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Accurascale Fran

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Accurascale Fran last won the day on November 23 2022

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    Dublin, Ireland

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  1. Hi @MidlandRed, I guess the thread wasnt closed here as there were no comments here? Anything beyond that theory is a question for Warners really. Are you implying we are having the thread locked deliberately on our instruction? Re announcement, that is correct. A case of one party not knowing what another party is doing. In respect to Cavalex I told Cav and Alex personally at Model Rail Scotland just after they announced their model that we had scanned a 60. I don't think many competitors would allow for that level of courtesy. Cheers! Fran
  2. Hi @Chilly, That is the most rational and sensible outlook in our view. It never has to be "one or the other" or "with us or against us". We certainly do not want that. We are just here to make model trains to the best of our ability that people can enjoy. If you like them, then please consider buying them. If they're not for you, then no problem at all, and all the very best. The tribalism brings the very worst elements into the equation and I've had some rather unpleasant personal abuse by "hurlers on the ditch" as a result, as have my colleagues and most recently, a friend. It's best left aside. Lord knows I have tried to extend hands of friendship to even the most ardent parties, but it seems to no avail. I've grown tired of the nonsense now to be perfectly honest. At the end of the day, it's a hobby for most and about enjoyment. Not squabbles, trolling, rumour spreading and personal abuse. But, that's the world we live in I guess. Judge both models when the time comes and they're on the market, a bit like our 31 and the other recent Ped release. I think that's a most reasonable viewpoint. Don't make it personal, let it be about the models. I don't think that's difficult or too much to ask. Cheers! Fran
  3. Hi Andrew, Keeping me busy between evening feeds! 🤣 As promised, we will have it post GETS, before the end of this week. Prepping for the Dublin show which is the highlight of the year for sister brand to Accurascale, IRM and that’s taken up a lot of our time. Cheers! Fran
  4. Hi Andrew, They look pretty much at the same stage to me, but I guess we will see who crosses the finish line first. Not that it always matters, as our 31 attests to. Cheers! Fran
  5. Hi Andrew, Not sure why your post on another thread was locked, but not sure what that has got to do with us either? Just as a matter of interest; how can you make a call on what the better model is when neither has been released onto the market yet in their final state? You say yourself "there isnt much in it", so perhaps the judging will begin when the models land in stock? After all, we have made amendments to bogie and grille era (to name but two) from our initial samples. Let's wait and see before nailing colours to masts in definitive fashion, maybe? After all, there are flaws on the Cavalex model that our team have spotted, but as it is still in development (and out of professional courtesy) we are not going to post them all over the internet, as they could well be corrected before production. We reckon 2025 will bring the answers. 🙂 Cheers! Fran
  6. Hi everyone, Update on the ICRs now available on our website: https://irishrailwaymodels.com/blogs/announcements/icr-update-october-2024 Cheers! Fran
  7. Hi everyone, We recently paid a visit to the Hornby Mag HQ to discuss the Pannier progress with Mike Wild. Check out the video of that chat and see them in action here: Cheers! Fran
  8. Hi @Kaput, Indeed, I never want to go down that road. I just implore people who hear such guff being put around about us to pause, ask themselves “is that really true?” And realise that there might well be an ulterior motive at play. It very likely is. The above is the tip of an iceberg. I know “all is fair in love and war” and all but it’s been going on for a long time now, and have seen people I would’ve credited previously as rational, levelheaded and intelligent people taken in by it. Sad to see and one should always remember that there is two sides to every story. We’re not the only victims of these personal smear campaigns either from this particular party. Another manufacturer has suffered from it too, along with someone I consider a friend, merely for doing his job. Anyway, enough of my late night rambling and back to our Class 37s. Cheers! Fran
  9. Hi Rich, Lol! Don't go there. We already have one manufacturer telling anyone who listens that we're a tax dodge! Latest in a long line of yarns they've been spinning. Imagine; a group of Irish men, who live in a country famed for its favourable corporate tax structure, decide to set up a British business to be a tax dodge!?! We do find these tidbits of info rather amusing when they come back to us. We wonder what will be next! Cheers! Fran
  10. Hi @E100, Correct on the above; his and 37403 for the SRPS were quoted on original figures but we decided to honour it for both parties so there would be no disappointment to their customers or any messing around for them. If you have your name down for either you are truly getting an absolute bargain for the outlay! We decided to try the grease pattern on the buffers of some locos to see what modellers reaction to it might be. We're keen to hear everyones thoughts on it! Cheers! Fran
  11. Hi @TravisM, Unless the removal men drop them I don’t see it invalidating the warranty? Cheers! Fran
  12. Hi @SAE, It sure is! Please contact support@accurascale.com and the guys will guide you on it. Cheers! Fran
  13. Hi @Melton Works, Many thanks for your kind words, but I can’t take any credit here (other than making the initial suggestion that we do them!) The real hard work that deserves your kind words is Gareth, Eugen and our factory team. I just get the pleasure of telling you all about them, and then see you all enjoy them and that’s enough for me. Cheers! Fran
  14. Hi folks, We are currently working on several units, one which will be announced fairly soon. I can confirm that units are a lot of work, and take much longer to design. Goes without saying I know, but it’s insane compared to a loco, and they cost a fortune to tool and produce. Our sales of diesel locos like 37s, Deltics, 31s, 60s have and will help us fund more of them in the future too, so if you want to see more accuraunits, buy some locos, coaches or wagons currently available! In the meantime, place your bets on which couple (unrelated!) units come first! Cheers! Fran
  15. Hi @JaymzHatstand, Just confirming now that our warranty does not cover STDs. Play safe, everyone! Cheers! Fran
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