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Everything posted by Alex_Clements@KX

  1. Belle Isle under construction in 2010. This is only a representation of Belle Isle as there is not enough space to recreate the actual location.
  2. No it's ok, I was enjoying it. here is another long train that's run on the layout. Wrong region but it's nice to have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be3Hr2-5L_0
  3. The longest train to run on the Kings Cross Layout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egb5F4Fns9M
  4. The signals are ekcon. kits on scratch built gantry’s. They will all work 'eventually' with some the main line track ones on automatic track circuit system and the ones in Belle isle maybe on semi-auto. But as the signals are at the bottom of the priority list, they may not be working for along time.
  5. Thanks very much, its great that lots of people are able to share their memories of the station. To answer your correct observation, the original plan was to have the crossovers but the lack of space meant that something had to go and as you rightly say that they were not used much there was no need to have them.
  6. Current progress on the engine shed and diesel depot 4/4/2016
  7. It only had York Road and platform 16 for the moorgate lines as you can see in the track plans at the top.
  8. It was sent to me by one of the engineers working on remodeling the station. Here's a few more he sent me.
  9. Started 30 years ago, the Kings Cross Layout has become one of the most complicated operating loft layouts around. Based on Kings Cross Station in the mid 50' to mid 60's it has a wide range of stock and long running lines. 5 to 6 operators are needed to run the layout which has two loco sheds, carriage sidings, 15 Platforms, milk depot and a diesel depot. The Lines to Mooregate are also on the layout as can be seen in the track plans below. Links to view the layout in action on running sessions. I will hopefuly be posting progress on the layout as projects progress. The engine shed is the current project which is being remodeled to fit a new diesel depot on it.
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