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Everything posted by TheRockingRoadie

  1. There's a rather large chunk of text missing from my previous post... never mind!! I attempted to Ballast the test track on sunday. Unfortunately my mixture must've been too dilute, as the ballast didn't set. I have had another go tonight and hopefully this will set correctly! I'll report back!
  2. This morning I had more fun glueing magnets that constantly want to repel each other
  3. Little bit of progress today: I sprayed the track offcuts with Humbrol 29. Overall, I'm really pleased with the track colour! I've now stuck both bits down with PVA and have weighted the track whilst it dries. I also started glueing in the Magnets on the main layout. I've used plastic from a document wallet to make tiny squares, which are glued between the magnets and the rails, in the hope to prevent short circuits. The first row on each is easy, but it's going to be hard to do the second ones, as they'll want to fly out!! I also repaired the broken sleepers that were cut to allow for the previous uncoupling ramps. I also quickly popped into town to grab some ballast, as well as another few sets of Ladees. I've got myself a set of the couplings for non-NEM rolling stock to use as a test. I've got a couple of old Hornby private owner wagons id love to use on the layout, should the standard Kadee #5 be suitable.
  4. Forgot to add that it's 2' long by 6" wide. I cut a 4' by 6" offcut in half, butted the edges together, pinned it, then screwed blocks on the corners for support. It's not perfectly square, but doesn't need to be.
  5. This morning I did something a bit different - I can't decide which way is best to ballast the track, and whether I want to add DAS clay a la Mr Nevard, or have the track heavily overgrown. I don't really want to test things on the main layout, in case I don't like the effect created. So... I've used the baseboard offcuts to make a diorama, which I will use to test ballasting and scenic methods! I think it will just be in the form of a cutting, with a length off track in the foreground, and a buffer stop at one end. I may well add a building to add a bit of interest. I can then use the skills learnt on the main layout. This also gives me something to do whilst the magnets dry on the main layout.
  6. I decided that to trial the Kadee couplings properly, I needed to order some magnets to run some proper tests. After a lot of online research, I obtained a bag of 3mm cubed rare earth magnets, from an online retailer. These arrived quickly, and after a lot of trial and error, I found that the "two rows of five magnets" approach works really well. I made a quick visit to Trains4U one Sunday and picked up a few more pairs of #18 and #19 Kadees, along with the 206 height gauge. I popped some music on and started converting some NEM fitted stock. I then ran a few trials (and eventually a full inglenook puzzle), and have decided that this is definitely the approach I want to take. I have since uninstalled the gaugemaster electromagnetic ramps, which I imagine will end up on eBay! I've put a larger order in for Kadee 18/19/20 so convert my current stock. I have a strange feeling that I'm also going to be selling some of my older, non-NEM fitted stock, to replace them with NEM equipped equivalents. The only downside is that the strong magnets do tend to draw the axles so the wagons towards their field. Some users replace the metal wheels with plastic axles on the stock, but I can live with it, and have found that the wagons are less prove to move if they have a little bit of weight. Next job is to glue the magnets to the track (they repel each other, which is immense fun and incredibly annoying), before balasting/weathering can begin.
  7. Hi all, Apologies for the lack of content lately - September is steam rally season, and I've been busy with gigs, so not much progress has been made. I've just come home from a Week away in York, where I spent a lot of time at NRM, and also visited Peterborough model railway show on Saturday. I may have accidentally picked up an old Lima railcar, and a Hornby suburban coach! I also acquired a set of Kadee couplings to try out, instead of the electromagnetic ramps. I put together a really dodgy test track with a strong magnet underneath, and fitted kadees to a Bachmann Pannier and Hornsby shunters truck. I really really like the kadees, and the hands free shunting that they provide. So... the decision has been made to move over to kadees! I just need to buy a few more sets, and work out which magnets to buy. I'm looking at the 3mm square neo magnets to replace sleepers in strategic places. This will delay the layout a little longer, but I think will be worth the effort! In September, I did take the time to run a few of my new locos in. Ohh, and I also bought an older Bachmann Warship
  8. Tonight I have fitted another uncoupling ramp - a little bit of getting was required, but overall I'm happy with how it works. They tend to stick slightly on the drop, so this is something that can be refined at a later date, once the bulk of the wiring is out of the way. I also swapped the dodgy terminal block for a new one, and reconnected all of the wiring. I added another terminal block for the uncoupling ramps, and soldered the wires for the addition ramp. I now have one more ramp to (purchase!) and fit before fitting the control panel and final testing can take place!
