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Agent Cooper

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Posts posted by Agent Cooper

  1. Excellent news. Vast opportunity for trader exclusives too.


    I think from Batch one it has to be 66753, and maybe the DB chip fat special. Looks like I'll be using the Accuradebt® spread payment service again. My wishlist is vast.... Fran's Full House "GBRf fleet" box set will be sight to see 😂


    Now follow it up with varying Intermodal Flat types please 😜

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  2. "Arthur" just landed here, about fourteen months after the "Darfield No.1" and Works plates from Narrow Planet. It's running in time 😃

    Hoping one way or another eventually it'll look like this. Grew up looking down into Low Valley, though will have been about two or three when No.1 moved out. 

    Been a long time coming but well worth the wait.

    NCB Darfield No.1 800p.jpg

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  3. So just because you have a spare RJ12 socket on your existing DCC set up does not mean it will work with the dongle. More I look into this seems that has to be a Lenz XpressNet protocol based controller (Hornby Select, Elite and Roco Z21 as the stated examples). Well done Hornby on the blank and non sound decoders with plug in Stay alive and speaker options. Legacy control will need a bit more thought but a nice step. 

  4. Impatiently waiting for my dispatch email "Nimbus" unfulfilled (but paid for). Never even knew I needed a (sound fitted) Deltic until the small person and I went to see Heaton Lodge. A set of PTA wagons highlighted Accurascale's OO detail and quality, and a "won't miss that" instalment plan twisted my arm... and then a few days later a 'modern' 37....and then.... 😁 

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