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DRS Crewe On A Mission

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Everything posted by DRS Crewe On A Mission

  1. Thank you very much for the reply and for the info. I really appreciate it. It's good to hear that neither of the locos didn't derail due to the wobbling but the fact that the loco is wobbling without having refitted any axle boxes isn't good because this may become a bit annoying. Thank you. Kind Regards, Danny.
  2. Funny you mention Castleford because that's where I live. There has been some considerable developments with the new Nova TPE stock this week. Freightliner 47830 has brought the third and last MK5 set from secure storage at Longtown to Crewe, so technically now all twelve MK5 sets may be able to be seen on the network. The last set was TP03. Also 68031 'Felix' has made it's debut on the MK5 sets in active service. Last week one of the new Class 397s (009) to be precise has been moved to Carlisle Yard, and is set to be the first of three moved their for temporary storage due to not enough crews been trained on them to have all twelve in service at the moment. This is something that may take a while to change because from what I have heard several more crews need training on them in order for them to be put into active traffic. I understand as a temporary measure some 350s which should now be in traffic with LNWR (London North Western Railways) have been retained with TPE. Although they are been removed from traffic temporarily with TPE in order to have them revinyled in their new livery for their new operator. It's also thought that the 350s temporarily kept with TPE will shortly move to LNWR because they can't keep them any longer, so additional 185s (if their are any currently spare) will be needed to bolster the services for the Edinburgh route, what with only four 397s been active on these services too. I just hope that TPE manage to train more crews up quickly on the 397s, which in turn will allow 350s to go their new operator and increase capacity compared to the use of 185s. Hope this info is of use. Kind Regards, Danny.
  3. Thank you for the reply and for the info. I really appreciate it. I'm just asking because I planned to buy a few of the Freightliner 66s, but if I did that I would be paying over several hundreds of pounds and for that money I wouldn't want any issues with the running/movement of the locos. I could potentially overlook axel boxes having fallen off in transit or falling off during running but if the locos are wobbling which could potentially cause derailments and damage the loco then I am hesitant in buying them. Has either the original 66 or the new replacement 66 you now have become derailed because of the wobble? With regards to the axel boxes and the loco wobbling, it was suggested by another member on the forum that the loco may be wobbling when running due to the axel boxes been refitted by customers? Could you confirm if you refitted any of the axel boxes onto either of your 66s or was the wobble already present without refitting any axel boxes that had fallen off? Thank you very much in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  4. That's true, so maybe 92023 was the loco at Carstairs that rescued 92020 on 1M16.
  5. Wow, that's incredibly late for the arrival of the up highlander. What as the issue with the down lowlander? Was it due to issues with the loco/s or was this something to do with the up highlander running so late? Thanks in advance.
  6. It's a good point and something I haven't thought of or noticed before. Maybe manufacturers of locos and decoders need to do some research and experimenting into this to see how much of an effect this has on models, their parts and potential lifespan.
  7. I'm pleased you have mentioned it because it's something I will pay attention to in the future. If by not speed matching locos when in a consist, it does cause any extra wear or damage to the locos their should be warnings in the manuals for the controllers and decoders.
  8. I also hear that 92020 failed and was rescued by 92023. The train was then running at least six hours late earlier on.
  9. That's really interesting. Thanks for posting, I wasn't even aware of this. Is it a common thing that the worm gear will become more worn? Will this do any significant damage to locos? What brand of DCC Decoders do you use in your locos? I use the latest Bachmann 36-557 decoders which are 21 Pin, 1 Amp and 4 function in most of my locos and for my Dapol 68s I use the Dapol Imperium decoders which were factory fitted. I haven't ever heard of any loud or strange noises from locos when running them together in a consist. Also, I never thought that speed matching was an essential, must do procedure. I have never noticed in the manuals for the DCC Controllers that speed matching is a must otherwise it may damage loco/s in the consist. The manuals I have read just suggest that for perfect, fine tuned running where the locos are completely 'in sink' that speed matching is an option.
  10. Thanks for explaining. I believe I have speed matched locos before in a consist but I'm not really sure how I did it and usually as a routine procedure I just make a consist for two or more locos to run, which doesn't include speed matching or CV19 but allows the control of two or more locos together. If running locos of the same make/brand I have usually found that they don't need speed matching, but sometimes you may notice a difference if say running a Bachmann 37 with a Bachmann 47 as the locos are different types, thus this type of consist/situation may be more appropriate/need speed matching.