  9. This evening I have fitted the remaining two point motors, and wired them to the terminal block. I temporarily connected my control panel and Gaugemaster MCDU to test that all worked well, which it did! The only problem so far is I've now noticed that some of the terminal block screws are actually cross threaded. I have a few brand new ones so I'll swap these over shortly. The wiring won't stay this messy forever - it's just for testing purposes. Then everything will be cable tied and mounted properly to satisfy my OCD! I've got a few Basses coming in for set ups for the rest of the week, so the layout will be safely stored now until next week, so I can use my workbench!
  10. So yesterday I popped into Trains4U and grabbed another couple of point motors, as well as a Gaugemaster Combi controller. Whilst the glue on the point motor pins is curing, I've had a go at crudely fitting one of the uncoupling ramps. I assembled the ramp and used it to ramp the position for the single screw hole. Once everything moved freely (much fettling required) I secured the solenoid to the board, and soldered the wires. The control panel is already wired up and ready to go once everything is fitted to the board, so I made a mock up using Some spare parts. The ramp throws well with a positive action, although a bit noisy! I used a 6 wheel milk tank to test the ramp. I did need to adjust the screw so that the ramp had more height. I'll level out the board tomorrow and try uncoupling two wagons using a loco! If all goes well then I'll fit the other two. If not, back to the drawing board!
  11. Hi Steve, Thanks for your kind words - it's certainly getting that way isn't it! I've stopped buying stock for the monent... except a BR brakevan yesterday... The idea is ill slowly collect a Loco and 8 wagons that reflect different regions and time periods, but probably best if I get the layout done first!
  12. Evening all! It's been a busy few weeks, but work has continued on the layout. The first point motor has been fitted and tested with the gaugemaster mains powered CDU. I'm really pleased with the new Gaugemaster motors, so will acquire two more for the remaining points. I've also drilled a slot in the baseboard which will connect through to the control panel, and have fitted "toffee block terminal joiner things" to the underside. Wiring for the isolating section, the first point motor, and the track feed has now been installed. I will tidy this all up later, but want to get everything tested first. I've spent this evening drilling holes into a project box, which now looks like a control panel. The box was covered unmasking tape, measured up, and the drilled as required. I've secured the switches, and will wire them up whilst I wait for the next batch of parts. I'll be visiting Trains4U again at the weekend to trade some old bits in and get some remaining supplies. Desperate for some Railmatch Sleeper grime so I can get the track weathered and ready for ballasting!
  13. I set the layout up in the sun today, but it started raining! I had to do the official test run inside instead!
  14. I also fixed my Bachmann 08 which was a very bad runner - turns out that the motor spindle just needed a bit of oil. Now waiting for the re-glued cab glazing to dry.
  15. Track laying has progressed well this week, with all track now laid! The additional siding in the foreground also has an isolated section, which took a bit of fiddling to align the track! Sleepers have been fettled and added where needed. I've been to Trains4U in Peterborough this morning which was fantastic! Bought a few second hand wagons, then sensible items such as a Mains CDU, gaugemaster point motor, some wiring and another uncoupling unit, etc. Will definitely be returning soon! I'll now turn my attention to fitting the point motors, the uncoupling ramps, and wiring everything up. Wiring is my comfort zone as im an A grade A-level electronics student, plus years of wiring recording studios, so no worries there!
