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Everything posted by brylonscamel

  1. ... Grace Jones using a bit of innuendo! Surely not!!
  2. Thanks - there is something brewing in those clouds!
  3. Before-and-after I recently found a photo of 'distillery corner' in 2020, with just basic groundwork and track. It's a surprising transformation!
  4. "Sunset mistaken for a dawn" A long view of the quayside on the harbour at Braeside ..
  5. I imagine they come with a fascinating booklet, about Sir Norbert Grisley, The famous race to KingNarber Junction and other poorly researched facts about the oldy Victoriana steam world.
  6. One too many My trips to see Dad and contribute to the layout are mostly made by train. This limits the amount of stuff I can bring. I weathered the locomotive time but the box was just a bit too big for my rucksack! It'll be good to add it to the growing fleet of 'BR Blue' but on another trip.
  7. The quayside remains a good location for photography ..
  8. Looking far more at home on our steam-era shed is 60532 'Blue Peter' Allocated to Aberdeen Ferryhill in 1951, she moved to Dundee in 1961 for her remaining years in mainline traffic.
  9. I sense an awkward conversation stage left. The steam-era crews are resisting any requests to ditch their shovels in favour of a power handle.
  10. Here are images taken around the engine shed that feature BR Blue locomotives, including a pre-production sample of the marvellous SLW rendition of a boiler-fitted 25/3 I was allowed to weather the loco to aid the realism of photography.
  11. Trip Hazards and F Settings .. My latest trip south was a bit of a mercy mission to help Dad after a sudden trip to A&E. Whilst the poor chap was recovering, I stopped working to cover domestic chores. I also amused myself with dog walks and layout photography. The DSLR camera was in the 'overnight bag' so I used the opportunity improve my photography. I'd been looking at image data on recent photos to work out why the images were often grainy and needed work in Photoshop to spruce them up. The lighting is OK for human eyes but not so brilliantly for photography. I haven't got access to specialist lighting equipment, so I hit on the idea of using the tripod to steady the camera. This allow for longer exposure and finer ISO settings. I've also been playing with focus-stacking software to blend my manual focus images.
  12. Meanwhile, on the east coast of Scotland another Sulzer 6LDA fills the quayside with a distinctive rhythm ..
  13. Mariners and locals gather for fishy conversations!
  14. Arrival of the Red T Our Tennents delivery lorry had a brush with the weathering colours before this latest trip.
  15. Say hello to our 'Derby Lightweight' DMU. I found this sitting patiently in the cupboard. It was my intention to kit-bash this into 'Sputnik' the famous battery multiple unit that was used on the Deeside line. Sadly, I haven't got time for this project. The chassis on the motor carriage is cast metal and needed more work to remove all the underfloor components than the trailing carriage. In my head, the 'Braeside Line' opted for the diesel unit, to run as a parallel trial. At least it can now be seen whizzing around the layout, rather than sitting on a shelf like the proverbial Victorian spinster.
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