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Revolution Ben

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About Revolution Ben

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    BR post-steam N Gauge - especially freight.
    Italian railways.

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  1. Hi there, In answer to your questions: 1) No, as currently designed there are no metal bearings. Being articulated, each 5-car set has six bogies. An equivalent rake of wagons would have 10 bogies. Extrapolate that to your rake of 6 WIA sets and you have 36 bogies; which is the equivalent of 18 bogie wagons which I think most locos can cope with easily enough. However, once we receive the EPs we can test and in the unlikely event the resistance is too high we can redesign. 2) No, we won't be including any decals. This would be one for aftermarket suppliers. If you want to run full DB maybe an easier solution is to just renumber wagons that are already DB liveried? You'd need to do that anyway as the plain wagons on offer haven't carried DB branding so far. cheers Ben A.
  2. Hi there, That looks like a great job! If you're wishing to debrand the model, then if it helps the orange used is RAL2003 Pastel Orange. Having said that, photos I have seen of Hunslets repurposed for use elsewhere suggest that such debrandings and renumberings can be a fairly 'rough and ready' job; for example the logo and number simply overpainted with a roughly square black patch and then the new ID stencilled on in white. Might this save the effort of trying to strip markings and colour-match the orange? cheers Ben A.
  3. Hi all, The N gauge models are in production, so the next update will be when they ship. In OO we are still awaiting decorated samples, so it seems pointless closing the order book until we do. Once we have shown decorated samples, the order book tends to close fairly soon after. cheers Ben A.
  4. Hello all, We have now received decorated samples of the IHA steel carriers in OO and N. Once these have been checked and approved we will be ready to put them into production. There is more information on our news page here, just scroll down past the pinned post about Class 59 deliveries. https://revolutiontrains.com/news/ cheers Ben A.
  5. Hello all, We have been invited to film these and other upcoming deployments and with stakeholder permission will be sharing video of the CBD locos in action in a variety of locations in due course. cheers Ben A.
  6. Wow - the subtle weathering of both the wagons and the layout creates a superbly harmonious overall look. cheers Ben A.
  7. Please contact our customer support manager using the email address in the instruction sheet and we will assist. It could be down to various causes and there are fixes depending on the issue. cheers Ben A.
  8. Hi there, Once models are in production we prefer customers not to cancel except in the event of genuine need. We're grateful for GMR's pragmatic and reasonable approach. cheers Ben A.
  9. Hi all, There’ll be news on these in the next week or so. They’re still available to pre-order on our website or you could ask your preferred Revolution stockist. cheers Ben A.
  10. Hi there, Your examples are from long-since amortized legacy tooling. Plus all the evidence is that customers in all scales, but perhaps especially in TT:120, are more into RTR than kit building. So if you're tooling up a new offering in TT:120 the price would be higher, and you have no idea of the scale of the market so you'd need to price conservatively. I'd estimate £25 for a simple wagon chassis. But it's moot, for the last time Revolution isn't in the kits business and won't be producing kits. cheers Ben A.
  11. The WIA car carriers are approx 870mm over buffers and 876mm over the outer faces of the tension lock couplers. cheers Ben A.
  12. Don't forget the IPA single deck twins and quads, my own personal favourites so far...! cheers Ben A.
  13. Hi there, Our pricing is designed to reward those who order early. The EarlyBird price period is usually around a month or two, but it varies. We will try to give a few days notice when we decide to end it but that isn't always possible. We don't offer multiple discounts. cheers Ben A.
  14. Hi there, For the latest on any project please see our project page. If there is any update it will be there. We won't open the order book until the project is much closer to delivery. cheers Ben A.
  15. Hi there, My understanding is that the units were delivered in plain blue with RfD squadron branding on the underframe of the 'right' side intermediate car. A small number also received ACE and Ford branding. EWS started removing the RfD squadron markings from 1999. Then, DB Schenker began applying their vinyls to two intermediate cars on some sets after their takeover of EWS in 2009, before dropping the Schenker in 2016 and painting it out on the wagons. If you are keen to replicate a particular period or flow I would suggest finding some You Tube videos. Try searching for Cowley-Southampton or similar. Here's a video from 2016 showing a mix of DB Schenker and unbranded WIAs. cheers Ben A.
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