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Posts posted by bimble

  1. every time you try to make something idiot proof, they just come along with a better idiot....  people still climb down onto the tracks after all... eventually someone will try climbing them (just because they wanted to), and they'll probably die, and the papers will be full of quotes of "what an angel they were", which raises the sort of question of what sort of angel does something like that... but not publicly, because you mustn't speak ill of the dead (especially if they're a child....)

  2. The gender thing was done before anyway, but very cleverly with The Master/Missy, she was a very good actress.


    Chibnall is basically workmanlike, and I have watched since Pertwee


    and set up even earlier, in 'The Doctor's Wife' (season 6 - 2011) where it's mentioned that The Corsair always got the same tattoo... whether they were male or female...


    Think if I've not got anything better to do I'll give the third episode a go... but I'm not going to out of my way to catch up if I do miss it

  3. You know, I drove from Sheffield to home (Surrey) this morning, and apart from a bit of speeding and lane hogging I didn't see anyone being a particular dick on the road... I'm sure it's unconnected, but I also had a clear run home!

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  4. Jesus Christ is regarded as a prophet in Islam, second only to Mohammed himself.


    Though the fish symbol, when translated from the Greek stands for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour", and in the Islamic faith Jesus is only a prophet and not the Son of God. Because that would make him slightly more important than Mohammad.




    In driving standards, I did see a mini driver whom I genuinely thought, "you are going to crash and die at some point." Bombing down the A31, turning off from lane two (literally, as if lane one wasn't there), tailgating, undertaking, and then I lost sight of them, so add speeding...

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  5. It's stuff like this which makes my blood boil, the bizarre mix of ignorance and arrogance from a so called adult, and a parent at that. Thinking you know what the time the next train is 'due' is laughable, anything could have come along there at line speed, timetabled or otherwise. The 'I know best' attitude needs addressing somehow - and I only wish I knew how.


    I know I've mentioned this several times before on RMWeb, but there seems to be a certain breed of supposedly educated, fully employed idiot who thinks it's perfectly fine to stand as close to the platform edge as possible when I'm passing through at 60mph with thousands of tons of heavy metal in tow - I've had occasions where I've given them several blast on the horn as I approach only to be given the one fingered salute in reply. Ludicrous isn't it?


    I can think of one solution... though probably wouldn't go down too well... :jester:

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  6. Read the lips of the bloke who got 'punched' before the incident. Looked more like a don't try to kiss my back wheel, mate! Who knows. 

    At least there won't be any incidents today except in the pub or Sauna :O


    I seem to recall that though it's a "rest" day, they still put in +120km in because the body can't deal with actually stopping for a day, and then carrying on the following. They will probably be reccying bits of tomo's stage.

  7. If Froome is feeling good there's nothing saying he won't try a solo breakaway, as they did in the Giro... there are still six stages with big climbs (some followed by descents - CF is a good descenter) at the end.

  8. Something is, apparently, coming home, leading to 800018 bravely waving St George's flag on its standard class driving trailer at Newport on its way to Cardiff yesterday.



    Whilst the opposite end of the car is clearly marked to show where lions may be seated on the train



    I can't help thinking that #whatajourney is rather too easy a target for unhappy Twitter users travelling on GWR. 


    More seriously 800019 carries "It's coming home" then the names of the England World Cup football team followed by "and three lions." along its body side. It was applied last week, but one wonders how long it will be carried for. 


    Technically, heraldically, those are leopards not lions... ;) though that doesn't scan so well in the song...

  9. It's a long race and anything can happen, so having both up there is just great for Sky. If one breaks on one of the many climbs to come, the other is in a great position to take advantage. And the Stage 17, 65km road stage with two Cat 1 and a HC climb to the finish...

  10. So what would a human driver do in the same circumstance?


    I can tell you.


    I got rear-ended in exactly this way. Fortunately speeds were not as high as in that demonstration.


    The long-term vision for homogeneous autonomous vehicles that communicate and arbitrate with each other would resolve dangerous situations like this.


    It was a test designed for the Tesla to fail... you can see how close the car being followed came to the stationary "car" when it changed lanes, giving the Tesla only a few seconds to bring the car to a halt... which it couldn't (though it did come to a stop inside the space allowed, plus one car length). But youtube is full of videos of human driven cars doing exactly the same (or often just driving into the back of a queue of traffic)...

  11. Don't need smoke to create havoc. In Sydney the other day, an excavator went through 4 cables, which involved 1560 fibre optic strands apparently.

    Hope he has good insurance, or can pass the blame to someone else!


    you don't even need an excavator... in 2011 an old woman in Georgia cut through the fibre optic cables that carried the internet into Armenia... cutting it off from the world wide web.

  12. Sorry Mike but that's the last thing you should do now. IIRC there was a test case about whether they were an enforceable charge for parking and the precedent was set that they are. The various companies will now pursue you as far as possible inc bailiffs.


    The drive thru's such as McDonalds are sometimes set up on leased land so they don't actually administer the parking, hence why a parking company is involved.


    Though if I recall, that was because he did admit to being the driver early on in the proceeding... HOWEVER, I do think the law changed in the last couple of years so just throwing the letters in the bin isn't the best option any more. Certainly five plus years ago there was nothing the parking enforcers could do because their "contract" was with the driver, and not the owner of the car, so unless they could prove who was driving, all they could do was threaten the owner with court/bailiffs (who often had the same address as the parking company) in the hope they'd pay. I think one of the conditions of bringing in regulations is that they can now chase the owner, in the manner that council street parking tickets have to be paid. So if you have the evidence that you shouldn't have been charged, it's best to appeal, but be prepared for it to be denied, because they will push to get money off you as they're vultures.


    Quite. ParkingEye -v- Beavis.  As to what can happen if you ignore lots of tickets -  https://www.scotsman.com/news/dundee-parking-fine-woman-declared-bankrupt-with-37-000-debts-1-4585558




    Not the same situation as that was a permit holders only parking.

  13. I know of someone who's car was hit whilst on his drive (the driver of the car that did it was drunk). And another incident where a chap drove onto his drive and collided with another car belonging to a complete stranger who's excuse was "There was no other parking space." I don't know the outcome of the second incident but the woman who'd parked her car in the chaps drive threatened to claim against his insurance!


    That does remind me of that old insurance claim joke of, 'Coming home I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I haven’t got:jester: 

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