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new puritan

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Everything posted by new puritan

  1. Whoops You're correct as it is an 8'6" pallet-wide box Martyn. Should have looked at it before posting. No build date decipherable but I suspect early 1990s. Tried to examine that one at West Hampstead from the other side and was refused permission. They would not believe that I only wanted some pictures of an old box! How about one with a pantograph on top...
  2. There are plenty of 'unloved' Freightliner containers in various liveries scattered around. This one was photographed last October and is all that remains of the original 40 x 8 x 8 box. Manufactured by Adamsons of Stockport for those that may care. and I think there won't be many of you. ...
  3. Try here ... http://www.chocen.tv/index.php No shunting and less freight though!
  4. I think that was built in the early 1990s when the few of us who actually made things at the club met up at a corner table and discussed/modelled the prototype and ignored the 'fun and games' around us. Often wondered why our resident bus enthusiast never joined in as he was a good modeller. BTW Hello Chris!!!
  5. new puritan

    A new Dawn

    Am not aware of UP having U36Bs ... but they are from 2 decades later than my modelling period and the other side of the USA.
  6. You have to do something when on night turn and this makes a change from my usual subject [wagons] ...
  7. Don't be shy Paul ... just admit that you are a darned good modeller! I told you that soldering/bending brass kits was not a black art when you returned to modelling a few years ago and your work portrayed on here has proved that. Mark
  8. Details West do a few non cosmetic HO scale beacons ... http://www.detailswest.com/
  9. I believe 901720 started life as a runner for a Cowan Sheldon 45 ton crane. Another pic of it here ... http://john678.fotopic.net/p60119958.html
  10. Brian Appleby transfers date back to the last century IIRC. They would have been correct at the time but the lettering has multiplied in quantity, particularly in the last 7/8 years. The current style [as in my pic] is almost exclusively limited to those that have been painted more recently in the 'brighter' greens with yellow headstocks and jacks. This would explain the 'release handbrake both ends' being commonly seen in white and therefore a later addition [2000 onwards] to those wagons still carrying the more sparse yellow lettering supplied in the 1990s Appleby set. HTH Mark
  11. Brian Seems to me that the answer is the usual response ... copy one of your pics. There are a maze of variations in the paint and lettering on these and I do not yet have enough information to answer your question as to paint date. The latest and commonest variation with all yellow lettering [and more of it than previously] seems to date from 2005 [as in my pic of 95245] but if you were ask the same one on MHA Coalfish I am embarrassed to say I could tell you which had lettering that varied from the 'standard' styles. If you can't find a pic of yours that matches the Appleby sheet then feel free to PM me a scan so that I can match it to a prototype. Regards Mark
  12. Mr Daniels Many shades of green adorned these over the years ... not just 3! A few minutes on my spreadsheet for the KFA warflats show KFA MODA95255 and 95257 [there may be more] have/had a similar colour to the 'MOD mud' you describe applied to them in the recent past. These also have/had a mixture of white and yellow lettering. I'll dig out a pic or two if it would help. Cheers Mark
  13. Current version is R6216B and R6225B for the 3 pack. Original version R6216/R6225, now very cheap if you see them ... are useful as you can use the chassis under the S Kits MH001C body to represent MHA394500-396165.
  14. We discussed this in June 2008 on the DEMU forum Rich ... Originally used as MCA-MDA-MDA-MDA-MCA as MCA have swing head couplers and buffers and MDA are buckeye fitted but do not have buffers. MOA are also buffer fitted but with conventional drawgear so mixed rakes are often seen on the prototype ... you'll need to get them in the correct formation on your models! :icon_biggrin: I have seen MOAs on their own in trains without MCA/MDA in the consist, but not often.
  15. Hmm... Dapol MBA ... Bogies that do not look like the real thing, chunky hand brake wheel, disappointing underframe details, large holes for buffers, side ribs look too wide ... I think I will give up looking at this 'model' ... it's not looking good ... probably a good bet going for the Bachmann Rich!
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