  11. POM is Programme on Main I think. Or can also be referred to as POMT (Programme on main track).
  12. That's really interesting, thank you for letting me know. I suspect that CV19 that you mention is the speed matching option so that the locos run completely 'in sink' with each other. I'm thinking though that surely Hattons will have thought about running more than one 66 together in multiple and thus their own brand of decoder should have no issues. Hopefully Dave can confirm that their decoder is suitable for this. Thanks for letting us know. I haven't bought or used any of the Dapol Imperium 3 decoders as of yet. As you say it would be interesting to see if Dave could confirm if these decoders would allow the cab lights to function for those not buying a sound fitted 66.
  13. Hi Dave, Thank you for the update regarding the delivery dates for the 66s. I wonder if you could help me please with a question I have regarding DCC Decoders and the Hattons 66s? A fellow forum member has informed me that you are fitting Hattons DCR-21Pin-DirectV2 decoders to each of the factory DCC Fitted Class 66s. Please can you tell me if these decoders will allow two or more of the Hattons 66s to run together in multiple/in a consist? I ask because I may buy two or more 66s and on some occasions I would like to run them together. Thank you very much in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  14. Thanks for the info. Yes, I completely agree if sacrifices have to be made with regards to the lighting and the amount of options their are it is going to be difficult to choose which ones to add and which ones not to, but I also agree that Hattons have made the right decision. Whilst I do like cab lighting, the day and night time lighting options are probably more useful and would spend longer in use as opposed to cab lights. I'm thinking I may quote Hattons Dave comment from yesterday on the thread and ask him if the Hattons decoders fitted to their 66s will allow for multiple locos to run together in a consist. If they will allow this then I may buy the DCC Fitted versions to save removing and refitting the body, plus it's two less decoders to fit which is good because I have several to fit. I agree. I do like cab lighting on all of my locos but if it's not possible due to other lighting options then I'm not massively bothered because as you say the day and night time running options are likely to be used more than cab lights. I haven't got a Bachmann 90, it's interesting that you mention that either head or tail lights can be turned off. Is this done via the DCC Decoder and DCC Controller or via a switch underneath the loco? If it's the former that's excellent because I have noticed on photos and videos that on some occasions when locos are shunting in depots and yards that the directional lighting isn't always displayed for the direction that the loco is moving towards, but also on the end of the loco their may be head or tail lights displayed. So if you can have one end lit and the other not, that really is well thought out and well executed via the new decoder by Bachmann for the 90.
  15. That's brilliant. Thank you very much for finding this out and posting. I have to say it's a bit disappointing that customers who either don't want or can't afford sound fitted models can't operate the cab lights. That was one feature I was looking forward to having on the new 66, considering that some of my old and original Bachmann 66s don't have cab lighting. Having said that though their is significantly more detail on the Hattons 66s and several lighting features that can be operated by the standard 6 function decoders. So are we thinking that Hattons are fitting their own 6 function decoders to the DCC Fitted 66s, thus we will be able to control most lighting functions from their own decoder? At least that way it would save me buying Bachmann decoders and attempting to remove and refit the body. Thank you very much in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  16. I was just thinking the same. I know that Bachmann, Dapol and Hattons has been mentioned previously that produce 6 function DCC Decoders but like you I don't think their is a decoder with more than 6 functions. In that case how on earth if 6 function decoders won't operate the cab lights can they be operated.
  17. Interesting. I wonder if any standard decoder can control/operate the cab lights.
  18. Very interesting. I wonder which decoders they will use to make the cab lights work.
  19. I might buy DCC Fitted 66s then if the Hattons decoders are good. I'm just sure a few years ago I had some issues with putting locos together in a consist, although you would like to think that Hattons have made a consist with two more more of their 66s fitted with their own decoders to ensure that the locos do work in multiple. I suppose I could buy DCC Fitted 66s and if the Hattons decoders don't work to form a consist I could buy Bachmann decoders and sell the Hattons ones.
