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Posts posted by Ian_T

  1. Hi all - I hope everyone is doing well. Just thought I would swing by and say hello with a slight update with no update, but some good news as well as some bad news.

    It's been a while since i posted really so apologies. My other hobby is cars, and well I have been busy with show season attending around 15 events, so nothing has been done to the layout much On top of that work has been mad (I'm a Project Manager), and had to go back to the USA for a few weeks.

    On top of that the hot weather that we had made the room uncomfortable and then very recently had a very nice cruise (first one) for 10 days around the Med which was awesome. And then even on top of that been planning my wedding for 2025, which I am delighted to say will be held at the Wolverhampton low-level station  The place is amazing with what they have done https://www.grandstation.co.uk/

    That aside, I have purchased a new build house which will be ready in January 2024, so the layout was dismantled this weekend, so this will be my last video until next year when settled in and I can get it up and running in the.......GARAGE - super excited as I will be able to add about another 3ft in length to it!! The best news was the arrival of my Pendolinos from Revolution  last week via the top team @Rainbow Railways - OMG they are stunning in detail so well done to  @Revolution Ben and @Revolution Mike B  I now just need my light bars when they come back in stock. :) Plus my class 59 is also on pre order !! 


    So see you all in 2024, have a great xmas with early new years best wishes to you all 







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  2. Hello, my fellow chuffers...


    I hope you're enjoying the BH weekend so far albeit the weather isn't great as usual  🙄


    Just a bit of an update really since a few weeks ago. I've been itching to do a bit of scenic stuff as you do.so I started the embankment, which for those who know Wolverhampton, sits at the south end of the station on the line towards Walsall.


    I kind of thought it looks well, especially after adding the flock grass and so started in a smaller one to the right-hand side of the rolling stock depot. There is still some static grass to be added, as I understand this has to be built up in layers. There are still bushes and trees to add along with some poly fibre so this isn't the finished article - works in progress. 

    You can see the progress here - as usual, any feedback is appreciated. Some of the messages and links I have had from some you have been really good and very very helpful. 


    That aside in the static picture of the video you will see I got my hands on 6 Megafret with some containers which look really good. 



  3. So time for another update (sorry)


    Lots of time spent on track test running, far more hours than I would like to have done or thought I would have to do. It's surprising how unforgiving N gauge can be with the slightest smallest mistake. I managed over the course of this week to eradicate 99% of the issues I found. In some places this was simply to add more track screws or relay the points, and where applicable just level out the track a bit with some plastic card. I'm sure this might be frowned upon, but it worked for me and in any case would be covered in ballast.

    Had my new class 58 arrive in the middle of the week, so this was run in yesterday before a bit of running with hoppers was done. You can see I now have a lovely back scene which is only in place temporarily until I decide exactly where I want it. Surprising how much of a difference this has made to the look of the layout already.


    Anyway, a short video of the issues I had been suffering.....


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  4. On 18/04/2023 at 07:34, landscapes said:

    Hi Ian


    Sorry to hear about your uncle, was he an ex railwayman?


    Many of the earlier photos relating to the making of Haymarket which is still far from finished was lost when the RMWeb system crashed a few years ago.


    But thanks to the hard work of Andy York and the team so much of the system was retrieved.


    Railway memorabilia is big business so I wonder how much an A4 nameplate line Golden Plover is worth now?


    indecently 60031 was one of 11 A4’s that eluded me back in my trainspotting days.


    Thank you for your reply.







    Hi, David no he wasn't - he was just an avid train fan mainly GWR and I got bought up with the love of it all


    He bought the smokebox and plate and plaque combined for I think £8000 way back I think in the early 80's.  When he sold them to fund his daughters house purchase it went to auction in Sheffield and he realized a value of £31000 (plaque wasn't sold obviously)


    I mangaed to track down that last year the nameplate was resold (unsure about the smokebox number) for £48,000!!!!!

    • Like 3
  5. So all the platform edging is now about 95% done thankfully.


    I have managed to find a company that will laser wood my viaduct - not cheap, however, I think will save me a lot of time and effort, and material purchases to complete and authenticate. I had costed out Langley Viaduct and bought the model mold but tbh, the time to produce and get a decent effect I think will take a long time. The viaduct I want and completed and at about 1m long comes in at about £200. 


    Currently just deciding on the platform finish  -


    1. Filler and sand then painted
    2. Scale modern scenery sheets (which are in my possession and look's like it will be hard to cover the joins)
    3. Art Printers tarmac sheets - currently on the post and eagerly awaiting to see.


    Today I was finally able to test-run some full train lengths. I was rather annoyed at the huge amount of tweaking that was needed lol. Points redoing, some track wasn't level where baseboards joined - I had no idea in honesty how just like 0.5mm would have an effect  :-\ But it's a learning curve (excuse the pun) and gave me a number of issues where a lot of uncoupling was happening. I think Im at about 95% reliability but i think more testing needs to be done 


    Vid here of todays test running-



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  6. Looks amazing. Have spent a bit of time reading this thread tonight from the start.


    I own a 64b plaque that was fitted to 60031 Golden Plover - my uncle owned one of the nameplates the smokebox number until he sold it a good few years ago.


    He sadly passed recently and was left to me.

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  7. So, not a huge amount done, as last week I was in New York for business. I have, on my You Tube channel posted a few train videos from the US and some pictures of Grand Central station if anyone would like to view them.



