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AY Mod

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AY Mod last won the day on January 11

AY Mod had the most liked content!

About AY Mod

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    Dodging the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

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  1. You can't be taken on trust to procure to an interesting and eclectic mix with extra surprises of top quality subject matter and good value catering even after years of experience. 😁
  2. I know you are quoting irrelevancies to illustrate a point but some may think you are being serious.
  3. Good service but you can take the 'scale' element of some of the Inoxion buildings and brick sizes with a pinch of salt.
  4. Pwllheli - P4 Jonathan Buckie NAME: Pwllheli SCALE/GAUGE: 4mm:1ft scale/18.83mm gauge/P4 SIZE: 19ft x 2ft ERA/REGION: 2012 North Wales LAYOUT TYPE: Fiddle yard to station I learnt that the Scalefour Society was planning another layout challenge. The design criteria was likely to be the same as for preceding 18.83 and D&E challenges – the layout must fit into a car, require only two operators, have a minimum of two points, and be built to P4 standards. Having followed the previous challenges and seen the completed entries, marvelling at what had been achieved in a relatively short period of time, I felt that now would be the perfect opportunity/excuse to start on something new. Thoughts immediately turned to Pwllheli.
  5. Blimey; a bin man who puts the bin back where he found it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coldgunner


      I thought that was the butlers job?

    3. Re6/6


      Found mine in the bushes last week!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I found some screwed up paper that had fallen from our collection lorry, so I picked it up as the lorry was approaching, held it out like a token and the secondman took it from me as they went past!


  6. I've been ranting over the last couple of days when checking spec info...
  7. And in the real word layouts get invites unseen based on previous standards and performance so that they have something new and interesting on show. That trumps widely seen exhibits.
  8. Although many know it's not actually in Margate no-one in the business, absolutely no-one, says 'down at Westwood'.
  9. It feels it too, nicely weighted and balanced. 0-4-4s are difficult in that regard but it runs very smoothly. Lovely paint finish and decoration.
  10. I'll let you know my thoughts when I've had my mitts on the fierce competition.
  11. Prettiest loco of the year so far? Gets my vote.
  12. It's working fine here... https://www.wizardmodels.ltd/
  13. You've never had to go to a Paul McCartney concert then.
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