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tonytraynor's Achievements



  1. Class 55 Deltics have worked into Lime St 195 times and out of lime St 190 times. 2 light engines to York, one light engine to Man Vic, one dragged by 46039 on the 1305 and 55004 dragged to York by 31405 the day after it died. 55015 was the very first on 1M73 1128 Newcastle to lime St on 19.06.1979. On the 18th January 1980, 55010, 55015 and 55021 all worked in and out. On 28th December 1981 there were 4 workings into Lime St, 55004 and 55011 both visiting twice but only 55011 left twice. Only 55001 and 55020 never visited.
  2. 55009 on 1M62 08:50 York to Lime St, it later worked out on 1E99 1305 Lime St to York.
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