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luke the train spotter

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Everything posted by luke the train spotter

  1. So I've done a bit of work on the wagons. These are the peco RTR flatbeds that I'm modifying. So far ive added the wooden ends to the wagons using some wire, card and a couple drops of super glue. Here's my progress so farThey will be painted and fitted with bomb loads in due course. I think the ends add a bit more to the wagons as they were looking a bit 'flat' before. I'm quite tempted to pick up another pack of these wagons to create some longer trains.
  2. Looks fantastic. Is it mount board or some thick card that you use? You get a very impressive amount of depth.
  3. Really like the track plan. Looks very industrial and the small points should give it a nice tight radius track work feel. Amazing what you can fit in a small.soace really.
  4. Big but of progress today, I've finished laying and wiring up all the track. The copper clad PCB board still hasn't arrived yet (delivery date keeps getting pushed back) so I ordered some Vero board instead which has worked really well. I've also been able to run some test trains. Since I've also got this Friday off sixth form I should be able to progress a lot more with the wood work of the fascia and backscenes as well as maybe get round to filming a YouTube video. Here are some pictures of my progress. As you can see I have a baseboard joint then a joint for the traverser. I have a question/problem though, what can i use to line up the traverser and main baseboard. Currently I'm a bit lost with what to use . Some links would probably be helpful if you've got any please.
  5. Thanks mate. If you've got any questions I'm happy to answer them.
  6. Think I've seen this layout build on ngrm. Great little layout and a very nice looking little loco.
  7. Wow thank you! That is very helpful information. So now I have a slight hope of prototype for the landrover.
  8. I've had friends who have bought and built those kits and they said that they had no issues with the chassis. I've been tempted myself. Though very basic and look like they need a good deal of filler on them, they look like a good starting point for a project.
  9. Firstly, I'd give full marks to the graphite pencil. It's well worth the couple of pounds that I paid for it. This post is more about my rolling stock than the layout. For quite some time I had wanted to build a rail mounted land rover and I'm a big fan of unusual prototypes and when I saw one online I just had to try and model it. There are 2 key components, an Oxford diecast model and a kato 11-104 chassis. Looking back it would've been better if I could have found a plastic kit to work with because cutting through all the diecast metal was hard work, even with the Dremel. The results have paid off though. The make.shift coupling is just a bit of steel wire bent and glued to shape. There are still a few bits which need adding and tidying up but all in all I'm very happy with how it's turned out. It's not a 100% accurate model and definitely shouldn't be running on a RNAD layout but to me it looks quite smart heading up a train of skips. You never know, it might find a more appropriate home on a future layout.
  10. Couldn't resist taking a few photos. Just quick ones off my phone so nothing amazing but I'll do a proper photo shoot in the near future. i think the built up landscape works really well as a scenic break too. A graphite pencil arrived today which should improve reliability of running.
  11. I find this type of visual planning really useful. Worth mocking up landscapes and buildings with cereal packets, tape and basically anything else lying around you can use to get the rough shape and size of what you intend to build. Helps a lot when thinking about how you look at the layout and what perspectives you naturally take.
  12. Managed to get some more done with the layout. The rough grass is mostly sorted now. I'm quite happy with how this has come out. I wanted to give the impression of grass that wasn't as well kept as the grass on the front of the layout so added in some 7mm woodland scenics grass. Instead of using a static grass applicator I bunch the grass into small clumps then dab them on pva glue. Fibres then stick up right and you don't get a uniform look. After that some different scatters and fine turfs were pushed into place. Here's a picture:I think it looks much more like a layout now. Next up is the backscene needs sorting out as well as some small shrubs and trees and then I can do a bit more to the rolling stock.
  13. Not loads of progress today just getting some much needed jobs done. I'm currently working on another layout in the background but I'll save that for another day as it will have its own thread no doubt. After sixth form I picked up a dead cheap (£3 reduced from Yorkshire Trading) of some light brown emulsion paint. I've used this as a base coat for the grass which will be applied tomorrow all going well. I also did a bit more to the rocks by adding some more thin acrylic washes to them. So far so good and Im quite pleased to see how this layout is turning out. Any name suggestions are welcome.
  14. I get what you mean about reliable runners. I'm half tempted to repaint my roco diesel into a more appropriate livery. Does your layout have a thread here?
  15. That's very helpful and nice to see the variety of wagons. Your layout looks great by the way. May I ask about the different locos in that picture?
  16. Did you get any pictures of the finished layout?
  17. Thanks HappyChappy I wasn’t aware of them being prototypical at all, a happy coincidence. But now you mention it, it does make perfect sense and maybe gives me an excuse to buy some more If the flat beds go well then I think i might give scratch building a smal crew wagon a go to. Maybe to run with the skips as a place for th breaks.
  18. Looks like a great plan. Inglenooks have so much operational potential, i built on a couple years ago and never got bored of operating it. Personally I’ve never laid anything beneath my track and I’ve never had any problems with baseboards warping as long as they’re braced correctly, which looking at yours seems to be the case. I think with starting a first layout it’s key not to over complicate anything and take your time with it.
  19. Thanks ruston, I've now ordered a graphite stick. I'd about heard before but never looked into one but good to hear that they are worth the money. I'm still building up stock for the layout and a set of vans are definitely on the shopping list.
  20. Back with a bit more progress. Firstly I have done all the paper mache and the plaster rock areas. The rocks have just had a base coat wash and they need a fair bit more work doing to them to get them up to the standard that I'd like. I need to buy some brown paint to act as a base coat before I can do any of the grass work here. Also, there is a foamboard backscene now running the length of the layout. I'll need to sort out a backscene for that. I can't decide whether to airbrush one or buy a photographic one though. Today a delightful parcel arrived for me. Inside it was a set of peco skips (not prototypical but a must have for me) and some flatbeds which will be converted into RNAD wagons. I wasnt sure if they would manage the curves but they seem fine so I may order another pack. In the package there was also a Kato chassis but I'll share more about that another time as it is now part of its own little project to provide some more motive power to the layout.
  21. Looking good as usual. I like what you're hinting about.... Very compact layouts if you can avoid points and utilise wagon turntables. Maybe an Easter project?
  22. Thanks guys. I have a question Chris, what did you use to remove the branding on your sentinel? I don't want to damage the paint work on mine so probably won't use my normal method of thinners and a sharp blade. Thanks ooman, glad you like the sentinels too. The cake was very tasty thanks. Best way to be served at an exhibition.
  23. Well it's been a bit quite on distillery yard. To me ive finished it so there isn't much more to do to it for me hence why I've moved onto other projects. But, I couldn't resist getting my hands on a new loco for the layout. One of my friends wanted a Crosley and Evans sentinel so I swapped mine (pretty much unused as I never got round to repainting it) for this tarmac livery one. Once the tarmac livery is removed I think it will make quite a nice freelance industrial model. Here it is on the layout To me it already looks quite at home. So I've got a list of modifications I'd like to make to it (rebranding, etched name plates, reweathering, crew fitting, DCC and stay alive fitting, kadees fitting, full service) then it should be available to enter traffic. Another fantastic engine from Hornby for the industrial fleet.
  24. The lighting adds a lot of atmosphere and depth to the layout. I love the church pews visible. The 009 stock is also a great addition too.
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