fancy a go myself now. Is it all scratch built or has some sort of kit been adapted? All the other projects look great too. Good to see you getting really involved with the layout again
  11. Work is slowly progressing on the canal scene. I've removed the temporary piece of wood from the edge and added a final thin layer of water to finish things off. Its still drying at present.
  12. Good start Terry. I know the bridge well so will interested to see how it comes out. That girder section is getting quite rusty now. I'm sure you'll have some fun weathering that bit up
  13. Happy Birthday Terry. I remember you mentioned getting one of these in a previous video. Glad you managed to get your hands on one. Like others have said I would fit the motor before you finish it. Good luck with the project. From the pictures so far its looking very impressive. Cheers
  14. The actual road is just a painted surface. I use various layers of woodland scenics paints to get the right shade. The pavements are scratch built using polyfilla and matchsticks.
  15. I've also done some more work on the town scene. This area is far from finished, but its getting there. Thats all for now. I'll post some more when I've finished the canal scene.
  16. Here are the latest pics of the layout. I've been busy on a number of areas. Loads of extra scenery has been added to the countryside section of the mainline.
  17. Nice work Terry. One of my 33s has the older wheel type and usually needs a couple of laps before it will run ok. I'll look into getting some new wheels for it. Also the scenery is looking great. I look forward to seeing more. Cheers
  18. Hi Dave I'm pouring very thick layers compared to everything else i've seen. A lot of tutorials I saw showed just one very thin layer being used and no more. Apart from the time taken it drying very nicely. However I've still got multiple layers to go so fingers crossed!
  19. Thanks Guys It really is taking a while to dry. I've got to the point where i'm pouring new layers as soon as i'm sure the previous one is dry. I did a little bit of scenery at the same time but have stopped as any delay in pouring the water just adds days to the whole process! I've been very busy on other areas but haven't had a chance to get any pictures. With any luck i'll get some on here tonight.
  20. Got back from holiday yesterday. I haven't had a chance to check the water yet, but it should be dry by now. Fingers crossed!
  21. I've added the first layer of realistic water. I've also included some junk including an old bike and the shopping trolley.
  22. Made a shopping trolley tonight. Bit rough, but as its going to the bottom of the canal I think it will do fine. Its very small and my fingers are very burnt!!!
  23. Excellent work Terry and excellent ballasting. The hill looks great too. Good to see varied colour tones on there, it makes all the difference. Keep it up
  24. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I've been busy again tonight and have added a towpath. I'm having some really good fun building this area up. Its been a while since I last got really involved with building a scene.
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