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Posts posted by rue_d_etropal

  1. thanks, trouble with the Sentinels was that they were similar but different. I have drawings for the LNER and LMS versions, and these are similar to the Jersey ones, but the continental ones were bigger, in particular the broad gauge versions. It might be possible to estimate width from buffers (what distance were these on Spanish stock?).


    It is definitely wider than standard gauge versions which started out at 8ft wide then 8ft 6in wide.

  2. 16 hours ago, Broadoak said:

    I hope that the simple painted back scene captures the flatness of the fields dominated by the big sky in the fens

    far better than the photo type ones that many seem to think look good. Background shold be background, and not dominte over the foreground.

    • Thanks 1
  3. There are 2 manufacturers (both Chinese) doing the big Scammell, covering the recovery vehicle, the tank transporter(including trailer), and the towing tractor with crew accomodation.

    It is not cheap, but I have one and it looks like a superb kit.

    Possibly a Mechanical Horse conversion http://www.rue-d-etropal.com/3D-printing/vehicles/3d_printed_vehicles.htm


    Again not cheap in 1/32, but I could offer the can on its own as I did originally with the FAR cab, which is something I had thought of for one of my own 1/32 layouts.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:


    The buffers on Spanish locos do seem to be too close together relative to width. Often rather small too.

    When Iwas doing the Sri Lankan stock I worked out buffers were further apart, so assumed same on Spanish stock. Presume it is done on models to match HO standard gauge.

    I have found drawings for German built railcar(double version of classic 4 wheeler), so I might be tempted to create a smal working diorama myself.Plenty of suitable buildings available in 1/1oo scale thanks to wargamers, and would use Peco finescale track.

  5. Talking of drawings, I think Southern Railway fans have best selection, in particular ex LSWR . SECR not too bad, but not as much for LBSCR. Into SR days then thanks to Mike King there is a good range of drawings, so made job of doing some exLSWR coaches converted to pushpull easier.




    Then I got back to a loco I have been wanting to do, and has also been requested, namely the Beattie well tanks. Oddly, and it has been mentioned on this forum, drawngs are rare, in particular in the preserved condition, so have cobbled up from different drawings and photos. I had planned to ask at RM/Peco stand at Easter if there was any chance of new drawings being published, but a certain virus got in the way.



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  6. On 15/08/2020 at 15:50, Joseph_Pestell said:


    For a branch terminus, I think that the bi-bloc concrete is not an option in the 80s (or even now).


    Perhaps worth looking on Shapeways for what is available in various scales (I know that there is some) and get it rescaled to 1:100 as Simon suggests although arguably HO Spanish trains on 16.5mm is no worse than 4mm scale UK trains running on 16.5mm track.

    Now that has got me interested. Just wonder where I could find drawings. Much early stock was British built so some drawings might be in Birmingham.

    What relly shows up the narrowness of using HO scale on HO track is the low cost Electrotren(Hornby) 0-6-o in various versions. Even the bufferes look too close together or arethey same as standard gauge? Fact that the same model has been sold as a British OO model proves my point. Migh make a good start point to design one in 1/100. Alo the old Electrotren 2-4-0T, again a British built loco, and the old balcony coahes, which did not look out of place onmy old OO layout over 40 years ago!

  7. Not sure exactly what style of buildings Thai or Sri Lankan theme would require, but there are qute a few laser cut kits for Far Eastern models eg Saroissa https://sarissa-precision.com/collections/far-east-15mm

    and African ones https://sarissa-precision.com/collections/north-africa-colonial-15mm


    some colonial style(southern Europe origin) buildings can be found. Just search 15mm buildings on ebay. I have some bought some buildings which I think are Vietnam themed in resin, and just now found some Portugese buildings which would not look out of place .


    The wargaming hobby is making big advances. There are a lot of people doing buildings, some laser cut some resin. Even road vehicles are getting easier to find, especially ones with a military origin wich could easily be adapted.


    It is also worth while looking for older HO building kits as many were actually nearer to 3mm/ft. Door size is a give away.

    What you do have to be careful about is models being descibed incorrectly. Sometimes this is down to marketing, sometimes just down to ignorance.

  8. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about scale and gauge in the hobby, and I have had to explain to people at exhibitions and heard others explain things as many visitors do not know differences in scales and gauges and have even heard people say they think N gauge is same as OO9!

    Now HO might be most popular scale used , but by using same track gauge in smaller scale you use exactly the same track , and mechanisms , although you  do have less space for motors etc. Luckily motors are smaller these days. It might make sence for a manufacturer tof kits and r2r to stick to popular scale, but for 3D printing, it only takes a resize instruction to change scale of a model, which can be produced to demand.


  9. For SriLanka, have a look at my designs, done because someone asked specifically. Finding good scale drawings is difficult, and I was more interested in older stock.



    As track gauge is 5ft 6in I would prefer to see it modelled in 3mm/ft, as that is spot on for 16.5mm gauge, and there is a large range of accessories in that scale thanks to 15mm wargamers. I would make modelling the narrow gauge more difficult but z gauge would be closest.

