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Everything posted by PupCam

  1. Which would be approximately this ...... I'm not 100% convinced but a first Google Maps helicopter flight up and down the line hasn't revealed any better candidates https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.9189287,-0.2212843,156a,35y,5.57h,77.34t/data=!3m1!1e3 This is the view from the "new" A602 looking south, the A1M bridge is the one furthest away https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.927657,-0.2255164,3a,30y,150.06h,93.85t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3LjMbPrnF1hgs6envsW2IA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D3LjMbPrnF1hgs6envsW2IA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D187.05182%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192
  2. Do I correctly infer from this enquiry that there might be a model of Welwyn North in the offing? If so, I look forward to seeing it as I know the area well although sadly the station was but a shadow of its former glory by the time I came to know it! Will it also include that most significant and imposing bit of local infrastructure as well? While we're on the subject, I was intrigued when I noticed in the Welwyn North section of Peter Coster's book (I know it doesn't meet with universal acclaim but the two volumes are far better than all of the (non-existent) alternatives IMHO) the shot of the car park with a lovely selection of period cars which includes an Austin Seven whose registration number was only 13 different from my first car. That was also an Austin Seven which I bought second-hand back in the mid 70's for £30 from someone who lived just 1.5 miles from the station.
  3. There are so many things that make my blood boil now, this sort of "Free Speech" is one of them. Another is the appalling increase in fly tipping and general "let's just lob this rubbish out of the car window". Puppers had occasion to do an ~30 mile chug around the leafy lanes today although a lot of the time the leaves couldn't be seen as they were hidden by detritus. The country (and probably the world) is going to Hell in hand cart at an alarming rate! Doh! - Puppers has a square hole in the garage ~ 620 x 620 x 20 that could easily have been filled with a sheet of head gasket raw material. Do you know I actually had to buy some recently to make the head gasket for my little Beeza?
  4. Sounds interesting! As in the engine? You want to back some of that off then to spare your leg!
  5. What, this one? Am I correct in thinking that there's a layout that needs starting finishing somewhere in Bear Towers?
  6. That's because, in my very humble opinion, they have their own agenda and just love the sound of their own voice. Press conferences are just an opportunity for them to open their traps and to try and score points. Can anyone honestly say that they have ever heard a really insightful question from a journalist that has elicited an even more insightful answer from the recipient? I certainly haven't!
  7. Moi? Certainly not! Well, OK, just a little one These things are sent to try us and they certainly do that. I've lost count of how many times I've had the cylinder head and barrel off of my little Beeza in the two years I've owned it. Still, it seems to be working at the moment, touch wood Anyway, 10/10 for "Beneficial Shed Activity" as I seem to be able to make no end of excuses up as to why I shouldn't get up, go down to the garage and get fettling (of course the only real reason is early onset terminal laziness which is in fact curable with the aid of a small, strategically placed rocket (no, no, not a horrible bit of limp green stuff).
  8. Sounds like an excellent plan!
  9. It's part of my plan for "All Weather" biking - Puppers hates getting cold and/or wet
  10. Irrespective of anyone's political views (let's not go there!) why oh why do the media persist in asking unanswerable questions? e.g. "were asked by Sophia Sleigh of the Evening Standard asks the PM if he can categorically rule out a full lockdown?" I would suggest you stupid <insert favourite type of cake spelt with 4 letters the first and last of which might be "t"> that no one can categorically rule anything out or in, in case you hadn't noticed we are still in the middle of global pandemic!!! The fact that politicians try to placate them and not just tell them TSTFU is just as indefensible. In my opinion, the media have an awful lot to answer for.
  11. Sad to report that a post on the Jampot forum (AJS + Matchless Owners Club) last October that Pat has recently died. "Sad to learn that Pat Hughes has passed away. Pat although not as active in the Poachers section as her late husband Ron had been very active on the national committee. She was a vice president of the club and held many positions as a committee member including PRO and for many years was the machine dating officer. Both Pat and Ron were involved with the setting up of the spares scheme and for many years also organized and ran the club stand at shows up and down the country. Pats passing is sadly the end of an era, she was one of the many people instrumental in moving the the club forward and making it what it is to day. Pat may you rest in piece." I have to say when I acquired my bike ~ 4 years ago I was amazed at the availability of spares still available for bikes which ceased manufacture ~ 55 years ago from the very active Owners Club. My wallet was even more amazed, no terrified, that not 6 miles from where I live there is another very knowledgable, friendly chap (indeed a marquee expert) who sells a vast array of useful bits and pieces to help keep the old girl chugging who is only too keen to pass on his knowledge to newbies like myself
