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Coal Tank

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Everything posted by Coal Tank

  1. Hi Rob that's a very nice wagon are you going to make them available John
  2. Hi Jol it was good to catch up with on Saturday can you remind me of which paint you use for the yellow lining these days John Lewsey
  3. Hi hi Jol any chance of a better photo of the D71 john ive just realised that the co ache in the tray isn't the D71 which diagram is it john
  4. This really does look superb john
  5. This looks really interesting
  6. Hi guys what's the best wat to ballast and paint track john
  7. Hi I confess that I did buy them from a lady that I've seen at exhibitios but I can't recall her name john
  8. A couple of trees this board is really a test piece for ideas and may or may not be used in the final layout .The next board will be the viaduct board and the reason for the name Brick Bridge is that the viaduct will (hopefully) be a brick structure and at the moment I'm not sure if that will be brick papers or if it's possible laser cut John
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