    • Like 2
  10. On 06/08/2020 at 18:18, simplex said:

    Peco are currently having technical problems with the computer system at the moment. 

    It may be worth contacting them via the phone at present. 

    Advertisers were contacted last week to report this problem and to send adverts directly to printer, but I think staff at Peco do have ther own email addresses so some might be contactible.

  11. 16 minutes ago, PaulRhB said:


    Well like I said before once / if we have a vaccine my risk will be significantly reduced but there’s also a period where those immunised will start to take less precautions increasing risk for those not immunised. 

    Once the vaccine is generally accepted to be widely available if people choose to go to a show without being immunised then that is their decision. 

    The organiser holding a show the first month of immunisation will have to expect a low turnout because probably only a low percentage will have actually got it. Two to three months after it’s available, which would be the minimum for reorganisation of a date anyway, I expect those that want it would have had the opportunity and I think things will return to what we consider normal. 

    Until we know there is a vaccine and it’s effectiveness things are uncertain. Certainly the advances in treatment have been spectacular and they are still learning at a ferocious rate. None of this was unexpected by the experts and the vaccines are looking very promising to bring it into line with flu. As they’ve said it will not be eradicated but it can be brought down to the acceptable risks levels Phil mentioned. 


    So give it time and this . . .


     Is kinda falling into the despondency fueled by this ;)


    News is treated like entertainment these days to catch people’s attention. Surely it’s not beyond the ability of many more journalists to devote that same level to the story balance rather than the headline that gets them in?

    Again it’s laziness because the click is the statistic of exposure that they can show to advertisers, or in the case of the BBC the government, to get money in. Unfortunately the content clicked onto isn’t rated for its quality in a similar way!

    agree, don't forgt the politicians are also twisting the news to suit themselves.

    One thing about vaccines. If this pandemic was likke that portrayed in the film 'Contagion', which a lot of people have now watched and possibly think it is what ishappening, then a vaccine might help everyone, but this is more like flue, worse for some, butI will definitely not use a vaccine for this. I have a stong immune system, and back in the 80s I did have a flue vaccine as it was being offered . One year late I had bad flu, and I hhad not sffered fro flu before, or certainly notbadly. Last November I had a bout of what I thought was flu, but the symptoms were identical to C19. I was more concerned about my wife as colds tend to go on her chest and she is borderline asmathic , but she only had the losss of taste and smell(more obvious to he as she has very strong sense of smell which makes it difficult for me to use paint or glue in the house!). Now we both survuved, probably not immune but our immune systems have shown their ability to handle it and have probably leant to deal with it in future.

    My point is not everyone is the same. We might have a greater percentage of people in the hobby who might be affected but we don't know. The scientists don't know, but polticians and the media continue to spew out info as if it was scientifically proved.

    As a mathematician it annoys me how the numbers they keep reporting are misused. Daily figures reported are only relevant compared to number tested. Double those tested and not surprising number positive doubles, and that is not taking into accout other social factors. It has made itimpossible to compare numbers taken at different times and also in different countries.

    As for future of exhibition, maybe this is a opportunity for a ethink. Insead of using traditional venues, often now school, why not use shopping centres. Taking the hobby to the people might actually get more interest in the hobby. Nothing new in the idea. I might also help shopping malls get a few more people in. More 'smaller' mini exhibitions, in effect pop up ones. 

  12. I have just completed work on met stock, but did not stop at doing just 1904/5 stock, continuing right up to the experimental 1925 saloon stock, as each design evolved from previous.

    Onlydesigns left out are the original open ended 1904/5 stock, which could be converted from versions with enclosed ends. Also detail of the open ends is scant, so a certain amount of guesswork would be required especially with respect to end of body on open ends.

    ended up with 27 different designs, in 6 different scales



    Some stock was used on Mersey Railway during WW2, and withdrawn stock often ened up in various parts of the country as workshops, or other office type use.




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  13. 17 minutes ago, Talltim said:

    Normally you don't need an account to see public tweets, but I get the logon page too. (I have an account but I'm not logged in in this phone )

    Wonder if it's that link?

    Possibly been 'Trumped'



    I have sent a meessage to SW customer services, hopefully someone is on duty.



    just received an auto reply so at least it has reached them

  14. looks like a classic bug, I hope, someone just entered field incorrectly. It was certainly working OK yesterday, and I only noticed I think after midnight when date changed.

    Having said that, there have been some Y2K bugs resurfacing this year, because temporary fixes were simply adding 20 to some dates.

    I don't do twitter(simply because I never have done, not because Idon't want to), and can't see that message.


    I have put something on SW forum, so hopefully someone might notice.

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  15. Not sure what to make of this. Maybe it is just me, but since last night(in effect start of monh),I have noticed UK prices on my items have dollar/pound conversion wrong.


    looks like it is wrong way round with pound price being higher than dollar price. It might not actually affect price changed but it probabably would put some off buying, thinking price has gone up.

    My suspicians are that the file or software being accessed to calculate exchange rate has an error in it, but it might be outside control of Shapeways control, and as it has happened at start of a weekend, there might be fewer support staff to look at problem.


    Just had a look at prices in euros and the euro price converts properly from dollars

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