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Posts posted by Chrisoafc

  1. Good evening. A little progress report here.

    Since the last update I have improved the backscene and tried to get the continuity right when it comes to putting the three backscenes together.

    I have been mostly working on the 3rd board this week and it's gone from a gluey mess to something which looks more like a railway! I have also levelled my road bridge out and added fencing to the side of it.

    On the track side of things, I have ballasted and then added a "mucky" colouring in places. I've begun weathering my track with *Woodland Scenics Track Painter pens* which are rusty rail colour and sleeper colour.

    I have also added some deciduous trees on the embankment as historic photos suggested that it wasn't just bear grass, it had some trees encroaching on the railway.

    I have also weathered my water tower and added grass tufts around telegraph poles and signals.

    While looking at old photos I noticed two lineside sheds on the entrance to the goods sidings, so I had to make these out of card. (Please let me know if these look ok).


    Furthermore, at some stage I would like to exhibit Diggle Junction, so if you think it could be exhibited (with a lot of work I know), please say, if not, let me know what needs to be done!

    Thank you

  2. Hello!

    I had a feeling I read about hat somewhere in an article about the tunnels, I think the title was "Diggle - 4 bores but definitely not boring!"

    Thanks for the wonderful information there. So interesting, a friend of mine also told me of a "Cathedral" inside the tunnels to link all of them together, definitely not your standard tunnels here!

    That's why I chose to model Diggle. In present day, the transpennine route across Saddleworth and through Diggle looks very boring indeed, with few noticeable features, but back in the days of steam, WOW! A changed location back then certainly. So I hope one day, if I ever get on the exhibition circuit with Diggle Junction I can provide a bit of education to many who will probably pass the former station on their daily commute, but will no doubt have no idea what Diggle Junction was like.


    Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Here is a photo of the "Cathedral" inside Stanedge Tunnels.



  3. And here is my effort of modelling Diggle Junction.

    Far far far from complete, (if a model railway is ever complete that is) and I am just plodding on really with the scenery, so in general, slow progress!

    I am only 19 so I appreciate any advice at all, whether I've done something wrong or whether I can improve on something, any advice at all is much appreciated.

    Thank you for looking, I shall be updating you all with the progress on this layout :)








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  4. The station has a distinctive "builders yard" feel to it!


    The 1980s picture of the signal box and the former Junction just shows how many lines were ripped up! The Micklehurst freight line, all the sidings etc.


    The modern day images show how overgrown the former island platform has become and how the foliage has taken over around the signal box with no evidence left of what was a busy Junction.











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  5. Hello all!

    I am currently in the process of building a layout which is more or less based on Diggle Junction - in the heart of the Pennines, nestled just to the west of Stanedge Tunnels.

    I chose this location because I live locally and because I like a challenge! The track plans are complicated and the mass of sidings at Diggle mean that operating potential is huge!

    I started the layout in late summer, collecting pictures and drawing out plans, and gradually it has come alive.

    The station had four long platforms and with them being directly next to the 3 mile long tunnels, this was a great stop over place for railway workers, guards, drivers etc.

    The Huddersfield canal which runs alongside the railway lines disappears into a tunnel just before the station and actually goes underneath the track bed under the 2 bore tunnel (correct me if I'm wrong!)

    There was a moderately sized goods yard at Diggle, one I have had to shrink significantly due to space!

    There was also a mass of sidings near the signal box at Diggle, used for storing coal wagons I believe...

    The signal box itself is still in existence, essential due to the tunnels.

    I shall attach photos of the original Diggle Junction (then and now) and I shall also attach some photos of my layout so far...


    Thank you for looking

  6. Here is a photo of the "Junction" part of Diggle on my layout. It's far from being finished as you can tell but I thought I could share it as in black and white, it does look quite atmospheric! Will take some more photos soon when I progress further.

    I'm new to this forum and fairly new to railway modelling.


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  7. Yes it's a local station to me which I regularly pass through on the modern transpennie express trains. I thought I should delve into history and do a bit of research on Diggle to make a model. It's changed so much over the years, from two tunnels to four, a level crossing in late 1800s which changed to the road bridge after the redevelopment of the station and much more. Diggle also had quite a substantial amount of goods sidings, sadly due to space restrictions I cannot include them alll but I've given it a good attempt!

    I'm modelling the 1960s period, towards the end of its "active life"... of course I'll share photos as the layout progresses.

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  8. Hello! I'm currently building a model of Diggle Junction on the former London and North Western Railway. Diggle Junction is situated on top of the Pennines in the remote area of Saddleworth and the station of Diggle is situated directly to the west of Stanedge Tunnels. With 4 platforms, the facilities were somewhat "generous" for the location. Diggle station closed on 7th October 1968 but the signal box on the transpennine route is still known as Diggle Junction.

    I'm 19 and obviously haven't been modelling for as long as some people on here so when I post some photos, advice would be much appreciated!

    Thank you in advance.

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  9. Hi all, I'm Chris from Saddleworth.

    I am a railway modelling enthusiast and I have attempted a few fictional locations to model but not tried modelling a real location, until now! I'm 19 so not been doing this a long time unlike some of you I presume so some advice would be great thank you!

    So I'm modelling Diggle Junction and station, situated immediately west of the 3 mile long Stanedge Tunnels high on the hills of Saddleworth Moor.

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