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Blog Comments posted by Adams442T

  1. I normally manage OK with ordinary white spirit, but...... Sometimes there seems to be a breakdown in the paint makeup itself and one cannot get anything better than a thin sludgy paste.


    Paints themselves and new format thinners & paint strippers all have altered due to regulatory 'improvements' of ingredients, and this does seem to make them incompatible with older paints.

  2. You're doing fine!  I would suggest you don't worry about the lining application (voice of experience, having lined trouser stripes of umpty thousand model soldiers in my time!).


    Confidence will lead to clean application, and any blodges can be easier filled in with a loaded brush, than nervously wobbling about trying to get straight lines.

  3. Yes, that's Class 1, No.60, which is one of the two I'm doing.  It was made at Bow Works and is a perfect (1/8th?) scale model of the original.  I took dozens of photos of it, which despite the glass case, came out pretty well, especially the cab interior ones.


    I'll be making a plastic/brass master for the smokebox/cylinders, which I'll then mould and cast probably in resin.  The whole valve chest / slide bars arrangement is going to be fun, but I think I've got a way around that too.

  4. Nice. What scale is the figure? A don't suppose you know of anyone who produces decent 7mm figures?? Dougal.

    Hi Dougal.  Good place to look is in the Gauge 'O' Guild website on their traders list for contact details.  There's Andy Stadden [who worked with me for Britains] who has a limited range, but nice figures.  Omen Miniatures, with a broad range, although the figures vary from good to slightly 'clunky'.  The only one to avoid IMHO is Aidan Campbell.  That is unless you like caricatures of railway figures who would look more at home on a fantasy wargame board!

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  5. The Rocketeer! Where is he going to go?

    Well done that man!!  I'm just about to post 'Part the Last'


    Fun to see something different on here!


    It must be interesting work to do your own figures. Did you cast the body parts, I didn't quite understand that?


    I look forward to the Edwardian ones you mentioned earlier.

    Yes, I worked as an historical researcher and master figure maker for various model figure firms, but mainly Britains, for some years.  I now mostly do Heraldic Miniature Knights to commission, then occasionally the odd one, like the Rocketeer comes along.  Great fun!


    Apart from the Monty figure range in 4mm, which I think are now sold by Dart Castings, and a few others, I think most figures are very poor.  Caricatures at best, which sit oddly amongst such good rolling stock and scenery.  So I thought it was about time I got my finger out and made some for myself at least.  I have casting and moulding equipment so to drop or centrifugal cast isn't a problem.  Time to make the patterns is the problem!  I'll post them on the blog when I get some done.

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