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Narrow Minded

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Everything posted by Narrow Minded

  1. That Accucraft quarry Hunslet (and the IP Engineering Ruston) almost tempted me to go 7/8ths Don I spent so long agonising over the decision, that it was made for me when they were both discontinued............ if they were I reckon I'd still available I'd still be tempted
  2. Bloomin' 'eck - how long ago was that !? (The simple anwer is "too long", and we'll have to arrange another!)
  3. Fantastic! I hadn't seen those before, so thanks muchly for posting 'em - they'll be going in my collection Both of the ex-M&CCLR loco's, the 'Blue Meany' and 'Rusty' make great stable-mates - but you've never seen 'em together. I'll grab some pic's for you this week
  4. Having got to "know" this railway over the years, I still find it amazing that virtually everything apart from the track, but on and around it, is either scratchbuilt or "kitbashed" "toybashed" (and the weathering is superb!)
  5. Yay! Great to see you and your railway here Owd Bob (y'owd b..... ) I see you've managed to take advantage of a few "dry" days recently
  6. 16mm on 45mm track, AND a "Lord of The Rings" fan ! Wow, well met my friend!! I think we will be having several exchanges of ideas Does this scene look at all familiar? You Shall Not Pass! Fly you fools!
  7. Thanks very much, and it's my pleasure Paperlad - I just hope people aren't getting fed up with these photo's (I'm sure you'll let me know when you've had enough ) This looks like a normal quarry working, Until you see who'd driving! (since it's a "preserved line", the volunteers get to try their hand at various tasks )
  8. Totally agree with PaulRhB's comments, and of course, "coarse scale" works well in the garden environment (especially seen with live steam loco's where compromises for controls, gas and steam oil fillers etc have to be made) - it's surprising what you can get away with............. This is a GRS kit, built over an IP Engineering chassis, with modified cylinders from a Bachmann "Big Hauler" This IP Engineering Lister is sold as a 32mm kit, but moving the axleguards out to the edge of the frame allows for 45mm wheelsets The sadly defunct Saltford Models kits were basically a few whitemetal castings and 16mm scale drawings to use as templates. By adjusting the drawings slightly before cutting the plasticard, this Ruston is just about passable in 45mm gauge Even the humble "Triang Big Big" Ruston is a candidate (purists and collectors look away now ) I'd like to go "Off Topic" to close this post, by saying a big THANKYOU for the warm and friendly welcome to the forum!
  9. Thanks guys The only "downside" is that the code 332 rail can look quite chunky (especially if you're used to the code 200 rail used for Peco SM32), but there are "positives" too. The sturdy rail sections are easier to lay and can be 'free floated' in the ballast, and it's also sturdy enough to be walked on if you share the garden with a non-railway modeller 32mm track is of course IDEAL for 2ft gauge, but of course is too narrow for 2ft 6in. 45mm works out at about 3" wider, but that's closer than the 6" under option.
  10. Marvelous stuff, and here's to more of that "Spring sunshine"
  11. Thank you kindly sir "Mother Nature" takes a lot of the credit - either with the weathering and greenery, or the various lighting effects! If no-one minds, I'll post some more of the 'back catalogue' photo's and get 'em on here before the new stuff. Here's a couple of the weathering process Seriously, like any scenic layout, one of the joys of the railway for me is seeing it even when there's nothing running...... Pre-preservation? .......... or just putting out a few items of stock waiting their next movement........ ..... and of course, some people hate lineside figures - but I love 'em
  12. Well so far, so good! I can see words and a picture in my first post so I must be on the right track. So, time for an introduction The W&LLR is 16mm scale running on 45mm gauge, and is freelance but somewhat influenced by my personal favourite prototype narrow gauge railway, The Welshpool & Llanfair......... It's a ground level line in a (very) modest back garden and allows me to "play trains" and indulge in some (very) amateur photography - as well as some equally amateurish video I don't know what else I can tell you at the moment, but I'm sure it'll all come out in the wash! - especially as we get into the "running season" proper at this time of year. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a few more of my photo efforts
  13. Hi everyone, I've spent far too long "lurking" around here (and over on the micro forum), so thought it was about time I contributed! Please bear with me while I "learn the ropes" and get to grips with posting etc
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