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Everything posted by 30073818

  1. I have recently bought my first etched engine kit. It was at a smaller exhibition that was on for one day only. The kit is a Watford Tank from London Road Models and John Redrup was very helpful in giving advice and gave me a booklet entitled 'A simple guide to building etched kits'. The booklet has been a really useful read and I am looking forward to starting the kit once I have got the extra bits I need (gears, motor and wheels mainly). I am plannning to build more engine kits in the future as I am modelling Boxmoor and Hemel Hempstead station in the 1930s and many of the engines that would have passed through are simply not available RTR. My daughter (5) was particularly interested in what I have bought and I expect that when I build the Watford Tank she will be watching and learning. Hopefully she will be amongst the next generation of modellers. I don't tend to go the big shows because living on the south coast it is quite a challenge to get to them. The biggest recently was in Southampton where I try to get to when possible. In fact, Tony Wright gave my son a BR coal truck a few years ago at that show and it now runs around behind various locos from the world of Thomas and friends.
  2. 30073818

    Time to start

    I was having dinner with the in-laws last night and the subject moved onto my railway modelling. I have quite a large collection of LMS engines ranging from Streamlined Princess Coronations to Jintys. I have just bought a Thomas the Tank Engine and ordered Edward for my 8month old son (it is for him honestly!!) The question came round to the inevitable: "You have been planning your latest layout for ages...you need to build it before he gets too big." As I want him to enjoy modelling railways I will have to make a start before computers and mobile devices try to take over. First challenge clear the garage and then build the 9ft by 2ft engine shed. The plan is that it will be on the LMS in the late 1930s, but could double up as an engine shed for Thomas and his friends. It is my 7th layout so hopefully I know what I am doing! Anyway back to the in-law conversation: "We know you are busy with academic qualifications thorugh work but you should be able to find time for this shouldn't you?" Challenge accepted, clearing starts today. Wonder if I can order the Super D as well?
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