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  1. Hi Woko,

    I have been following your 3D thread for a while with the intention of making some .stl files of my own. Have only managed an end vent for LMS banana vans so far and hope to post it shortly. It printed OK on my Ender 3 S1 but is pushing the limits of that printer.  I will probably get a resin one at some point down the line to get finer detail but right now I have nowhere outside that I would be happy keeping it in. My filament printer is much more conducive to internal use but it’s in my dad’s at the meantime. I’ve managed to get some decent prints from it of pregrouping stuff supplied by Sithlord of this parish but will add Archer rivet transfers where those have failed to print clearly. 

    Your French church looks amazing. I am assuming it will be the backdrop for an 82nd airborne diorama? There are quite a few ruined buildings available on Cults3d if you were looking for extras but why detract from that magnificent structure. I have download a few but not yet printed the buildings so am not sure how they would turn out. Have you any plans  to put that .stl up for sale? I think it would still look very sharp blown up to 1/35 which is my scale of choice.

    Your wagons, especially the NER horse boxes look superb. They will be on my to do list at some point for my Scottish Borders layout seeing as how the D&S kits are hard to get. Please keep up the good work, it is genuinely inspiring to see your efforts in any scale.



    1. woko


      Thanks Stephen for the kind words, and yes you are correct I will be knocking up some 28mm 82nd Airborne to go with the church, never really figured how the church would look at 1/35, I suspect you would need a larger printer or break it up into a lot smaller parts to print possibly!

      I have just finished Marmion Farm house, so have the barn to do and then I need to start seriously printing this stuff off if I am going to get this board done :)

      But once again its very kind of you to send such a message of encouragement, if you ever need any help then please don't hesitate to give me a nudge dude happy to help chap :)




    2. Carlislecitadel2


       Hi Rob,

      You might regret that offer to help! If I can supply any info or drawings please let me know. My father and I have pretty much every wagon book on british companies and loads of drawings from old Model Railway Constructer andModel Railways News magazines back to the 1930s in some cases - back when mags were for modelling with the info you needed to make your own stock.  

      I will look forward to seeing Marmions Farm when you get it done, complete with the famous flag holding scene? If you need info on US WW2 vehicles I have a reasonable bit of info, and know a little about US battledress and equipment in Europe WW2 just from doing the 1/35 models for years. I’m hoping  to start work on a 1/35 diorama at some stage complete with a BP44 German armoured train set in the Trieste area at the wars end. The railway vehicles have mostly been acquired so I just  need a suitable Gauge1 loco to motorise it! The bulk of the Yugoslav (ex British and American) vehicle kits have also been acquired, along with some captured German and Italian equipment.  I’ve a few Normandy vehicles and am working through a dozen US halftracks, mainly Dragon and am using spares from these to upgrade older Tamiya kits. A couple will be done in US 2nd Armoured Div markings for Normandy. If you have not already come across them, check out FC Model trend’s resin bits  on the web, I think they do some 28mm stuff as well. Your St Mere Elise church would look amazing in 1/35 but as you say it would need a huge build plate or broken up.

      There is certainly a huge amount of 28mm and 1/72 vehicle prints designed primarily for resin printers on Cults 3D. I’m tempted to try and scale a couple up to 1/35 just to see how they would do. 


      I bought my printer primarily for me and my fathers borders/Scottish railway interests with the intention of designing and printing North British, North Eastern, Caley and LNWR stuff mainly, along with crates, barrels, etc for wagon loads. I had thought there would be some military applications as well, but was genuinely surprised by how much more military stuff was freely available compared to railway items. Apart from some Sherman light guards, I have not printed any of the large number of military files I have downloaded. I’ve mainly printed some 2mm LMS and BR containers scaled up to 4mm while I learn more about the best settings for my machine. Sithlord kindly sent me some of his 2mm LNWR wagon body .stls and they have printed remarkably well at 4mm, along with a Furness cattle wagon from one of his fellow N guagers in OZ. They seem to have a great collective group going there. As they use chassis from the2mm society they only do body only .sls so a LNWr 18’ chassis is high on my to do list once I get to grips with fusion360.  I’ve only been at the printing for a few weeks but it’s addictive and your excellent models posted on RMweb are mainly to blame for making me take the plunge.

      Let me know if you are hunting for any drawings.

      All the best,


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