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Posts posted by D3489gibson

  1. Morning all, 


    Took my two Engineers ones to the club last night, and put them through their paces, and the pointwork, on Beckwick whilst ironing out track faults. Stuck them behind D4001, and paired them up with two Hornby BR 6 wheelers to see how they run with them too. Aside from them definitely not liking out of alignment track, mainly due to an uneven bit of floor in the hall we use, they ran well. 




    • Like 8
  2. On 18/09/2022 at 09:01, Kraken said:

    I picked up my Mk4 DVT last week. Directional lighting worked as expected, but once I put a decoder in there was nothing. I took a 2nd decoder from another loco that I knew to be good and still nothing. When I put the 1st decoder back in the loco that worked fine, and I could also see it had taken the change of address that I made whilst in the DVT. Both decoders are Bachmann 21 pin. I have a Dapol Imperium in the Class 91 (that seemed to be best option to get the full  lighting functionality) I guess next option is to try that and then return or contact Hornby, but wondered if anybody else has had similar issues or any other useful suggestions?

    Ironically I've got the same issue, well, sort of... I have a Roads and Rails sound decoder fitted to my TFW DVT, and it was fine last week, but I've just fitted another Roads and Rails Decoder to the TFW 67, slapped the pair together, and there's only one marker light showing on the DVT... Not sure what's caused this as it was fine, like I've said, last week... I don't really want to send either back to Hornby or R&R if I don't have to... 

  3. 3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

    The slight difference in shade is probably more prototypical.

    I compared mine yesterday, and the Hornby one is pinker than the Hattons ones, probably down to them being Carmine Red, which I assume the Engineers Red is probably derived from IRL? Tempted to order one or two Genesis BR coaches from the next batch to see how they will compare to the Hornby ones..



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    Unfortunately due to the Chairman having to work on Gordons Lane last Thursday, we were unable to get a basic setup sorted, however during the day I'd managed to find all of my track and a great deal of stock for the layout. 


    Our plan is to use Flexi track for the majority of the scenic section, and utilise the Setrack for the fiddle yard, and sidings. 


    Once I have an update, i shall in due course, post here. 



  5. 7 hours ago, Nearholmer said:

    Are you aware that the area did indeed have 2ft gauge railways? The lines were connected with shingle extraction, concrete making, and sea defence work, and straggled all the way from Rye Harbour to Cliff End. Many years ago I wrote-up what I was able to find about the history, which was published first in the journal of NGRS then in Tenterden Terrier. Nowadays, the map evidence is far easier to access, using the 25” maps on the NLS site.


    Thanks for commenting! Yes I'm aware of the narrow gauge lines that were in the area, that's sort of what spurred me on originally back in 2017, when writing up a brief (fake history?) for the line. 


    Updates to follow on Friday after the trial setup on thursday night. 



  6. Back in 2017, having finished my apprenticeship with Southern Rail, and having a holiday home in Winchelsea, I bit the bug for 009, and started working on a layout idea, utilising the local area. Fast forward to 2019, and through a change in circumstances, myself and my mum purchased a holiday home on the neighbouring holiday site at Rye Harbour, and thus with that, I decided to relocate the layouts basis, in model form at least. Unfortunately through many things, including the pandemic, and moving home from my flat to my mums house, I was unable to start working on building the layout. 


    However, after a long 4 and a half years, I can finally say that the layout is in the post planning stages of being built.


    After joining the Beckenham and West Wickham Model Railway Club in November 2021, I've gotten involved with the clubs layouts, including operating the chairman's OO Gauge layout Gordons Lane, which featured in the July issue of Hornby Magazine. A few weekends ago, we attended the Bredgar and Wormshill Light Railway's model railway weekend operating a members layout, Stonycroft Junction. The event was hosted by Invicta Model Rail, and myself and the chairman started discussing how the club didn't have a 009 presence. I quickly mentioned this layout in particular, and since then we've been discussing how to make it, and what size it shall be. This Thursday at our club evening, we're going to be trial assembling the layout, granted on a table with no flexi track, just yet, with an aim to have the layout ready to show at our April show next year. 