    1. Track now all laid  - just the superelevated curves to do and fill in the gaps with sleepers
    2. Wiring - bus cable is in and 14 droppers all wired so far. Another 10 to do but awaiting more suitcase connectors to arrive this week.
    3. Testing - 2 tracks tested just the other 2 left to complete
    4. Platforms cut and sanded and glued together. I had bought some brick sheets from scale model scenery but I found the detail not the best so bought some 3dr blue brick sheets from art printers. This is still works in progress
    5. Areas where grass will be have now been painted brown (pics below)

    Recent Purchases

    1. Buffer stops
    2. AWS ramps
    3. Ordered 59001 from @Revolution Ben
    4. Hard standing areas x2 from Scale modern scenery
    5. Some self adhesive concrete style wrap ( thinking of using for platforms)
    6. Pre ordered 86253, and 3 Voyager units by Dapol
    7. Pink foam to form the embankments


    1. Currently researching bespoke laser cutting services - needing a viaduct made so if anyone has any contacts please holla
    2. Catenary - spent many hours on finding something suitable. Found a great 3d style but the guy who designed/makes them is so busy and wont make any. I've shared the detail with a fellow modeller who does 3d prints and he is working on a version, so watch this space (wont name him as he will be flooded with queries ;) ) 

    Anyway few pics (but there are some 30 second video shorts on You Tube)









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  8. So almost a month later and another small update. Seems that some of the track I had from past was sl302 (80) 🙄I only realised that when my sl302f (55) arrive something was amiss...eventually the penny dropped. 


    Good news is the offending 5 or 6 pieces were replaced with the correct one needed (newbie error right lol)


    So, latest video where I am at  -




  9. Well, here we go, to those that know me I haven't really rushed this due to either work or my other hobby and doing car shows. So, this will come to a shock to a few people that finally i have started after planning for about 14 months now. Despite all that planning, my actual plans have actually taken a significant change.

    One of those was changing the thought process of having an 8ft x 4 ft board. It seemed small and would be hard to work on so I've succumbed to running it around the spare room, which doesn't get used very much.

    Oxley central will be based on Wolverhampton featuring the viaducts for those that know the area.  Oxley rolling stock depot will also be replicated which will serve as my fiddle yard. The plan for a TMD depot based on Bescot has been shelved as I think the layout will look a bit busy.

    Anyway, a few pictures (not the best and excuse the mess) for you to see so video link added as well. The baseboards are almost done, I need to add a tier to the top of those so Oxley Central sits above the grand exactly like Wolverhampton. The track has only been loosely put down for visualization and to gauge the size of my viaduct

    In the meantime a huge thanks to everyone in the last few months who has answered some of my questions and queries. I'll update more soon





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  10. 1 minute ago, melmerby said:


    Although due to travel problems it wasn't as busy as opening time normally is, so I think a lot arrived later.

    I normally get there for the advance bookers queue but due to the bus timetables being totally screwed up by the number of people trying to get from Brum to the NEC*, I got there at 9:45 and walked straight in to a very quiet hall, but not quiet for very long.


    * I was coming from a different direction but the delays knocked on to other services.

     True that. I had booked tickets to come from wolverhampton but due to strike cancelled and drove. It took me an hr and 20 to get there as motorway was really heavy. 

    Went quiet from about 330 in the end and i left at 5

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  11. On 05/11/2022 at 22:04, Revolution Mike B said:

    Evening All.


    This evening I had one of our EP samples running on my layout effortlessly pulling a 30 wagon consist made up of 9 EFE JIAs, 10 of our JNAs and 11 of our HOAs. I’ll try and post a video at some point showing that our 59s will have no issues pulling scale length trains. We still need to make some small amendments to the lighting but we’re now very close to the final production model. Picture below for effect…..



    When does pre -order end for these please?

  12. First time there today for me - lots of inspiration and a lot busier than I expected in honesty. No real deals in my opinion, all prices were the same as online tbh.
    It very busy, very warm, and the layout was very cramped and difficult to get close at times to some of the layouts. There was a lot of space that could have been used, and the hall was about 85% filled.
    Didn't buy much really one mk3 buffet virgin coach, some cable strippers, a few tools and a ruckload of leaflets. Lots of tbh tat in boxes that just wasnt worth anything IMO and anything that was was well over priced.
    Still it was enjoyable for me and my son and of course the inspiration for me. Had a good chat with some of the traders though ref controllers which was very useful,

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  13. Hi all so back in 2010 I Started plans for a layout but due to various personal issues, never continued. The layout is to be based on Wolverhampton. Oxley Sidings and Bescot depots for inspiration



    Anyway I have decided to revive my plans. No track laid as yet but do have everything that I need to start. Bought some items last few weeks including Dapol Virgin Voyager, Dapol pretendolino set (rare) Dapol 57 Scott Tracey as well as some rolling stock. I have also pre ordered 2 Revolution Pendolinos ( avanti and rainbow versions) from Rainbow Railways, whose help has been invaluable. (hopefully @Revolution Mike will be happy :)


    Am hoping that Revolution will do a N gauge class 89 as well as class 91 and stock


    So anyway. looking forward to showing progress as I continue to pursue this.







    s-l1600 (5).jpg





  14. On 18/04/2020 at 18:58, DavidCBroad said:

    I reckon the original poster probably lost patience with us in the 9 year gap between posts.

    There is a bit of an issue at the left bottom corner, the facing crossover should be either to the left of the bay points or should be a trailing crossover, but this would compromise the station loop length.

    The wrong road running for the DMUs to the bay from the red siding could be explained by a trailing crossover (not modelled) just off scene.   Falmouth - Truro trains run wrong road through Higher town tunnel at Truro if you want a prototype justification.

    Lack of crossovers off scene is a pain.  I would put sidings on each end of the outer loops for storage  or running ridiculously long trains.

    I reckon Harlequin could easily come up with something better or maybe has something better in his folio already.

    Im still intending to fully do this. I have plenty of time on my hands.


    The last i did is available here https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/30106-oxley-central/

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