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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. Congratulations must go to the Croatia fans who managed to snatch a draw from a certain win against the Czech Republic! Memo to them... If you are going to set off flares do it after the final whistle not before!
  2. Far too well behaved for the ones we see during the season on the trains...
  3. Bet Fleetwood will be pleased, though!!
  4. Why pick out City? There are several other clubs the same as them, best known being Chelsea...
  5. Can win it without him as well...
  6. It used to be 1-0 to the Liverpool when I used to see them in the 70s! Now that result is a change for the better for the rest of us!
  7. I just hope they don't do a "Liverpool"... Going for just the league is one thing, competing in the PL, FA, League Cups and the Champions League is quite another... I doubt it, the smaller clubs should be able to mount a challenge, but it's the season after that's the tester... Then there's how lucky (or not) you are with injuries...
  8. That's a bit revolutionary! (I agree and have been saying it for years, he's over-rated.)
  9. Love to see the statistics that prove that... Or does it just seem to be that way?
  10. Get rid of the Offside Rule and it'd make life so much easier!! What I said before, what goes around comes around, we got stitched by Clattenberg over the weekend cancelling out our lucky goal against your lot! If you look carefully enough there are always plusses and minusses over the season...
  11. Sacked, and they've won their last three matches... Maybe a new way forward for football, the owner does the Managers job as well!! Ah but that only applied to the "other" Manchester team... We had a lucky escape in the Semi against Everton so I'll accept the "what goes round, comes round" in this case!
  12. Colin Gordon who is also the majority shareholder!
  13. Well the Harriers won their third game on the trot, wonder if they can perform the Great Escape?! Good article on their new owner/manager in the Times a couple of days ago as well, not often a non league side gets a full page spread when not talking about a cup run!
  14. I'd be quite happy with second the way they are playing at the moment... Bring on Pep! See Jose's angling for the United job again!
  15. It's the right way up, just that blue is a much better colour than red...
  16. I've got the HO version of that on a BTTB TT chassis!
  17. That's what I was saying (obviously not very well!)... Most 009 layouts at smaller shows tend to be freelance, ones I've seen at local shows in and around Birmingham I wouldn't be able to say where they are based on, even many at specialist NG shows are the same, however I'd have said most N and OO layouts tend to be at least region or area specific, freelance is still quite unusual in SG... That's not to say that freelance is bad, it's just that the way 009 has developed and has lead to that sort of modelling rather than models of specific lines or even areas...
  18. It depends on what you are modelling, the Fairley and L&B 2-6-2T are both pretty "line specific" whilst the Minitrains stuff is less so, thus appealing to a wider market. The same could be said for Fourdees and Sharloey, though with them the appeal is that they are nice small locos and in the case of the FD GVT loco the Peco kit has already made that a more "generic" loco than perhaps it should be... Although I model a specific line I reckon I am in a minority in British Narrow Gauge circles, most layouts are "generic" NG and small locos seem to appeal the most looking at the ones which appear at "local" exhibitions rather than the big (scale orientated) ones, hence I can't see the success or otherwise of the L&B loco making much difference to the development of 009...
  19. I don't think the L&B loco will make all that much difference TBH, if anything they've nearly missed the boat. They've been pre-empted by Minitrains, Fourdees and their own US arm of Bachmann. All three of the others have, in my view, made far better choices of loco to model which have much wider appeal for 009 modellers than Bachmann UK as well as being much more affordable in the case of Minitrais and BM USA... I can see why Roco didn't continue, the Fairley, whilst a nice loco, only has limited appeal and I think the L&B 2-6-2s are the same, though their chassis will be of more use than the Fairley's, subject to the motor not being placed somewhere stupid... Many new people have started modelling in 009 since the release of the Minitrains and BM Sharloey, I can't see the launch of the L&B loco adding greatly to those numbers...
  20. I'd have thought that was inevitable. You get the regular modellers who are awaiting for one buy theirs, and then a gradual trickle of others who may get one in the future, I suspect most models of whatever scales/gauges has that sort of "sales graph" these days... It's more of a result of the initial hype seen on forums like this fuelled by the press releases...
  21. Well it's all a bit tighter at the top...
  22. Don't think they have any choice... What with the MotD analysis after the match with views of the "incident" from angles the Ref can only dream of and the same from fans in the match who have their "smart" phone on and are analysing it as the game goes on... Refs make mistakes, after all they are only human, but they can only see a limited view of any incident and in view of the pressure they are under I can see why they are bringing it in... You only have to look at this thread to see the stick they get, I doubt those who criticise could do any better week after week in the Premiership cauldron... If you complain about the delays in the future all you have to do is blame yourselves and your fellow fans... I'd have just accepted that mistakes happen and what goes round comes round, many fans and pundits can't accept that and expect the Ref to be perfect... Shame...
  23. Strange isn't it, when Man City suddenly got all their money from their new owners and started spending it then there was uproar from fans of the (then) top four and others about how money was spoiling the Game (only because it wasn't theirs no doubt!) and it should be stopped... Yet no-one has said a dicky bird about Leicester's spending habit, current and future... I've no objection, BTW, in fact the more the merrier, makes things more interesting rather than the boring old foursome that used to "rule" the premiership...
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