    The layout is going to be DC, as much as the rest of the clubs layouts are DCC, with the exception of one OO layout, and the N gauge layout. 






    Above are rough plans of both the track design, and of the baseboard setup, with the four larger boards forming the scenic sections, and the two 3ft x 1.5ft boards being for the fiddle yard. 


    Exciting times lay ahead for the P&WSLR!



    • Like 2
  7. Hi all!

    So I took the unit to a friends house, and we stuck it on his programming board, set it as 416, and cycled through the lighting functions, and managed to get the lights on. Crisis averted thankfully!!! 

    unit 416 on the B&WWMRC's new layout West Exchange Sidings. 

    Cheers for the help,



    • Like 4
  8. Evening Folks, 


    I appreciate this thread hasn't seen daylight in almost two years, however, I have a similar problem with my 4TC, in that the lights won't come on. I did have the similar issue with a bent contact on the BTK, and have reformed the contact strip as best as possible so that it's flush again, however since then, I haven't been able to get the interior lighting to work. When this happened, the unit was DC only, and even after rectifying the contact, and fitting an Imperium 21pin decoder, the saloon lights still won't come on. the marker and tail lighting on the driving ends both work in each direction though. 


    any thoughts? 




  9. Afternoon all. 


    Today I recieved a copy of R.J. Maycock and M.J.E. Reed's Isle of Wight Steam Passenger Rolling Stock book for referencing suitable numbering for the four wheelers and the bogie coaches. The four wheelers have been designated as Brake Third 3686, Full Third 1793, and Composite 5799. All three of these are from Set 495. A fourth coach will be added in the future, in the form of Ex North London Railway Full Third 49 (SR 2429). 


    Here is the fully completed article of 3686, complete with set 495 markings on the back of the guards compartment. 






    Here's to two more successful sessions of adding transfers for the remaining two coaches... 



  10. Hi all.


    A few updates from me, given that it's been almost a year since I started this thread.


    The RFO hasn't progressed much further than a few more applications of filler, and coat of filler primer, and I'm waiting on the weather to pick up before I continue with it. however, since then, I've done some work on my LNER goods wagon fleet, which are now at a five strong rake, with two more vehicles being worked on currently. During November, everything was put on hold, following me being involved in the Croydon Tram crash, however, I did manage to keep myself occupied, by starting work on an N gauge Maunsell Z class bodyshell kit for the GraFar Poole 8F chassis. Since then, I've been working on some more Southern orientated things, which is where this update leads to. 


    During Feburary, I took a trip down to Gaugemaster, Ford, to pick up a preorder of Dapol's exclusive to Gaugemaster, N gauge Class 73, 73202. During the visit, I also picked up two Ratio LMS Suburban coach kits, and a set of Bulleid coach bogies. This started my mad idea for starting an IOWesque setup, with these two coaches forming the backbone of the idea, and cementing it in place.


    The first coach, the 8 compartment Full Third, was build up, and the pair of Bulleid bogies modified to allow attachment under the ratio underframe using a 10ba nut and screw setup, with the screw being superglued into place inside the ratio bogie mount for the underframe, as seen below.




    with the coach pretty much done now, bar a few touchups to the olive green where the black on the end panels has bled over, I decided to concentrate on a set of four wheel coaches for the setup. Having already purchased four of the Bachmann Thomas and Friends Red Branchline coaches (three standard, one brake) I decided to create a three coach set of four wheel coaches for use behind terriers. 


    I started by disassembling the coaches intended for the rake into their component parts (underframe, body, roof and glazing) and proceeded to apply a coat of Halfords Grey plastic primer to the coach bodies. During the drying process, I started to tackle the underframes/ chassis of the coaches, which were very basic to begin with. 


