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Everything posted by skipepsi

  1. Morning all last 6 am get up this week wet and windy here.
  2. It is funny you should say that but when at college as a mature student I actually recounted my early childhood; outside toilet, cold running water, no central heating, a coal fire to cook with, a pig in the orchard owned by the landlord a two up two down house with only one door and no electrical appliances at all. It was all completely unbelieveable to students only 10 years younger than me.
  3. Morning all got up an hour late due to not setting my alarm .
  4. Morning all tired again but only nine working days until Christmas.
  5. Morning all another day another dollar.
  6. Morning all a bit of woodwork and door hanging is my plan followed by car maintenance but I havent been told what I will be doing yet.
  7. He didn't have a lot of choice, his own expert witness (charted surveyor)described him as incompetent and his work as poor quality.
  8. Morning all. We have had an insulting offer from the builder but at least he made an offer,case will now rumble on until a judge decides it or he makes an acceptable offer.
  9. Morning all cold but dry Friday already I don't know about the year slipping away I seem to have lost a decade. Ed the freight anyone?
  10. Morning all dark and wet outside. Don I am not sure I made myself clear the cards and paper in the loft are the unused excess from the previous years buying.
  11. What I want to know is why the wrapping paper and cards so carefully placed in the loft last year are no good this year and new must be bought!
  12. Weather report from in-laws was snow on the way to Inverness but only snow on the tops around Inverness itself.
  13. The in-laws have gone on holiday to Inverness this week it says something about Chesterfield Ithink.
  14. Morning all wet and cold here but developments in the legal case are looking positive.
  15. Morning all chilly outside but dry the cars are white over with frost and there is light on the horizon, I am sure it isn't snow.
  16. Good night all another crap day sorting out stuff for court.Tesco's replacement cartridge was not recognised by our printer so late night visit to supermarket and a genuine HP cartridge purchased.
  17. Morning all wet and cold this morning but no snow.
  18. Morning all I think the army have been grabbed by H&S as much as anyone else which is inhibiting their bridge building. As for slectrical installations in educational buildings they are about as much use as the asbestos regulations.
  19. Morning all cold but clear here the sort of day I prefer. Dom all you need to do is turn up and think before speaking, Good luck.
  20. Morning all a chilly start to the day. They do say exercise lifts your mood so I think you have sorted yourself out Robert.
  21. Morning all the wind and rain have stopped overnight and I can see light on the horizon.
  22. Morning all weather is milder but still wet. Good luck Dominik you are still the same person who knew the answers yesterday.
  23. When I stood on the edge of the grand canyon it was quite enough to make me feel insignificant in the schemes of nature.
  24. Morning all windy weather this morning not quite strong enough to lean on but close.
  25. I'm not sure that they have a lot of bridges in store but there are similar bridges built by civilian firms so given will power they should be built soon.
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