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Everything posted by ilovetrains6

  1. Thanks for the link and I look and see what I could add to my layout all the time that outher people have used eg the straws,refuling point,bridge and some outhers Johan
  2. I'm thinking of moving the re-fuleing point to where the goods shed is to make it more of a stablerling yard Sorry for the spelling Johan
  3. I was planning to paint them and with the ballesting I haven't finished it yet as I've still got to bush exes off and relay any bits that are needed
  4. thx very much and I uplode them from my iPod as it is easy but I will go on to the computer and change it. Johan
  5. Will have some more picturs soon Johan
  6. Please someone look at my layout thread

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jintyman
    3. NickL2008


      alot of the pictures arn't orientated correctly, so looking at it kind of gave me bit of a neck ache!

    4. ilovetrains6


      Sorry I don't know how to add links ouyherwise I would an i agree with the photos I hornet figured witch way up my iPod needs to be.

  7. Why can't dcc be cheaper

  8. Why can't dcc be cheaper ??????????

  9. Why can't dcc be cheaper ??????????

  10. Hi guys Have had a good days modderling today and these are some picturs. Start of the bridge And where I have got up to (half built)sorry about it Being upside down I have also started to make a wire fence can I have some advice on how far apart to space the wooden bits please Thank you Johan
  11. Layouts looking good and love the low relief factory/wherehouce and the figers Johan
  12. Can someone tell me How to put a link to the layout from outher pages plese Thank you Johan Damn autocorrect
  13. Those tunnles look absolutely amazing Johan
  14. Will have a vidio in the next few weeks Johan
  15. Haven't been able to do much as I am now back at school but I've done some more ballesting and I will try to make a vidio soon Johan
  16. What paint/s did you use to weather you class 45. Thanks Johan
  17. Sorry I have not posted anything in the last few days its been a bit heckitc with the new school year and thing but should have some photos tommorow or Thursday Johan
  18. Verry nice layout I'm jealous of the hight quality of modeling and I think you have captured the spirit and atmosphere of a British layout very nicely and what is the size of the layout please. Regards johan
  19. Some ballesting I've done today on the outside line Johan
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