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AndyID last won the day on December 19 2022

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    Pacific Northwet

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  1. I might still have mine. Cost 24d iirc. edit. That seems a bit too cheap. Maybe 3/11?
  2. Oh goody! I've been able to reduce the analgesics to almost nothing. I'm hoping my brain has expanded enough to reoccupy the brain-box. No doubt other members of the community will be able to provide a more science-based explanation 😀 Unfortunately there has been no stampede to the front door by those interested in acquiring the rights to my patent (not that I ever believed there would be). There might be no alternative but to make a working prototype and show it off on YouTube.
  3. There's not much between the Mazda an the Fiat. The Fiat has the smaller engine with a turbo but there's little difference in the performance. It is a joy to drive. I usually drive close to the limit which seems to upset a lot of silly-billies and they tailgate me. Of course when we get to twisty bits they have to slow down. I don't slow down at all. 😆
  4. No complaints here at all, ignoring any progressing difficulty about getting in and out. The funny thing is when I drive to town I see at least three Porsches but I've only ever seen one other 124.
  5. IDSPIDY was supposed to be an Alpha but Alphas have to be made in Italy so they switched it to a 124.
  6. MrsID had a Fiat 132. We were sad to give it up when we moved to Arizona. That little dual-cam was great engine.
  7. Iirc the cost of the new crank shaft was more than the Ami was worth so I just kept running it. Later I got a company Capri 2.0 (woo-hoo!) and the Ami just faded away, accelerated by the sea-air in Prestwick
  8. Always remind me of the rear of a Citroen Ami. I had the station wagon version. Interesting vehicle. I thought the big ends were on the way out so I popped into the dealer to get a new set of bearing shells. The parts guy said sorry, but no can do. The big ends did not split. The con rods were assembled on the crank when the crank shaft was put together at cryogenic temperatures.
  9. Yes the flangeways are one of the least appealing things. The silly thing is that effect can be improved considerably in 00 by reducing the gauge to 16.2 mm. Modern 00 equipment runs fine and actually slightly better through the frog. Of course there is no commercial track available. I've printed track and turnouts at 16.2 but I don't just change the gauge. I adjust the scale to something like 1:82. IMHO it looks great but it seems to drive some people slightly bonkers : )
  10. I spoke a little too soon. Back in opital to resolve wicked head pains and get my BP under control.
  11. If you are buying smart water for $5 a bottle, it's not working. https://www.vincethesignguy.com
  12. In some parts of Scotland glasses are referred to as "gegs". Glasses are also called "specs" (short for spectacles) and applying rhyming-slang that becomes Gregory Pecks. It's all quite straightforward once you get the hang of it.
  13. Good. Sounds like they know what's going on. 😀
  14. Holly carp! Demand to see the evidence. I once had a problem that looked like a bad ECU. Turned out to be the engine thermostat. Cost about $3.
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