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Everything posted by spikey

  1. Going back to the days of my yoof, I can only recall three female bikers. One was a girl known as Bridget the Midget who was famous for three things: riding a beaten-up Tiger Cub, working in the fish-meal factory and having shocking halitosis. The second was a girl called Julie who looked exactly like Kate Bush did when she was in her late teens and rode a Norton Dominator. She also rode rings round a lot of the lads at times. And the third was my cousin Fat Joan, who for many years drove a Panther with a Busmar double-adult sidecar that was usually full of her many objectionable kids.
  2. How exactly did they work? I'm only familiar with the ordinary short lamp irons, so I've never understood how the lamp was fixed to them so it stayed at the top (as I assume was the intention). How was it done? Any why? Why the need for a "high level" lamp?
  3. Amazing what comes up on the local FB selling pages ... Apparently it's a 1924 Triumph board racer. Non-runner, listed at OIEO £3500 ...
  4. That's surely a good enough excuse to invest. But if you need another one, you can get some very cool welding helmets nowadays with awesome graphics on ...
  5. Just do it. ASAP. Then start wondering why you didn't get one ages ago. I'm amazed how cheap they are nowadays.
  6. Well, thanks to Google I now know what Cerakote is. What fun I could have with a D Shadow nowadays with all these newfangled coatings. Whatever, what's the plastic tank for?
  7. Cheers Katy. Seeing as how the only complete rewires I ever did were on relatively simple Brit bikes, I've been meaning to ask you how you do your more complex ones. Is it "just" a case of working from a circuit diagram and photos of the original in-situ? Essentially I'm wondering how, when the loom has to snake its way all over a complicated frame, you ever work out how the various branches get to where they need to be.
  8. Sorry, but we need to know. What's that in the foreground under the plastic cover?
  9. Whereas many of its readers used to refer to it as "Amateur Pornographer"
  10. Thank you gentlemen. Every day is indeed a school day here ...
  11. I am reading the June 1961 issue of "The Railway Magazine" (as you do), wherein is a fascinating article titled as above. I learn that "Every three months, the section permanent way inspector, in addition to his normal examination, takes calipered depths of rails, notes expansion joint openings, corrosion, chair-gall, and other relevant features." What, pray, is "chair-gall"?
  12. On another forum that I keep an eye on, some posters avoid using firms' names and instead refer to Tesco, for example, as "T3sco". I seem to remember that this sort of thing was fairly common in the early days of internet forums, but I thought it had died out 20 years ago. Does anybody know why some folks still do it? What's it supposed to prevent, or whatever?
  13. Interesting seeing the frame like that. Even with the cleverest robots, I wonder how much hand welding still needed to go into it ...
  14. i f you can't simply go online to check your account and find that out, why on earth are you with EDF? Ref the old boards, the one thing that I remember about them is that the local gas showroom was always ex-directory.
  15. We rather like getting the 5% interest that Ovo pays us on the amount that we're in credit with them ...
  16. But at least they've finally stopped measuring capacitance in Jars 🙂
  17. In this neck of the woods, it seems that when walking on a pavement wide enough for two people to pass in comfort, the solo walker is expected to step into the road so as to allow the unimpeded passage of a person approaching with a dog on a lead ...
  18. Just two days ago I mistimed my afternoon walk such that I ended up returning home at infant school chucking-out time. Towards me on the narrow pavement comes a kiddie of maybe 5 years, with her dad 5 yards behind her engrossed in his phone. I naturally kept walking (with my stick). So did the kid. And dad. I stopped. So did the kid. Dad finally looked up from his phone and stopped, just as the kid stood aside onto the grass. Dad does the same with very bad grace, muttering as he passes "Arrogant old git. How about some consideration for children?" ...
  19. You should be able to deselect that option if you wish.
  20. 2 OAPs at home all day, semi-detached with solid stone walls, no damp course and precious little insulation, gas hob and boiler, total electricity usage so far this year 1039.13kWh. Total for last year 1846.26kWh.
  21. spikey

    Price cap

    And long may that be so. My curiosity got the better of me this morning, so at 0630 I threw all caution to the wind and put the central heating on. The room stat showed 16.3°C at the time. I switched it off one hour later, by which time the stat showed 17.4°C. That little exercise cost me £1.03 ...
  22. Cheers chaps. It was where the tank wagons ended up that had me puzzled, but if up to six could indeed go on the rear without an additional brake behind them, it doesn't seem quite as much faffing at Derby as I imagined.
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