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Everything posted by Tricky

  1. Continuing the theme of windows - here’s some more! Plus some doors just for balance! These are destined for some very handsome Midland coal office and weighbridge buildings - a heady mix of Crimson Lake and Denby Pottery Cream! Contact me to discuss your project.
  2. Deja vu on warehouse windows! The subtle difference with these is whilst being the identical design to those I made yesterday, these have opened fanlights. When combined in the customer’s warehouse model with the closed ones, the difference will be subtle but effective. Contact me to discuss your project - any scale.
  3. On the bench today some 7mm warehouse windows - made from two layers of card to give the frame some depth, with thin clear acrylic glazing. Even included three minuscule vent holes at the top! Contact me if you would like the same, similar or something different for your building. Any scale, colour, size or quantity. I also do doors..!!
  4. It all looks very neat. Which ABC gearbox/motor did you go for? Assuming it’s got to fit upright in a round top firebox.
  5. Looking good so far. Is it the Slater's kit? Some aspects of it look like Slater's but I'm not sure? Is that LG inside motion peeking through there?!
  6. Thought you’d like to see some pics of the completed Art Deco cinema and shops building. Paul Bambrick kindly ‘offered’ to complete the shop interiors!
  7. And in an effort to keep this thread up to date, here is a cinema and row of shops I’m working on with Paul Bambrick. They are still there in reality but the Royalty Cinema isn’t a cinema any longer. They’re about 5 and a bit mm/ft as they’re in the background on the layout and therefore less than 7mm/ft ‘full size’. That’s Mr Bambrick’s skill in knowing how to juggle scale (and perspective) to suit the location and viewing angle. Complete with ‘The King and I’ posters correct for the period being modelled!
  8. Thanks Dave! Keeping my bench(es) tidy is a constant challenge - but with space at a premium I have to! Besides which I find I have to clean up before switching from one customer’s project to another so that my head has a chance to switch before I ask my hands to do anything - if that makes sense.
  9. Once again I find myself apologising fit not having been on here for a while. Anyway, here’s some photos of a low relief model I have made recently of the Goods Station that used to exist in the Paddington environs. A few pics of the lettering in progress and the finished article. Apologies to FB and Instagram users who will have seen before…
  10. Love the ‘damage’! As others have said, looks quite realistic and definitely advise against scrapping.
  11. Good to see you too Stephen, and good to catch up with quite a few customers and friends. Thanks also for ‘minding the shop’ whilst I grabbed some lunch!
  12. Off to sunny Kettering tomorrow to set up for the GOG show on Saturday. Pop over and say hi if you’re in the vicinity.
  13. Off to sunny Kettering tomorrow to set up for the GOG show on Saturday. Do pop over and say hi if you’re in the vicinity.
  14. Sorry everyone, not been on here for a while - anyway, I thought I’d post a few pics of a GW water tower I recently completed. It’s based on the excellent Intentio kit with added detailing such as tank rivets, ladder, platform and lamp. Also taking advantage of some rare sunshine!
  15. Welcome home Mike. I pray for a speedy recovery and wish you and yours a Happy Christmas - and we all on here look forward to a return to ‘form’ in 2022.
  16. Hope all goes well on Monday Mike. You’ll be back carving up bits of plastic to produce your usual masterpieces in no time!
  17. Just got round to popping into town and picking up a copy of MRJ no286. A veritable feast indeed, I shall read cover to cover with my favoured black americano and mince pie! Well done @Dave Hunt on a fabulous issue.
  18. Sorry, I don’t know for sure. I never apply just one colour straight from the pot and always have two or three mixed around on an old tin lid. The best guess I can offer is some mid brick shades and dark orange in Humbrol, followed by acrylics in sienna and buff shades. Sorry I can’t be more specific but I haven’t yet seemed to arrive at a fixed ‘brick formula’ - it’s just what comes to hand! The plus point to this is that it avoids all the buildings in the scene looking identical.
  19. It’s been a little while but I got round to a bit more work on the mill. I’ve fitted the window frames but they have yet to be glazed. All basic architecture is finished. I will now turn my attention to the doors and other mill paraphernalia on the front elevation.
  20. Nice write up on the BBC news website - although I notice they called the railway a ‘set’!
  21. Made some more progress on the mill building. I’ve painted the brickwork and picked out the very attractive blues and whites. I will detail paint the red bricks some more before adding paper ‘stone’ overlays to the window arches and string courses. Plus of course, windows and ancillary details.
  22. Yes but the motors and gearboxes are bigger too!
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