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Everything posted by Marakas

  1. Hi all can anyone tell me if this is a genuine photo, or is it a "photoshop" job. These look like German locos to me, although they could well have been brought over for testing. cheers Marakas
  2. Hi my quest to become operational continues! In the meantime, I am in the process of both building a whitemetal 4F, and re-spraying a couple of Triang Loco shells. My first question is: Can anyone advise me on replacement wheels for the Triang 0-6-0 chassis - not too complicated mind you, I'm no engineer. Second question, can anyone suggest a good power supply compatible with the Triang motors, I read somewhere that they take a more powerful output in amps? Will Gaugemaster suit? Joined the 3mm society as suggested.....its all in there, but digging it out and joining the dots can be quite a challenge!!!! I am starting a small prototype layout in late autumn to practice some modelling skills on....should be fun...missus will go mad! Cheers Mark!
  3. Ok, so now a plan is starting to take some shape..... A small prototype board to practice the skills on - small station, siding, track, ballast, scenery......practice! Respray and mark up existing Triang Locos. White Metal kit of 4F to put on a Jinty Chassis..... Build a couple of wagons......
  4. Gentlemen, thank you for all your advice. The learning curve is steep! But I've put my head in the Lions mouth so to speak....lets see what happens!
  5. Graham, very interesting, thank you!
  6. Thanks Guys, I've joined the 3mm society and await the first delivery. There's quite a steep learning curve here, and some vast amounts of information to trawl through, I'm looking forward to being befuddled. Its a shame that only the Europeans have really taken to 3mm in any sort of way. Hornby need a petition, and a swift kick up the backside - it really is the best gauge, the best combination of scale and detail. I work in NR ( don't boo! ) and I've asked some colleagues for plans of signal boxes.....one of the long term objectives is to do some scratch building in card (with the plans overlaid with "skins") or in plasticard.... Could really do with some advice on decalling these locos though.......
  7. Gents, many thanks for your help - I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. It's quite a minefield at first which is why I thought I would go with the Triang stuff first, then start modifying them to my own purposes, and then building up the skills over time to try something a bit more exotic in the future. I have done aircraft modelling in the past - and some of those skills are transferable!. I have received the first batch of stuff, including some locos - including a very nice Jinty which showed some of the potential of the scale, an 08 and a 31. Due to the condition of some of the items my first thought is to repaint. Some research has been done, and I have settled on Jinty's being black (for now) 08 going green, and the 31 going blue. Hows that for a mixed bag!? However, can anyone advise me on the decals I could be using? I have been on Fox Transfers, and Modeldecal but I can't get my head around the size of letters (LMS) and numbers, sizes for crests (for the 08), and then the arrows for blue BR 31. To be fair, given the age of the kit, some of the stuff looks really good, if a little coarse perhaps, but photos don't do them justice. Bear with me, I'm no expert, I'm in it for the fun, the challenge, the construction of a layout, and the smell of lubricating oil!! I'll build up the knowledge as I go along!! Probably a good idea to join the 3mm society.....
  8. After much consideration, and after several stop/starts, I have started collecting some Triang TT gauge locos, coaches and wagons, and unfortuntely, some type A track, with a view to building a small medium layout in the loft. I have spent the last few weeks getting the scent back, and rekindling the embers.....00 gauge too big, n gauge too small. TT gauge......purrrrfect. OK the RTR side isn't great, but maybe thats the point, if I can build a decent looking layout in TT, then I have worked harder!! Now I need some advice on triang running stock, and modern available track from Peco, tillig and the like. Is it going to run on it???
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