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Blog Comments posted by chris101

  1. Hi, I need to replace a broken handrail on a Bachmann 08, its the long horizontal handrail that sits just below the roof line. Actually I'll replace both so that they match - plus the originals are way too thick. I'm guessing that if the originals are approx 30mm thick then I need 0.40mm wire - although 0.45mm wire would be easier for me to work with, but as I need the rails to be rigid and able to withstand a gentle knock without deforming I'm not sure as to what material I should use. Brass may be too soft(?), but will be easy to solder the 3x 90 degree 'stays' along its length. Plain old steel seems ideal, however most suppliers of this fine wire are only offering brass or nickel silver. Has anyone tried fabricating these rails, and if so what wire did you use?



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