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calvin Streeting

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Posts posted by calvin Streeting

  1. so onto the coupler :) i want to leave trucks as standad version, but that little loco and another i want to be able to control the coupler, trucks can be shunted over standard un-coupler but loco needs to un-couple where ever i need (boy thats a lot of repeated words.. )


    but anyway i salvaged some magnets from old headphones, and have some coil wire so going to try and print this out so it uses the coil to repel the magnet and thus lift the coupler, this might be feed by transistor circuit.. it sits just behind buffer beem and is only 9mm x 9mm etc. so pushing my printer to thinist tolarance :) 





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  2. finding this is a rabit hole of products... 


    first intresting build / test https://nigelcliffe.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2009-03-03T13:47:00-08:00&max-results=7&start=14&by-date=false


    second a comercial product that seems to be built ontop of a 12v PCB relay http://www.keen-systems.com/DCC Uncoupler.html 


    I also not probably will need a Transistor to do switching, which is np as built ALOT of thoses in my life


    and now i am rading the tiny magnets from old nokia head phones... (also have alot of those lol )






  3. well its back to the pub roof this weekend for a night or 2 on the tiles.... 2mm x 3mm roof tiles indervidualy stuck in place very time consuming, but creates a different texture to stip tiles, and this is a old roof..  and i also started the down pipes..  (this building is a rareity as it seems they plumed in a toilet.. :) (gutters not glued yet just held with blue tack for mo... :)



    also been looking at wharf track layout, a simple layout, but (dont tell wife) could extend the base board to the right, and thus add more warehouses and track, maybe a shuting game layout, evne considering it being part inside building modeled, with views from inside etc.. lots of things to think about,and i spent a bit of time looking at liveries of private shunters etc, and considering a "Eastpoint Wharf Shiping" company with red and yellow... (silly i know, but this is fun... ) :)



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  4. and blimey didn't know that.. :) mind you bet they hadn't spreed that much tarmac around uk in next 20 odd years... bloady road works on M20 is 4 years and thats only 4 miles... (sit in it each day) lol  



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  5. intresting the different colour palates for the road surfaces.. 

    1 hour ago, BobM said:



    thats a lovely grey brown sandy.... 


    but so is the sandy brown ... 


    2 hours ago, BobM said:



    its a hard choice geting the right colour isn't it.. :) 


    remind me again i think you where thinking of blue grey brickwork and lime sandy motor :) under smoke and grime that comes from a old steam cutting retaining wall .. might be worth a litte copy past and lay a copy of brick work on each of those images (all great) to see if any pop out as what you have in mind.. 


    I ended up using the same palate for exposed natrual rock into road, and buildings as like you said they used what ever is local 


    P.S under side of bridge looks good, :)




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  6. ok managed to get in CAD, here is a screen print of the servo module. the servo horn is kept under the to plate and pushs the rail, at wheel flange depth, i dd this to keep it all out of sight so not as to effect the look to much, and it can be painted like a steel plate :) 


    hope thats understandable :)


    here is a screen print of the servo bit in its 2 states.  and a bit of main turnout



    and this view shows (kind of) the slot for the horn






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  7. hi. its a single blade (like some tram turnouts :) and uses a micro servo that fits into a removeable part between the rails, this module is inserted from above so if the servo fails it is easy to lift out and repair etc, without lifting track etc.) you can see that i only have 1 module installed (and thus where it fits on the distant one.. :) i will post some autocad pics soon


    this video shows it moving :)




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  8. Hi Noticed a minor bug  in upload.


    if a upload fails (either due to cancel, and or over size) the next upload hits the 10meg limit even if its no where near to 10meg


    I am trying to produce a step by step to replicate it, and when i have success (or fail depending on point of view :) ) i will let you know


    Many Thanks


    Test of 3d printed yard track turn out, using horndy 0-4-0 desiel and guagemaster DCC27 and home built "Stay Alive" cap 


    Note: the only times it stops is when rocrail set speed to Zero. (not due to pickup Failure etc


    Still need to replace couperling, but i think thats a go ahead with yard track... (or at least print more parts etc..  VERY HAPPY ...  



  10. Test of 3d printed yard track turn out, using horndy 0-4-0 desiel and guagemaster DCC27 and home built "Stay Alive" cap 





    Note: the only times it stops is when rocrail set speed to Zero. (not due to pickup Failure etc


    Still need to replace couperling, but i think thats a go ahead with yard track... (or at least print more parts etc.. :) VERY HAPPY ... :) 

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