    To differentiate the brake coach from the composite and full third, I decided to fit step boards across the axleboxes on each corner of the coach. these were sourced from a spare kit sprue. Also fitted were white metal castings of SR coach underframe details (battery box, gas cylinder and brake cylinder, the latter not fitted until later in the project) 




    Once the other side of the chassis had the running boards fitted, the chassis was given a coat of Matt Black. After allowing the bodies to dry fully, the first applications of P84 SR Coach Green (dull) was painted onto the bodies. 




    Again, once dry, the second coat was applied, as well as a coat of Coach roof Grey to the roofs of all three coaches. A second coat of grey was applied to the roofs after the first had dried, and then all was fitted together. As a last minute decision, I decided to fit brake pipes to the coaches. The Brake third has had whitemetal spares fitted from what I recall was a Parkside Dundass 009 FR coach kit, and the Composite and Full Third, have had the spares from the two Ratio bogie coaches fitted. These will get painted up in black once I'm happy that they are secure to the chassis's. The next stage is transfers, which I shall be using HMRS Pressfix sheet 9. This also applies for the bogie coaches as well. 




    Out of all of the coaches in this small rake, the brake coach is by far the one I'm most impressed with. Not simply because of the enhancing of the underframe details, but because it genuinly looks the part now. I've had comments from friends I've shown stating that they wouldn't have been able to tell it was formerly a Thomas and Friends coach. 




    • Like 1
  11. Afternoon! 


    Yesterday evening I found some time to apply filler to the three areas requiring work. The filler has now been smoothed down to establish where needs more work done to it, and from the results, it's just the former toilet window and first saloon window that require the majority of more filler. The second saloon window could benefit from a coat or two of Filler Primer, which should be with me this evening. It's slowly getting there now! Fingers crossed that with a little bit more work, this coach should be done and ready for priming and painting by next week! 




    Prior to applying filler, I took the liberty of seeing what the coach will look like paired to a TSO, the bogies on both coaches have had Bachmann 36-055 DMU coupling Straight fitted to give them a more closer coupled look.




    Till next time!


  12. Hi all! Firstly, let me introduce myself. The name's Nathan, I'm 21, and I'm coming up to the end of my third year of a four year apprenticeship with Southern. I'm a keen LNER and SR (and pregrouping of both companies) fan, and primarily model preserved LNER, with the majority of my rolling stock being Teak. These range from vintage coaches to Gresley and Thompson's. I'm also a trainee 2nd man and cleaner at the Spa Valley railway.


    Attached are some examples of previous mods I've done, primarily to Bachmann Thomas and Friends six wheel coaches. I've also, as my first venture into "teaking" redone a Bachmann "Henrietta" into a W&U tramcar. My latest repaint was of a Dapol Hunslet Austerity, which I finished in Oxford Blue, with Red lining as No.3795, which I've named Fleur, after a family friend. 



    GNR six wheel brake with duckets from Ratio spares, repainted from a Bachmann "Emily's Coach". 



    W&U tramcar repainted into Teak from a Bachmann "Henrietta"



    3795 Fleur following completion.


    My current project is of a fictional loco hauled set, based off of the ones operated by DRS for Northern Rail, but in Southern TOC colours, to match class 73 73202 Graham Stenning, which I am getting repainted by a friend. I've decided to start with the RFO for the set, using a similar method that member "johnhall" did with old MK2D's. I however am using MK2E's, this one having originally been an FO, from the Hornby Railroad Range.



    RFO progress. The two windows and toilet compartment have been blanked off, ready for filler to be applied in the recesses and eventually sanded down to a flat surface. Annoyingly, where the poly cement I've used decided to leak, the section below the toilet window has ruined slightly, however this shouldn't be a problem as it'll be sanded down eventually. 


    Hope you enjoy what you see, please feel free to comment on improvements to current projects, etc. 

    Till next time,


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