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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. And those who may not have come across a Midland WMAV, here’s what it will hopefully look like.
  2. I’ve also made a start on the Weighing Machine Adjusting Van. The sides are laser cut and I’ve made a good start on the display base. More to follow...!
  3. So, I’ve made good progress on the double bolster wagon but photos of the finished beastie won’t be posted until it hopefully makes in MRJ appearance. I have, however, started to re-do the tube load. These are longer bits of IKEA curtain pole and will have a much simpler wooden support frame.
  4. Good to hear from you Mike. That lettering looks superb. As others have said, no one on here will judge you for your spelling or grammar. This is a modelling forum, not the Apostrophe Police! You’re one of - if not the - best wagon builder on here. Glad you’re able to post again, it gives us all inspiration!!
  5. Or a weighing machine adjusting van? Plate 243 Vol 1 Midland Wagons.
  6. Not the prettiest of wagons!
  7. While I ponder the next one, the construction of this one is complete. Next up will be the remainder of paint, transfers, plates and securing chains etc. Plus weathering? Not sure. Also not sure about the load. I think maybe my wooden crate is a bit over the top! what do you think?
  8. Or how about D333 with a colourful pantechnicon on board?
  9. Interesting. I’ll have. Look tomorrow. Does anyone make a 1/32 tram engine?
  10. As an aside, I have another set of wheels and running gear etches etc that I used for this. So....what could I make next? Something slightly unusual and with a bit of ‘presence’.
  11. Maybe. I’m still making the wooden cage for them and see what it looks like.
  12. I think they’re too short now!
  13. I had a bit of steel rod of approx the right diameter that just needed some fetling to make a former. I have a feeling they might have been called dollies? The whacking they got meant they needed trimming up again!
  14. And now with flanges. A little indifferent and variable. Will see if I can tidy them up. But....they’re only 17’ long now!
  15. Very close indeed! 20” diameter x 21’ 6” long! I hadn’t considered lettering or weight. Lettering would be a nice touch. How many do you think I could get away with? Mine don’t have flanges. I wonder how I could do that?
  16. I’ve had an idea about a load for my wagon. I found in the corner of the workshop some old metal curtain pole. It’s about 3/4” diameter and was white powder coated which I cleaned off. I think they make quite nice large pipes. I have six of them which could be made into a nice crate and tied down to the bolsters. What do people think?
  17. I knew tie rods wasn’t right! I haven’t put a spacer block in; just 0.8mm wire. As you say, drawings and photos are vague.
  18. By way of an update. I’ve been picking away at this inbetween other jobs. As you can see the basic body colour has been painted, as well as couplings and buffers added. Here I’ve made a start on the brake rigging. Due to the extra long wheelbase, the tie rods are made to measure.
  19. Here’s an update on the LNWR northlight engine shed to go with the coal hole. Progressing well. It’s made a big difference putting the wi does in today.
  20. Here’s a few pics of a static display diorama for a collector. It’s just over 4’ long. It will now be passed to Neil Podbery for him to carry out the scenic element. Very pleased with the outcome. Quite excited to see what Neil does to bring it to life.
  21. Even more modest progress today! Thought I’d pick this up at the end of the day and make the coupling hook plates. I guess if I make modest progress every day, sooner or later it might get finished?! Even in Gauge 1 some things are still tiny.
  22. They’re not glued in yet...!!
  23. Modest progress on the double bolster today. Haven’t touched it for a while. As it’s for me I don’t get as much time these days but need to keep it ticking along. So I made the bolsters, chain hoops and upright supports. Loving the detail you can achieve in this scale.
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