  12. Where is the "Not a hope in Hell" button?
  13. Vita but you won't be surprised to hear that we've also sampled Aqua and many other local eaterys (Italian, French, Indian, Chinese, Thai, "English Pub") - Exhibition planning is a very hunger inducing occupation! My dear boy, wash your mouth out with soap and water! ........... but I could be easily tempted by a good condition, early, air-cooled Yamaha RD
  14. Well at last it's a beautiful, if blowy, day on the Hertfordshire / Bedfordshire border and, as we have a certain degree of liberty as of today, I thought it would be a jolly good plan to "take the air" and give these two old girls a run round the country lanes (large busy roads scare Puppers well, to be more precise, the Muppets that inhabit them in their high speed, I'm alright Jack, out of my way tanks scare Puppers). The AJ was rather reluctant to go, no doubt due to having been lurking at the back of the garage for 3 months during which time most of the oil had followed the force of gravity and flowed out of the oil tank and into the crankcase (as is the wont of an old, dry sump British bike). Still, a bit of persistence paid off and much chugging around the lanes ensued including the customary chug past the wonderful Shuttleworth Collection. It's amazing , all roads seem to lead to Old Warden when I'm on a bike Anyway, it was most therapeutic.
  15. Our mutual friend introduced me to a superb, small Italian restaurant in Welwyn during our "once a week exhibition planning meetings" (heaven forbid we'd spend the whole day working - that's not what retirement is about!). Their Calzone very quickly became Pupper's favourite dish
  16. And of course the very worst and probably most frequent "foreign" contaminant endured by military equipment in use? Carbonated drinks (probably out of a red coloured tin or bottle). Alan
  17. I'm finding the same these days which is not very productive when there are old motorcycles to fettle, large model aeroplanes to finish and even, dare I say it, some potential railway modelling to be done. I have it least been able to offer a friend and former colleague some advice on wiring and operating turnouts this morning and rustled up a little Arduino servo controller demo to show him just how simple it is. Perhaps his conversion to DCC++ will have to wait for another day Oh how I love an Arduino or seven ....
  18. Oh how I don't miss those now ! Although I know for a fact that @polybear was heartbroken that he too would no longer be having them following his recent exit from the daily grind
  19. Sorry, slightly wrong it wasn't the airfield perimeter it was a field and a farm some miles further on from Wattisham after a failed landing attempt. There used to be a very good article on line about it but it seems to have disappeared so you'll have to make do with this. https://twitter.com/exRAF_Al/status/1346547619955408900 But to prove my point, you will notice the tree is still in fine form all these years later. Not certain you can discern the scar from the current Google imagery. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.1655067,1.2143432,3a,90y,328.97h,94.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-f8-vdT5DkC3IptxCTw9-g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  20. The one thing I've noticed is that the trees always come off much better in such cases which reminds me of the sad case of a Lightning that crashed and skidded across the end of the airfield and gouged a lump out of a tree on the perimeter. Unfortunately through a cruel set of circumstances the pilot who survived after the ejector seat failed to operate prior to the crash was then killed when it finally did operate as the aircraft was arguing with the tree. The gouge on the trunk is still visible on Streetview but other than that the tree is fit and healthy (or was when I looked).
  21. But surely there are limits and the episode described far exceeded "dodgy driving" and was clearly (I might even say criminally) reckless with a clear and blatant disregard for the safety of others! I have to say when "Joe Racer" screams past me and hurtles up to the next blind, tree lined corner there is a part of me that, shall we say, would not be too upset if when I rounded the corner I saw that they had well and truly planted the vehicle and themselves into a good mature oak - lets call it natural selection. Lets hope that if such a thing occurred it did so before they'd had the chance to pass their genes on, both on the grounds of selection and to prevent trauma to their offspring. Of course the really very sad part of such a scenario is that the chances are there would also be unforgivable, innocent collateral damage because of the law of Mr Sxd.
  22. Thrust Vector Control, that's what you need not a rudder, it's all the rage these days What a nice (but ungainly) aeroplane the Fieseler Storch was. Such a shame the one that used to live not 10 miles from me was sold and moved abroad a few years back. One of the lessons the then owner learnt was an adaption of the old story; How do you make a small fortune with your Fieseler Storch? Start with a large one ..... Those Argus engine rebuilds were very costly (and I think there were at least two of them)! Shame about the wind noise but there you go
  23. But you tell that to the kids of today and they'll not believe you (or me) .....
  24. Indeed it is, just like the one from last week where a nice lady phoned me twice on a mobile from "BT" to tell me that there were lots of people abusing my internet connection and that she would should show me how if I was sitting in front of my device ...... One slightly scary aspect was that she said she would (and she did!) send a verification code to my mobile. I didn't tell her what my mobile number was, it's obviously been harvested from the internet or flogged on by some lower forms of life. Just shows you, you've got to have your wits about you. Anyway, I declined her kind offer of help, how very rude of me! Oh yes, apparently I bought an iPhone off of Amazon a couple of weeks ago too
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