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Everything posted by 37081LochLong

  1. Can anyone help? Ive recently aquired a Bachmann class 44 that was renumbered and weathered by a previous owner, my plan was to just add extra depth to the weathering but i have a few problems... It's in BR Blue and numbered D2 as Helvellyn with red nameplates and a red buffer beam but as far as my knowledge goes, only 004 & 008 have carried red plates! Am I wrong? I've searched for days looking for photos of D2 in blue with red plates but I can't find a single photo, in fact I can't find a single photo of it in blue with the 'D' prefix, i can only find it numbered a '2' or 44002. As for the bufferbeam in red, I found one photo where it looks like its faded red but the more i look at it the more i think its just a rusty/dirty brown colour in bright sunlight So does anyone out there know if 44002 while in BR Blue ever carried the number D2 (with the D prefix), had a red buffer beam and red nameplates? I already have blue plates ready to replace the red ones if needed
  2. Make that three, no number, just confirmation of deposit and balance paid
  3. I'm hoping for Highland 24/1's (i'd need about 5 of those or more) and possibly a 25, then they can do a 33 I'm definitely up for supporting SLW. I love my D5000 & 24081
  4. The site was completely down for me yesterday morning then later it just went to the Rail Express site but late at night it came back for me and it's still working now
  5. Olivias, Hattons and R3Sprays seem to have a deal to sell each other's commission colour ways (Hattons sound locos are fitted with olivias sound)
  6. Hmmm! I seem to have wandered into the wrong thread! I was sure this was the APT-E thread?
  7. Thanks for that Kev & MikeH_83, I'll email them to make sure they update their records (Don't want to miss out on future announcements )
  8. I suppose we'll find out soon enough when Olivias take delivery of their 73212 - http://www.oliviastrains.com/trains/mt/Dapol/Dapol-class-73-oo-gauge-locomotives/Dapol-class-73-212-in-network-rail-livery-olivias-exclusive/ It's one I had on my want's list but i'm actually dreading it now who knows what shades of yellow we'll get!
  9. I've just tested out the sound... I don't know what to say! It's the best sounding loco I have by far, Thanks Pauliebanger for all your work to make that possible. Just one question for people who have bought the 24, did you get an email from SLW confirming your order and/or before it was sent out? I only ask because other than a couple of phone calls to them i've not had any mail and checking the email address they have printed on the receipt they have my address wrong (spelling virginmedia as viginmedia) I did receive an email from royal mail this morning though to tell me it would be delivered today so thats odd unless someone at RM noticed?
  10. I'm pleased I diverted my money that I was going to spend on the 73's towards a pair of SLW 24's that arrived today. I called into Rails in Sheffield this morning and had another look at the 73's but like most people agree on, the blue and yellow just isn't right and it does stand out and I saw the intercity one in Olivias last week and the dark grey just screams Black at you I'm hoping the next batch are improved upon.
  11. My two have just arrived in the post Only unpacked them and given them both the once over but WOW! I'm so pleased I made the investment! It's a lot more than I ever pay for two locos but the quality really does shines through! I will test out the sound on 081 a bit later today when I have more time
  12. I've just been through the book, not read all the intro or captions yet but very impressed, congrats to Strathwood & the Class 37 loco group for a fine publication. Can we have volume 2?
  13. But definitely visible in in Enterprisingwestern's photo on post 899 of this thread http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/54082-new-oo-gauge-class-73/?p=2129510
  14. So nice to come back and see this has turned back into a friendly thread again On Wednesday I ordered 24081 with sound and EM wheelset and D5000 without sound, cant wait to get my hands on them after Christmas. Good luck Paul with hiding your's from the other half
  15. That's me done too! i'm out! Still buying the model but giving up with all this negativity on here!
  16. Good spot! Bizarre, I think my brain was pre-programmed to read 175 & 275 because thats what we were told so i never registered the different pricing! Either way i'll be prepared
  17. Even though i'm looking forward to getting D5000 & 24081 I will still be keeping my Bachmann models although one will be getting a renumber now. The only thing it's changed for me is that i did plan to get the Bachmann/Invicta D5000 but won't be now. and I have decided to hold off any preorders for the Bachmann 24/1s in the hope of some SLW ones but all my current Bachmann 24's will remain in my fleet because I still like them
  18. Wonder how long it will take to get through? Hope its not as long as it takes to get through to my doctors at opening time I have all my information ready to hand over And as for them not getting sent out until after Christmas... I'm actually happy about that! I hated the thought of them tackling the christmas post!
  19. Looking forward to seeing the results when you get around to it 37's should always have priority
  20. True but I've been really looking forward to this loco and i'd rather ensure I get one without people jumping the queue by not following the instructions on their website which is very clear On another note, Has anyone who has already got one started any modifications yet? (weathering? renumbering?)
  21. So many angry folk on here

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoD


      Life's too short to worry about it or them.

    3. Mallard60022


      Agreed. They should get some ointment for their ass ache.

    4. Kev_Lewis


      The ones that annoy me most are those who are too lazy and/or incompetent to learn how to actually build something, and then moan about it not being available RTR.

  22. Yep, the way I read it on the contact page of the website was that previous customers would get first option then the rest would be available from the the website
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