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Everything posted by JohnClarkson

  1. And the second train stops at Kettering, Wellingborough and Bedford, and SC at Luton. Excellent. Thank you all for this. It makes a lot more sense now.
  2. Okay, so you think that it stops at every station on the way to Leicester. I understand. Thank you.
  3. Thank you everyone. To sum up then, let's imagine I went back in time to July 5th 1915. (I have found out this timetable applies to that date). I board the train at Derby at 5.50am. This stops at Trent. Then it carries on to Leicester without stopping Here I change for St Pancras and there are no stops on this second connecting train. (A SC occurs at Luton). As long as I sit far enough away from that I can be in London by 9.20am baring no delays. Would the above adequately describe the journey or have I missed any other stops out please?
  4. I have a similar problem with this old timetable. It dates from 1914 and was in use we think still in July of 1915. Your group thoughts would be much appreciated:- 1. Derby (dep 5.50am) to St Pancras, London, via change at Leicester Are there any stops on the way other than changing at Leicester? My interpretation is as follows:- The passengers would board at Derby at 5.50 am. The train does not stop anywhere and arrives at Leicester 7.05. Here they wait until the 7.15 am arrives. It leaves at 7.18 am. There are no stops on the way to St Pancras, and it is schedule to arrive at 9.20 am. However, there are lots of little numbers shown, some illogical and clearly if I am going on what is said above in this discussion, refer to other services, directions to different stations, trains etc? Thus I think neither of these trains from Derby to Leicester or Leicester to St Pancras stop anywhere on their way. Am I right? 2. Which route was used? The maps of the period are very confusing! I cannot seem to work out which lines are used. My assumption is that the journey to Leicester is via Spondon, Borrowash, Drayton, Breaston, Kegworth, Hathern, Loughborough, Sileby, Syston, and arrives at Leicester. This train does not stop at any of these stations on its way, not even Loughborough. My assumption is it is an early morning express train. Does anyone know which lines were in use by 1915? 3. Also, does this train drop a SC - slip carriage at Luton? It's in big letters, so my feeling it does! However, your advice would be much appreciated please. 4. What kind of carriages and locomotive would have been used on this line in 1915? I believe that back then most carriages were not through - there were no joins between the carriages. Instead they just had toilets and a corridor dividing each carriage 1st from 3rd. I might be wrong, as I'm no expert. What kind of locomotives would have been used? Thank you kindly. John
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