  20. Thanks for the reply and the info. I really appreciate it. No I haven't seen this video. Do you happen to know which DCC Decoder the Hattons 66s will accept so that all of the functions including the cab lights will work? If not I will find and watch the video. Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  21. Haha, it's always difficult trying to keep up reading posts on popular threads such as this one. Thanks for the reply and the info. I'm interested in the DCC Decoders because I have used some decoders in the past and they aren't compatible with my controller when trying to run more than one loco in a consist. I was going to opt for the DCC Fitted versions of the Hattons 66s but I assume that they will be fitted with Hattons own decoders and this was one of the decoders I have not been able to use previously with my controller and when running locos in a consist. So instead I will have to buy some more Bachmann decoders and fit them myself which isn't an issue, I'm just a bit wary of removing and refitting the body when it does seem difficult to do, due to the ladders and steps been attached to the chassis. Don't worry about checking for me, thank you for offering. Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. So is their issues with the bogies and wheels not sitting at the same level on the track just when axel boxes have been refitted? Or has their been issues for people when axel boxes have always been intact and when none have fallen off and required refitting? Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  22. Thanks for the reply and the info. I really appreciate it. Glad that you are pleased with your Large Logo 66. Out of interest did you know before fitting the decoder that the cab lighting wouldn't work due to the decoder itself or is the cab lighting not working an issue with the loco itself but you are choosing to ignore it? It's a shame that the body's seem so difficult to unclip and reclip back into position because of the ladders. But it's good to hear that these locos are powerful. They don't seem to struggle with any length of train and I have seen and heard of some really extensive trains hauled by the Hattons 66s and none of them have struggled. Thanks for the reply and the info. I really appreciate it. That's brilliant. Yes I haven't been viewing every post and I have missed a good few pages worth of content on this thread so I will have a read through and see what's been happening.
  23. Yes it is a shame to an extent that the 397 is considerably different to other units, thus no part of the manufacturing process can be used to create other classes of loco at the same time. It's the same situation really with the 195 & 331. Whilst their are considerably more of the prototypes of these units they are restricted to the north and so far have only worn one livery for one operator. Although with Northern Rail becoming nationalised from March 1st and becoming Northern Trains Limited maybe their will be some vinyl/branding. If so the Northern Rail livery could easily be the shortest lived livery on the 195s and 331s ever when compared to other modern image stock. I understand your point but regarding specifically these two TPE 68s that Dapol are asking for expressions of interest in, because they have only announced two running numbers their may well be less of each loco but I would bet their will be a considerably high MOQ/minimum order quantity that the factory will insist on just because this run if it goes ahead will be a single livery production run. It's very rare that any manufacturer offers this and makes it work. I have often thought about it in terms of Bachmann and their Class 70s. They have produced six in Freightliner livery so far but only one in Colas livery. This is most likely because five out of the six Freightliner variants were produced before the final sixth variant of Freightliner and the first variant of Colas. Thus now Bachmann can't quickly keep churning out more Colas 70s even though the demand is likely to be their because what would they produce them with? The last Freightliner version produced was 70015 and this arrived with retailers nearly two years ago and their are still some available with retailers. This would suggest that the demand has been met for the Freightliner 70s but not so much for the Colas 70s. The situation is similar to Dapol and their 68s because they have already produced eight in DRS liveries alone without accounting for other liveries, thus the demand for the main and most popular livery has already been met, unfortunately before Accurascale announced their TPE MK5s. In these situations for manufacturers it's often just the timing between the prototypes and models not sitting quite right for one reason for another, which makes it difficult to produce more models of particular liveries even if they deem demand to be their.
  24. Just out of interest for the people who received their Hattons 66s around Christmas time and had some issues with the wheels not sitting at the same height and thus wobbling on the track, has this issue ironed itself out or have you had to return the model to Hattons? Also for those who received their 66s with the axel boxes lose in the box or for those who's axel boxes came off during running did you manage to refit them back onto the loco and get them rotating again? If so did you follow the advice that Hattons gave or use your own method? Lastly, has anyone as yet bought a standard 66 and fitted their own DCC Decoder? If so did you manage to remove and refit the body without breaking/damaging the model? Thank you very much in advance. Kind Regards, Danny.
  25. You're very much like me. I opted to model both ScotRail 68s with a rake of Hornby ScotRail MK2fs. I've chosen to leave the ScotRail HST for the time being just because I can't afford it this year. Yes I would really like a TPE 802 and 397. I fear though that we could be waiting a few years at least for a 397 given that this is brand new class of loco, their are only x12 of them currently, all in the same livery and working the same/similar routes/diagrams. I mean we still haven't seen a 180 or 185 in OO Gauge and look how many years old they are now.
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