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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. Perhaps a more appropriate response would be "coat this" 😁
  2. Now, if he'd bought a Ford Galaxie that would never have happened 😄
  3. Possibly not enough oil too. Those engines were, to a great extent, oil cooled.
  4. My first car was a '55 VW which cost me 35 quid. On one occasion a valve head separated from the valve stem on a motorway. The valve head punched a hole in the piston then proceeded to shot peen everything else inside the engine. The noise was quite impressive. I knew there was a serious problem when I removed the spark plugs and discovered one of them was smashed to bits. 🤣
  5. Yes, I believe you are correct Bill. I would print chairs that are compatible with it to match Peco track and turnouts.
  6. A slightly odd request: Would anyone happen to have a sketch of the dimensions of 7mm scale Bullhead rail available in the UK, possibly Peco? It's a wee bit unobtainable over here. I think I can 3-D print some rather convincing turnouts and I'm happy to share the models with anyone who wants to give it a shot. I can make it work reasonably well down to 4mm/foot but I think at 7mm it would not be easy to tell the difference from injection molded parts.
  7. If its a four wire system (three phases and one neutral) you should get 230/240 by connecting the load between any one of the phases and neutral. Or maybe I'm missing something.
  8. The discussion on the UK landscape is interesting. Prior to leaving around forty years ago I considered myself a good bit right of center. But now in the US I find myself a good bit left of center. I suppose it's all relative.
  9. I wouldn't trust it anyway 😂
  10. I always thought it was the right to have bare arms.
  11. Shouldn't they really be referred to as 4.5 and 5.6?
  12. Dad bought a Grundig TK 830 two track tape-recorder (with AUTO-REVERSE!) in the late 50's. Allegedly portable but it was a heavy brute. I figured out how to connect it to the pre-amp of his Bush radiogram so I could record the Top Twenty from FM. I was the the DJ for the DEN Disco in the scout hall run by my scout group. IIRC we had an amplifier that put out 15 watts of raw power. Happy days 😄
  13. Ah! Looks pretty convincing 😃
  14. For our hi-fi aficionados: Who made this circuit up for you, anyway? Bought it in a shop? Oooh, what a horrible shoddy job they fobbed you off with with. Surprised they let you have it in this room anyway, the acoustics are all wrong. If you raise the ceiling four feet... put the fireplace from that wall to that wall... you'll still only get the stereophonic effect if you sit in the bottom of that cupboard. I see... I see you've got your negative feedback coupled in with your push-pull-input-output. Take that across through your redded pickup to your tweeter, if you're modding more than eight, you're going to get wow on your top. Try to bring that down through your pre-amp rumble filter to your woofer, what'll you get? Flutter on your bottom! (Borrowed from Flanders and Swann "A Song Of Reproduction")
  15. Erm, why is there a 1/4 inch tape spool on the turntable?
  16. Hope you don't store your spuds there.
  17. Dang polar bears again! https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/estonia-says-chinese-ship-is-main-focus-probe-into-cables-damage-2023-11-10/
  18. That's just as likely as all the other theories that try to explain it.
  19. That seems unlikely. The expansion is accelerating. Neither option seems very attractive but it's not something we need worry about.
  20. But galaxies are receding from each other and they ain't coming back.
  21. It's counter to human intuition, but clocks (including atoms) are actually affected by speed and gravity. While it seems obvious that a second is a second everywhere, it really isn't and that has been proved by many experiments.
  22. My spelling was always very poor but one word I always had a lot of difficulty was "grammar". That wasn't helped by the fact that it was spelled "Gramar" on the badges on my cap and blazer.
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