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Blog Comments posted by meld

  1. Posted by DIW , Yesterday, 18:59:


    Russ (4630), Mike (Meld) have both picked up on the double shoe on the 4REP beam. There is a good detailed picture on page 79 of 'First Generation Southern EMUs' by Kevin Robertson. But there is a further issue with the beams I bought. Mike's comment from further back mentioned:


    P 358 Shoebeams & Support brackets & dampers for B4/B5 sideframes (white metal) (pr) 1.75

    P 358a Shoebeams & Support brackets & dampers for B4/B5 sideframes (white metal) (4 Car Set) 4.50


    I would draw your attention to the prices. It would look as if P358a would have sufficient beams for my 4REP

    (let's not worry about the shoes for the moment) so that is what I bought. But (there's always a 'but') it contains four beams, while the 4REP needs 8 (1 per bogie for each DMSO). Looking at the other contemporary Southern electrics, four is sufficient. So here is a tip for the builders of 4VEPs, 4CIGs etc - buy two packs of P358 and save yourself a pound.


    Hi Dave,


    Hmmmm the econimies of scale in selling in bulk seem to have gone somewhat pearshaped here then :blink: .


    Once again thanks for posting that little nugget of info. ;) .



  2. Yes Dave, I'm also out here and have been following your blog.


    Problems with the shoebeams you say? I did wonder when I read your previous postings if anybody makes shoe beams specifically for 4REPs. I couldn't recall any manufacturer doing so. REPs were unique for BR(S) units in carrying two shoes on each shoe beam. Is that the issue that you were referring to?




    Hi Dave & Russ,


    Dave... I'm reading ;) , I was waiting till you got to the Shoebeams ( aka height limiting bar ) and their attachment, whats the problem if it aint the twin shoe issue. I also think that the new way the system works wil cause a slowdown in replys and reading until people are up to speed - I'm still floundering around the DOT 4 version myself :unsure:


    Russ, I was aware that the shoebeam ( aka height limiting bar ) on REP's had a pair of shoes ... I would have just cut off the 'Nub' that represents the sincle shoe to allow for better running with third rail :) , Paul Wade removed the 'shoe' from the 'beams' on all TWY units to avoid any catching in the gaps or forcing the bogie up if there was a rise in the " Juice Rail " that didn't correspond with the running rails exactly.


    My , almost finished, NR GLV's have had the shoe removed off of the underside of the Shoe Beam on the SR MK4 power bogie and BR(s)1 bogie from the inner end to avoid this problem.


    I've got a VEP to do some where and was tempted by the REP to go with my TC, makes a change from the usual 33/1 :D



  3. From RMWeb3, and Daves "Southern Pride 4REP" thread..............


    Dave asked the following ...........



    DIW wrote:

    Postings of further progress on this thread are being held in abeyance - when the new site is open to all of us I will try to copy this thread to it, and then post the latest progress.


    In the meantime, does anyone know who makes the correct shoebeams for this kit? There are none in the box! I had a set of NNK shoebeams in the spares box, but they are of the older, longer type. A search on the Southern Pride site yesterday evening didn't prove fruitful, was I not looking in the right areas?






    And I offered the following in hopeful reply ...


    Dave, if you can find them, the Shoe Beam ( aka height limiting bar ) from the Hornby Networker would probably ideal as they are of the narrow/Thin style ... or a piece of square brass might be another way to go?






    I would like to expand on the Answer now ...


    Having been tiding up in the Model room I came across a SP package with a set of Shoe Beams for B4/5 trailing or MK6 Motor bogies.. and the pack was labelled as Item # P198a, Aha! I thought I'll post that ... but first I'll check it out on the SP website...


    Well no luck, P198a doesn't exist :unsure: B*M!


    So I did a little navigation ... and found .................. TA DA!


    P 358 Shoebeams & Support brackets & dampers for B4/B5 sideframes (white metal) (pr) 1.75

    P 358a Shoebeams & Support brackets & dampers for B4/B5 sideframes (white metal) (4 Car Set) 4.50




    So there you go Dave, much easier that faffing about with the earlier posted idea.


    This WILL help.



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