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Everything posted by Spacecadet1965

  1. Watch this space!! Most of my rolling stock is at the other end oft he country but will be with me by Christmas. Hopefully I'll be finally getting stuck in after the chaos of Xmas!! Going to start with a colliery with sidings leading to a branch line with a bit of luck. Got a few mineral wagons, a nice looking pit head & my wife has kindly got me a nice looking class 40 for a Christmas present (bless her). It's a start. Hope everyone out there has a nice, peaceful Christmas & a happy new year. Cheers
  2. Thanks Zanussi. Appreciate the feedback. Having nowhere else to put a layout I'm going to crack on & hope for the best. Like you say it's trial and error & finding solutions to problems. I'll check out the foam idea. Once again thanks for the advice
  3. Thanks Northroader. It is a bit disheartening. Seems to be 1 step forwards, 2 steps back! No chance of getting a skylight in up there. Rented property & costs! Have to get my thinking cap on! Nowhere else to put a descent sized layout. May make a smaller end to end one I can store on it's side when not in use. Think it was a case of running before I could walk with the attic idea!!? Thanks again for the advice. Happy modelling
  4. I was going to use some form of underlay (i.e Cork) for the actual track base
  5. Ahh.......sussed it out (I think!?)
  6. Here are a few bad photo's I took a while back. I will try & get some more close up ones on here soon! Sorry if I appear stupid but how do I add images to a comment on here?
  7. Thanks captain kernow. Any ideas on how to smooth out the baseboard? (short of ripping it out & starting again!!) Thanks again for replying to my blog. I'm a bit new to this blogging malarkey & wasn't sure I'd done it correctly!!
  8. Hi there. I'm a total beginner & would like some advice (well; lots I should imagine over the coming months & years!!) My layout will be in my attic which gets very warm in summer & was wondering if anyone could advise me on steps to take to minimise track warping etc. I have also included a diagram of my baseboard which a friend did for me out of old bits of wood. It's a bit uneven & was wondering about evening out harsh bumps?!!? Many Thanks
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