  16. So track laying has continued over the weekend between various bits of gigging. It's just the one extra siding I added recently which now needs to be stuck down, with the third '3 wagon length' siding drying as I type this. The happy accident with countersinking and filling the uncoupling ramp holes is working really well, with all three pairs of holes now drilled. I've only got one ramp so I'll have to order another pair ready. Should probably wire one up and check they work first though! I've been running a Bachmann 08 chassis and a few wagons around to check everything works as planned and the clearances. I've decided I'm going to add an isolating section to the next siding, should I wish to stable a loco and leave another on shunting duties. Contemplating moving the goods shed from siding 3, to siding 2, and having the space between as a hard standing/crossing. I think it'll free the space up a little bit. I'll have a play once the track has been laid. I'll get the point motors etc installed before ballasting takes place.
  17. We'll all my text disappeared from that post, which is rather annoying! As I was saying... Track has now been fettled with a file and stuck down wth exterior wood glue as per a recommendation, which I will let dry overnight tonight! Before this was done, I also double checked the position of the uncoupling ramp with some stock, and drilled the holes after removing a sleeper. I made the hole for the locating pin too big, but this worked to my advantage, as I filled it with wood filler, then used the ramp to make its own countersunk hole in the correct position! I'll venture into the shed tomorrow morning before gig three of the weekend to run a loco around and check everything has stuck proper!
  18. So today I've ventured into the shed (with post gig lack of sleep), so track layinghas continued! Yesterday I popped to the great little shop in Kings Lynn to pick up a few supplies, and of course I had to buy one of the Heljan outside cylinder 136x models sat behind the counter
  19. Now back from Weeting - just about survived!! I'm really chuffed with how the baseboard has come out. It's strong but not too heavy, and is more than fit for purpose. The top had one coat, but the framing has two. I'll fill the gaps in the cork underlay once I get around to doing the scenics. I've got the day off Friday so hoping to pop to the local model shops to grab a few supplies, then I'll continue once all my jobs have been done! I'm not sure whether to go with Humbrol Dark earth or Railmatch sleeper grime aerosol to weather the track. Then I'll probably use one of the track pen gadgets to weather the rail sides. Need to lay the track first though!
  20. I've also been buying stock, thanks to eBay and this wonderful little model shop I've found in Kings Lynn, that have a huge selection of second hand stock! Latest acquisitions include; -Hattons 14xx early lined black -Bachmann 57xx Pannier in GWR green -Bachmann Prairie 4575 in late green -Selection of Bachmann MK1 coaching stock in late chocolate/cream -Oxford Diecast BR(W) yard mobile crane teleporter thingy -Bachmann K3 in late Black -Another set of B-Set coaches And yes, I realise pretty much none of the above is actually suited to this layout, except the Pannier and 14xx! The K3 is in memory of a 3.5" gauge model I sold when I first started out as a musician (don't drink and eBay)!
  21. Not very exciting photos but at least it's proof that the thing exists! The framework has now had a full first coat and most of a second coat. Once I'm back from Weeting I'll start finalising the track positions. Thanks for the tips DavidCBroad - I'll see if I can locate a 4th radius curve to chop up and make the transition smoother, as this is something I wanted to improve. In hindsight I didn't need the extra 6" of width, but I'm glad I did as it least it'll give me some space for a nice building or landscape feature. Please remember I had zero modelling experience until this layout started, so literally everything I am learning from scratch!
  22. Once I'm back from Weeting I'll finish painting and start laying track, so lots of pics to follow - bare with me!
  23. Managed to get some more painting done tonight, so only the second coat for the framework remains. But that'll have to wait until I return from the beer tent at Weeting steam rally!
  24. I've been really inspired by this months feature in Model Rail about Inglenooks, which has spurred me on to make some progress! I finally managed to find some Matt brown paint, so the baseboard has now received its first coat! The first point was already fixed to the board, to allow me to start drilling holes for point motors, and as reference for the rest of the Track. I have also now soldered the two power feeds, and drilled holes at the toe end of the point for the wires to drop through. Once the board has had a second coat, I'll get some more pictures uploaded! I was unsure what to do at the right hand end of the layout, but think I will opt for the same idea as Peter Marriott, and have a 'storage tunnel'. In this case, the tunnel and scenery will be removable, to allow for safe vertical storage of the layout.
  25. I've always wanted a 94xx, so really excited for the model, whatever the stage of development!
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