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    PannierTanking down the branch line...
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    Alternate history
    FT-17 light tanks
    Anything railways
    Olympic class ocean liners
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  1. After playing Battlefield 1 (a WW1 first person shooting game) I’ve been trying to source a Char 2C super heavy tank in 1/48 for my layout. 

    The tank itself would be painted in British operating colours since it would have been a creation of the fictional Riverside Works for the anniversary of WW1 and also because the tank looks awesome. However the last Char 2C was stolen when the Germans attacked a train in WW2 that was carrying the tank. This tank disappeared in Russia so for all we know, it could still be there along with the Zaamurets armoured train.


    Does anyone know where I could find a 1/48 model of this tank?

    1. truffy


      I was only able to find Char B1 bis and Char D2 in 1:48 on SCM.


      TBH, 1:48 is not a common scale for AFV, 1:35 and 1:72 are far more common. Char 2C is available in both of those scales.

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